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Pregnant Bitch - Change In Personality/temperament?


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This is my first litter. Clover, if pregnant, is either 1-2 weeks along.

She has become significantly quieter... She is 'not herself'. She still likes eating, still likes playing fetch, still likes going for walks. But at the moment she just isn't as enthused about life as she normally is.

If she wasn't suspected-pregnant, then I would take her to the vet - the change in her personality is so strong.

But I'm not sure if it's normal for a bitch to have such a change. Could you please share your experiences and advice.

Thanks. :wave:

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yes, you can see a personality change in a pregnant bitch - and also in one that is having a false pregancy. Generally signs to look out for in the first three weeks are:

Possible moring sickness (or being 'off colour')

Possible personality changes - she might want more attention

May be picky with her food

You may see enlarged nipples, the vulva will still be slightly enlarged and you may see or feel a slight swelling behind the ribs.

You may also get all of these symptoms with a false pregnancy - the best way to tell for sure is an ultrasound at 3 - 4 weeks, thats when you will be able to detect the heartbeats of any embryos.

eta - the ultrasound will be a good indicator of pregnancy, but don't use it to guess the number of pups!! :wave:

Edited by lappiemum
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Fingers crossed for puppies!

I have a bitch who as soon as she is mated, wants to kill her daughter. - Im talking the same day!

They are never alone together now as her mother tried to kill her in a fight.

Any other season, she likes her.

2nd mating/litter same thing, wants to kill her again.

Then it's back to being friendly once the litter has been born.

I put it down to the alpha bitch being the only one allowed to have puppies.

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I know what you mean. One of my girls was mated about 3 and half weeks ago, and is a completely different personality at the moment, Fussy, but hungry (tried to steal a steak off the bench last night - as I was cutting it up!) , not wanting to be with the other dogs much and certainly not interested in zoomies around the house like she usually is. Just wants constant belly rubs and cuddles. She tries to make me feel guilty for going to work in the mornings - gives me big sad looks LOL

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Fingers crossed for puppies!

I have a bitch who as soon as she is mated, wants to kill her daughter. - Im talking the same day!

They are never alone together now as her mother tried to kill her in a fight.

Any other season, she likes her.

2nd mating/litter same thing, wants to kill her again.

Then it's back to being friendly once the litter has been born.

I put it down to the alpha bitch being the only one allowed to have puppies.

And have you asked yourself, or someone with extensive dog behaviour knowledge, whether a bitch who does this should be forwarding those genes into the future?

Do you feel comfortable breeding a bitch which, even though hormonal, wants to kill her daughter in a fight? Danes are a big dog, and any aggression at all is more a problem than this type of aggression in a snall breed. Either way, I would not breed her - for the good of the breed.

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And have you asked yourself, or someone with extensive dog behaviour knowledge, whether a bitch who does this should be forwarding those genes into the future?

Do you feel comfortable breeding a bitch which, even though hormonal, wants to kill her daughter in a fight? Danes are a big dog, and any aggression at all is more a problem than this type of aggression in a snall breed. Either way, I would not breed her - for the good of the breed.

You know well enough that bitches in season are in fact right bitches.

You also know that bitches can start fights for what ever reason as can dogs.

Does she do it any other time other then when mated no, do I see it as a problem no, do others no.

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Well, it's your problem. Of course, the pups she produces will be someone else's problem.

How many litters have you bred?

How old are the pups out of her?

You are the breeder. it is up to you. I certainly wouldn't be breeding a bitch with problems like that. For the good of the people I sell the pups to.

No doubt you know best. :laugh:

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I Must have dreamt all the other threads where bitches in seasons get in fights.

Is she a narky bitch any other time, no.

Is she a narky bitch every season, no.

Is she a narky bitch to the only other entire bitch in our house who cycles two weeks after her who happens to be her daughter, yes.

Is that a reason not to breed her, no according to those I have consulted.

I may not have been breeding for 20+ years but those I converse with have.

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Well, I have Staffords and the bitches can be absolute ARSEHOLES with other bitches even when NOT in season (although NEVER with humans because that isn't their way)....bitch isn't even a strong enough word for them. I've found that when my girls have been mated, it actually calms them down a bit. In Koda's case, within a week of her being mated I just knew that she was in whelp and within 2 weeks there was absolutely no doubt, even if the waistline hadn't given her away, the temperament and apparent "morning sickness" would have!

I would hazard a guess that many, if not most, Stafford people would concur with me, even if in a small way about bitch temperaments.

Does that mean that NO Stafford bitch should be bred from?

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My girls stay the same, more or less. Still play & go stupid & don't tire even when really fat near the end.

They get a bit more sooky later on but they are like this anyway. Lots more belly rubs so it may be my fault.

Tara did a funny thing when she had a fake pregnancy one time. She gathered all the toys around the place, I mean heaps of them, into a bed & guarded them & growled when the others came near.

Should have known why. It was so funny & puzzling at first.

All different I guess. Good luck for babies.

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Ellz, no idea, I suppose it depends on the definition of "absolute arseholes" and whether that equates with "wants to kill her daughter". :laugh:

Sway, if you want to complain instead of answering my questions, and you say you are doing everything perfectly anyhow, so there is no point in continuing the discussion. :rofl:

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Ellz, no idea, I suppose it depends on the definition of "absolute arseholes" and whether that equates with "wants to kill her daughter". :laugh:

Absolutely! Many Stafford people cannot run bitches with ANY other bitch, ESPECIALLY their daughters!!!

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I do not think SwaY complained she made a statment to the OP's query.

Jed I think your attack on SwaY was uncalled for.

Frequently I have read threads in here about never have two bitches, they will fight to the death etc etc and they can be neutered.

I have 7 bitches 2 different breeds. Occasional food fight but never any other aggression. Protective of the litter for a few days then will let anyone care for them.

I know both SwaY's girls and they do not have a mean bone in their body. I have also seen pups from both previous litters and the ones I have seen are absolute delights. Very very socialised. In fact one thinks it needs knees coz it's a lap dog. Lives with sheps.

I have seen very HA dogs at shows who are happily bred from, this I believe is a concern.

I believe Meerkat Manor recently showed an episode where one of the girls took herself of and mated and when she returned to the pack the alpha girl beat her up as she is the only one allowed to be preggers.

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I believe Meerkat Manor recently showed an episode where one of the girls took herself of and mated and when she returned to the pack the alpha girl beat her up as she is the only one allowed to be preggers.

happens all the time on Meerkat Manor :rofl: happens in wolf packs too

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BB - "kill her sister" does not describe the dog you are talking about. And I didn't attack sway, if you will return and read, I asked her a question, she didn't want to answer me so she attacked me, and justified what she is doing.

What she breeds, and what she breeds it with, is her business. I pointed that out to her, so I have no idea why you are on the attack too. I don't think anyone should be breeding dogs with either HA or DA tendencies, but that's up to the breeder, as I pointed out before

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BB - "kill her sister" does not describe the dog you are talking about. And I didn't attack sway, if you will return and read, I asked her a question, she didn't want to answer me so she attacked me, and justified what she is doing.

What she breeds, and what she breeds it with, is her business. I pointed that out to her, so I have no idea why you are on the attack too. I don't think anyone should be breeding dogs with either HA or DA tendencies, but that's up to the breeder, as I pointed out before

OK then, let's just apply BSL to most of the breeds which were originally bred for fighting then Jed shall we? Because that's pretty much what you are saying.

The breed temperament and its various foibles are exactly why RESPONSIBLE breeders screen their prospective homes so carefully and why many/most are well versed in preventing and breaking up dog fights.

Nobody is for one minute saying that HA dogs or DA dogs are NOT a problem, but to almost literally condemn entire breeds simply because that is their inherent nature is really really sad IMO.

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