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Pregnant Bitch - Change In Personality/temperament?


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I don't think anyone should be breeding dogs with either HA or DA tendencies, but that's up to the breeder, as I pointed out before

well there are a lot of people out there breeding entire bitches who object to other entire bitches being on their turf, a lot of breeders using stud dogs who object to another entire dog being on their turf. It's fairly normal behaviour, only the alpha pair breed. Would hardly call it DA.

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Well, I have Staffords and the bitches can be absolute ARSEHOLES with other bitches even when NOT in season (although NEVER with humans because that isn't their way)....bitch isn't even a strong enough word for them. I've found that when my girls have been mated, it actually calms them down a bit. In Koda's case, within a week of her being mated I just knew that she was in whelp and within 2 weeks there was absolutely no doubt, even if the waistline hadn't given her away, the temperament and apparent "morning sickness" would have!

I would hazard a guess that many, if not most, Stafford people would concur with me, even if in a small way about bitch temperaments.

Does that mean that NO Stafford bitch should be bred from?

My Stafford girls are pure pains like this when in season... My bella was mated today and at 1st she wanted to kill the stud but when she realised he wasnt out to hurt her they were great mates an hour later...Stafford bitches have a temprement that only their fellow owners could understand and i believe it is the same WITH EVERY BREED.... i trust my girls more than i do my own children as i know they would never hurt a human intentionally where my kids in with others is a different story its always the other childs fault (brothers and sister squabbles..... daily basis :shrug: )

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wow, if every breeder stopped using a bitch who had varying degrees of any agression during her season/mating/whelping/raising the litter then i doubt there would be 1 breeder left.

I got poms and I dont see how a problem in a great dane would be differnt in a pom, a great dane is same size as a great dane, and a pom is same size as a pom.. There would be a problem if she had a great dane that wanted to kill a pom.... but she doesnt.

I had a bitch who would REFUSE to mate with anyone but my desexed pet, even now she flirts with him and prefer his company over any other dog. is that a problem too, should I not breed from her because she prefers another dog?

Personality changes are a RECOGNISED part of pregnancy (or falsies) and this can be lumped under the personality change.

If the bitch did this out of the blue with no health problem (sore toe, and daughter stood on it etc) then it would be a concern, but the poster ONLY said it happens during mating.

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My bitch has a sound and stable temperament, that anyone will attest to, She is not DA or HA.

When my bitch was mated, 2 weeks later she had a fight with her daughter. It happened right in front of me. I broke it up.

Her daughter was 18 months old at the time and was also having her first season.

The daughter did have some small cuts to her neck, no vet required.

I don't know what would have happened had I have not been there.

Yep i say wanted to kill her daughter as it was uncharacteristic of her to behave that way.

I never leave them together unsupervised now.

I have come home several times to find the daughter has jumped the baby gate, and is playing in the back yard with her mother like nothing has happened. I don't know it won't happen again so i separate them when im not home.

The pups from that litter are 12months in 2 weeks. I kept a dog from this litter to show.

I have seen all of them regularly as have many others as most visits happen at shows.

They too have sound and stable temperaments, all are desexed.

I have many pictures on my website if you wish to have a look :thumbsup:

In fact we are having a family reunion at our Clubs Specialty this weekend!

Both have another season and there is no issues.

I mate her this time, and when she comes home she growls and lunges at her daughter.

I, plus the behaviorist (plus many other breeders o various breeds) put it down to being the alpha bitch and only she can have puppies in her house.

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wow, if every breeder stopped using a bitch who had varying degrees of any agression during her season/mating/whelping/raising the litter then i doubt there would be 1 breeder left.

I received many PM's saying the exact same thing!

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wow, if every breeder stopped using a bitch who had varying degrees of any agression during her season/mating/whelping/raising the litter then i doubt there would be 1 breeder left.

I received many PM's saying the exact same thing!

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