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Eating Poo

Vader's mum

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I'm sure this has been posted many times but I have just seen my boy eat his poo! ugh I feel Ill!!!

This has never happened before, I just wanted to know is there a reason he has decided tonight was the night he wanted to try it? Oh I know dogs will be dogs but still :thumbsup:

Does it mean maybe I'm not feeding him enough?


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No it almost certainly doesn't mean you're under feeding him - although this is why some dogs do it I doubt you'd be on here asking about it if you were the sort to starve your dog!

Have you changed his food recently or has he been a little sick? New food sometimes doesn't digest the same so the dog thinks "oh smells like dinner lets eat'' and sometimes when the dog has been a little ill his digestive system doesn't work as well as usual so the same thing happens.

How old is the dog?

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I haven't changed his food I alternate between chicken wings, the odd bit of lamb and some patties I made but I followed the BARF directions. His main diet would be the wings though I found necks irritated his bowels too much.

He's 11 weeks old and he hasn't been ill the other day however he did alot of poos and they weren't firm but I kept an eye on him and it was firm by the morning. I did give him some natural yoghurt (was mixed in with other stuff in his kong) the other day but I wouldn't consider it enough to be a worry.

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At 11 weeks a little upset like that could be enough to upset his digestion a little, and could upset his natural gut flora enough for him to instinctively search out poo to adjust it back again. Some say this why dogs like herbivore poo so much, because the gut bacteria required to digest vegetation is somehow useful to carnivores.

Personally I would just make sure I picked up before he did and corrected him if he showed undue interest in his poo (it's natural for a dog to sniff :D) and he should be OK. Some people think that making a big deal out of it just makes the dog think ''ah, something I can use to get attention" so perhaps err on the side of caution. Good luck!

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Apparently feeding them pieces of pineapple stops it.

Doubtful that it would result from underfeeding or diet lacking in nutrients.

It can be the result of a boring diet though eg if you feed the same dry food everyday.

My dog is absolutely disgusted by poo LOL

She won't touch a toy or ball if it touches a poo!

Sometimes she'll be sniffing, come across a poo and recoil back in horror.

I'm not sure if thats normal not though

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It was only one side of it clearly more tasty than the other as he didnt touch the other end... Crazy dog!

Aussielover he get roughly a handful of dry food if that when I head outor need a bit of time (usually every second day) I scatter it in the grass so he has t find it keeps him entertained and out of my hair for a while. haha I can just see your dog now obi usually just sniffs it then wanders away hasn't happen yet today so hopfully it was a once off. Little grott :D

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ike does the same he for some reason has a fascination with his poo! and no matter how well i clean the run, he always seems to find more.. is there anything that i could add to his diet to make his poop seem not so tasty?

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My dogs will both eat cat poo, but don't touch dog poo, neither their own nor others out on walks.

I find it disgusting too, but we manage it by not giving them access to the litter trays. When they do get hold of cat poo I usually take it off them and give them something that they need to chew on for a while, like a chicken strip or kong, just to clean their mouths out.

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My dogs will both eat cat poo, but don't touch dog poo, neither their own nor others out on walks.

I find it disgusting too, but we manage it by not giving them access to the litter trays. When they do get hold of cat poo I usually take it off them and give them something that they need to chew on for a while, like a chicken strip or kong, just to clean their mouths out.

Haha I just found Kenobi in the litter tray not eating poo but the actual litter stuff it's all organic but still god I own a grott! Lucky he's only ver had access one to t never again.

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Guest belgian.blue

My two ate it as puppies and grew out of it. They get a balanced diet and variety.

It is just something dogs tend to do.

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