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Please Pray For Chase

Kaffy Magee

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Sorry Crazy Cresties I didnt see your question :laugh:

Well I thought I would come in give a quick update. Chase is going great guns! Its crazy to look back at the p[hotos I took of him when it first happened to now, only 4-5 weeks later. He looked like such a baby back then, but has grown so much since. He has just finished his anti biotics today, so I will call the vet and ask if they want to do more xrays to see if its all clear. I was told they may not if he appears healthy and not coughing, which he is not. I think I'd like to have them done thiough, just incase he needs to be on anti bitoics for a bit longer, I'd hate to take a step back now. The vet that originally treated him (and thought he was a boxer), whom I dont like, has told me he is sure it was the treat that became stuck which caused him to vomit and then aspirate, so he doesnt need an epipen as it wasnt an allergic reaction. And he knows this how??? I cant see such a tiny treat becoming stuck and if he vomited why did he aspirate, unless he was struggling to breathe, which he would be if he was having an allergic reatcion He says " at this stage I dont think you need an epipen" He has no way of knowing if it was anaphylaxis or the treat that caused this. I sure as hell would rather have an epipen on hand "just in case" and not have to use it, than need one and not have it. Im going to wait until I see my normal vet and talk to him about it. He'll give me one :)

Chase the day I bought him home, looking so sad,lol


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I always carry polaramine (or other antihistamine tablets for me as well as Tango - he's allergic to Euro wasps)...I'm allergic to all sorts of things soI carry an epipen and have for the past 10 years since I ended up in hospital) and I have had a couple of times when I have started to go into anaphylaxis, but 1 Polaramine tab taken as soon as I am aware that I am having a dangerous reaction will stop the reaction in me in a few minutes...I'd carry them for him as well.

He's looking sooooooooooooo much better!!!! :laugh:

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Oh wow, I just read through all of your updates of the whole 21 pages! :)

I feel like I've just had lows, then great highs with you! :laugh:

If you're still worried about an allergy, can you have allergy testing done? Then you know if he's allergic to anything, and can act appropriately.

He could have aspirated if he just happened to breath in at the wrong moment. Might be one of those things you never know.

ETA- MM an epipen is a metred dose of adrenaline. It means if someone (or an animal) has an anaphylactic reaction, it basically works to open up airways for long enough to get emergency help. Anyone with a nut allergy would carry one, it basically just buys time until an ambulance can arrive.

Edited by MissMaddy
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  MissMaddy said:
ETA- MM an epipen is a metred dose of adrenaline. It means if someone (or an animal) has an anaphylactic reaction, it basically works to open up airways for long enough to get emergency help. Anyone with a nut allergy would carry one, it basically just buys time until an ambulance can arrive.

Thanks for that. Fascinating really :laugh: . Whoever invented that must have made a motza at least I hope so, because I am sure it has saved many lives.

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Thanks everyone! I took Chase in today for an xray and he got the all clear :mad

He also has a big hard lump between his shoulder blades, vet thinks its a reaction from an injection he has had while in hospital. The vet did a biopsy and something else on it just incase but says all seems fine and it could take up to 3 months to go away. If not, they can take it out. Its pretty big, and hard.

I also found a dermatology veterinary specialist in Melbourne that does testing for bee sting allergy and they also have bees ting vaccines to give tot he dog to desensitise it. I was so excited when I found the info, I rang them and it will cost nearly $900 for the consult and the testing :mad Sadly I cant afford that right now :mad Its already cost me over $4000 plus we have just paid all our savings into our new house. Hopefully once we shift and get new jobs, I'll be able to work something out for future testing, but until then, he is mainly indoors and I'll get an epipen. Atleast I know it can be tested for and I will most definitely get it done at some point, so I can stop(or continue) being a paranoid freak :mad

Heres a pic of the lump on his back, does anyone know much about these and is there anyway I can help it go down quicker?


Edited by Kaffy Magee
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HE looks great Kaffy, but tha is a big lump :) Poor angel, such a lovely boy, and yep, he is huge!!!

there is a dermatologist from bris who visits nambour vets, about an hour and a half away and we go there and even to bris if need be, he is excellent.

Hopefully you wont need an allergy specialist.... :laugh:

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