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Please Pray For Chase

Kaffy Magee

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Oh bugger that isn't good.

Hang in there little Chase boy, there are lots of people winging healing vibes to you to get you thorugh the surgery to come.

Kaffy if you read this get on BilboBaggins, I am sure she will be a wonderful shoulder for you.

Best of luck

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I'm so sorry there's been a downturn Kaffy, I'll keep Chase in my prayers tonight. Hang in there handsome boy, you've got lots of years of mischief and fun ahead of you.

  Bilbo Baggins said:
Just rang the 2 emergency vets west side of Melb to see if a bullmastiff pup was expected, so i could offer Kaffy accom. But no go.

That's lovely of you BB.

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I am so sorry for your set back :laugh:

You must have been terrified when Chase became so unwell so quickly.

Sending you both positive healing energy and get well wishes. Chase sounds like a very strong little man.

A lovely offer Bilbo Baggins.

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Aaargh, I been typing on my phone for half hour with update and then lost it, tried again and lost it aain!!! Stupid iPhone!!! So just a very quick update until tonight when I can have access to normal computer. We didn't go down last night but are on our way now. To moorabbin. Having to make a decision to pit to sleep or pay close to $10000 for the op and after care is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, especially when u just bought a house last weekend, your husband is freaking out about the money your mum and vet are telling u that u have to think of your family. We managed to ring around around and came to an arrangement that he will have the surgery but come back to my vet for after care. It's the best can do at least it will cut the cost abit. The night befor it all happened I did a quote for pet insurance for my 2 pups as my others have it. I could have clicked buy now but decided since we just bought a house tocdo the right thing and wait to discuss with OH first whether to get it or get a credit card for pet emergencies only. I so wish I had it.

How do you put your dog to sleep when he is sitting up and licking your tears away? I couldn't.

I have only skimmed over the last couple of pages I just wanted to say thank you to you all and especially to bilbo baggins for your wonderful offer, I really appreciate it. Well this is it for now before I lose it all again.

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Oh no poor Chase. Did he inhale the treat Kaffy? :laugh: Such an easy thing to happen.

I would have done the same, got the op. and I'm sure so would all of us on here.

what a crazy crazy few days, buying a house and then this. You are incredible, Chase is one very lucky boy to have such a wonderful 'mum'. some things just are not negotiable, he is an angel. xxxxxxxxxx

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Thinking of you both kaf, don't feel guilty - pups are so good at aspirating food :-(

I can totally understand your financial dilemma, as much as they are our lives - sometimes in our lives there has to be a line in the sand. A pet medicare card would be a wonderful thing.

Thank you for keeping us updated, not an easy thing when you are in crisis.



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