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How Hot Is Too Hot?


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We are coming into summer and have had over a week of 35C+ days already. It's probably going to be a scorcher until March.

I am trying to reduce my electricity use and am being far more careful turning on the air-cons than I have been in the past. So far I haven't turned it on for more than 20 minutes or so to take the heat out of my bedroom right when I go to bed. I've avoided it during the day almost completely.

I don't worry when I am home with the doglets as I figure if I can live with it, they're fine, too. But I worry when I'm not home. Even when the temperature is the same. Stupid, I know.

They have access to lots of fresh water, lots of shade, most of the house and I leave the ceiling fan on in the living room. The blackout curtains are drawn so there's no streaming sunlight coming in.

So, what do you think? How hot does it need to be before I kick it on when I'm out of the house? How long do I need to be gone for? Should I stop worrying so much about it?

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I think we bump our setting up to 25c when its going to be hot but we are out. Its still warm inside but nothing on 35-40deg or so outside.

But if you can close up the windows with decent curtains from early in the day that will help it keep cool for longer.

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Well I'm a bit soft ..... if the temp is forecast to go over 34 degrees, I leave the aircon on at home while I am out. It's usually set to 25 degrees or thereabouts so not freezing inside but certainly more pleasant than outside.

If you have curtains drawn and a ceiling fan on, I reckon your doggies would be fine kja! I have friends in Karratha who leave their dogs in the laundry which is airconditioned! :rofl:

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When we were up north (Katherine, NT) the dogs were always outside when we were away. We had a large, cemented undercover area they could use and left the garage open with the fans on in there and never had a problem.

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For keeping the heat OUT of the house..

The Summer efore last we installed top quality roller shutters on the windows, tinted the windows and put in a new blowin roof insulation in our roof as full as we could get it without wasting any. This summer we are ripping up the last of the lino and carpet in this house and putting down floating floorboards, the tiles are new and cool so they are staying. :rofl: I bought extra laced curtains last year and really bunched them up so to block out more sun then usual and our normal interior curtains are block out ones. The Plasma TV heats up the room so we use that as little as possible on the hot days and make sure to not leave any lights on.

When the weather is at it's coolest I tie back all the curtains, open the rollershutters and slide open the windows, turn the fans on and let the nice cool breeze work it's magic on our interior walls, as soon as that cool temperature dimishes I lock the house up again and let my insulation do it's job. Our laundry and toilet are the only rooms which windows are not tinted, but they are small and that funny privacy windows any way that dont let direct sun in.

If you have ceiling fans, keep them on when you start to feel a bit warm, as they say heat rises so that would help a bit. :(

When to turn the A/C on..

is the heat in your home a sticky yucky heat or a dry heat? I think each one has a different need for temperatures with the A/C.

Personally if it's a 40 degree day outside the A/C goes on inside, but my house is really climate controlled so I couldn't give you the exact temperate that I would turn them on.

Maybe 30 degrees?

Edited by Parkeyre
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Most of our dogs are usually outside - when it reaches 40 we hose them down a couple of times during the day

They are on sand.. so they have a big patch which is kept damp ..and in shade, They dig holes in the damp sand... and stay remarkably cool doing this :thumbsup:

The inside dogs just flake on the cooler floor .. our aircon often only gets the house down to around 30 deg. ..but still better than 40plus!

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OK, it mostly looks like they should be good mostly even without it on.

They have plenty of places to go and choices of materials to lounge on both inside and outside.

Mostly our heat is dry.

Guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing - when I think it's too hot for me to be in it, it's too hot for them to be in it!

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If it's going to be over 30 degrees I put my aircon on a timer to kick in at the time when the house starts to heat up which is about 10am.

Now you can still run you aircon but don't have it set at the uber cold levels if you use something like this, we have one in the dog kennel that will come in on a timer.

Click here

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I was tought never to leave on an electrical item when you aren't in the house (or even awake). Fire hazard.

When we had the terrible heat waves in Melbourne (46+) I didn't have an aircon and the dogs were fine. I closed all the blinds, left ice blocks and even had a wading pool in the bathroom (they are scared of water and refused to go near it) and they were fine. They slept a lot more, but weren't negatively impacted.

Your breed originates from a hot climate. I think they'll be fine.

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I have brachys but I don't turn the air-con on for them during the day unless it is above about 36-37 degrees. For the most part, they sleep and this helps keep their temp down. They also lie in the garage where it is cooler than outside. They have access to water and I will place frozen water bottles around for them to lie on and around if they feel the heat too much.

I am actually surprised by the number of people who put the air con on for dogs that are not predisposed to breathing problems. :thumbsup:

Most dogs are able to handle the heat without too many problems providing they have shade and water. They're dogs. They are no more, and no less, affected by the heat than huamns and a human can bare much higher temperatures as long as they have water. Why are we suddenly thinking they can't?

The elderly and infirm, sick, very young and brachy breeds should have obvious special consideration though.

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The only time my guys get the aircon is when I am at home and enjoying it :laugh: But my whole house is tiled so they happily lay starfish on those because they are cool, they get frozen kongs, iceblocks in their water and a wading pool outside.

Then they go an sunbake in the sun in 40 degree heat and get sunburnt :thumbsup:

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