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Black Specks Under Dogs Skin..?


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My friend has a gorgeous chihuahua dog. She's about 4 years old and entire in case that matters.

Today while I was over there she was having a snooze in my lap, on her back with her legs in the air as she often does... when I noticed a little line of black dots in the middle of her tummy. I thought they looked a bit weird (it was obvious they weren't skin markings) so I asked my friend to turn a light on and scratched at one of them. Scratching at them didn't do much but when I 'squeezed' them (kind of like you would a pimple) the little black specks actually popped out of her skin! Looking at a few of them when we got them out, they reminded me ALOT of human head lice eggs (I used to work in a hair salon! Lol). They were sort of dark and oval shaped with a lighter tip if that makes any sense. They are very small about the size of a poppy seed.

Does anyone know what this could be? They dont seem to cause her any discomfort at all and she certainly wasn't bothered by us poking and prodding at them while she was sleeping so I dont think they're causing her any pain. There's still quite a few there and I think it would be best to get them out.. but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone knows what they could be first in case it's best not to disturb them. I honestly couldn't tell if they were seeds or eggs of some kind just by looking at them. My friend thinks they've been there for a long time though but he's never worried much about them..

Thanks in advance :thumbsup:. I will take a photo when I'm there tommorrow and add it to this thread too!

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My first thought was blackheads, specially since they popped out from her skin. Dogs can get acne so why not blackheads to.
Blackhead squeezing is a popular pass time of many a hairless Crestie owner :D Are they quite firm?

Hmm.. I dont think they're black heads. My iggy gets black heads pretty often but these seemed different? Like when you look at them in her skin they look like something that's gone in on an angle.. and when they pop out they look like *something* rather than just a blackhead if that makes sense! There's also a whole line of them going directly down the middle of her tummy.. that seems weird to me.

Maybe they are blackheads.. hmm.. I'll take that pic tommorrow and see what people think :thumbsup:.

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