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Another Walking Question

Persian Spitz

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1. When my dog and I go for walks, other dogs behind fences go nuts barking at him. He doesn't seem to mind. I've always thought this was normal assuming that other dogs smell the scent of my dog who are intruding on their territory (the street). I just wanted to ask if everyone experiences the same thing. Other dogs seem to bang against fences, trying to get out when we pass by.

2. Does it matter where your dog walks in relation to you? I read somewhere (I don't remember the site at the moment) that the dog has to walk beside you or behind you. Because if they're walking ahead of you, they see themselves as the pack leader or something. I'm not too sure. I see lot of people walking with their dogs in front of them.

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To the first question, yes that happens to me a lot.

My dog has been taught to walk beside me most of the time however every now and then on our walks he's allowed to walk on a 'loose lead' meaning he can be anywhere from beside me to in front of me, as long as he isn't pulling me along. If he pulls he gets sat on his butt quite quickly and will then resume walking next to me of his own accord. He is WELL aware of who is the pack leader/s in our house, and it sure isn't him.

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most dogs bark when people walk past their yards, my backyard backs onto a bit of a nature strip and then horse padocks so it is not uncommon to see horses, bikes, people or dogs go past and my elder dog will bark if people linger or if he can't see them I just consider it normal.

Lots of people have different opioions about where the dog should be in relation to you so its really up to what works for you and your dog, mine are allowed to to be anywhere as long as they aren't tripping me up and they aren't pulling as I am not to fussed about which side they are on or if they are in front or back.

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1. When my dog and I go for walks, other dogs behind fences go nuts barking at him. He doesn't seem to mind. I've always thought this was normal assuming that other dogs smell the scent of my dog who are intruding on their territory (the street). I just wanted to ask if everyone experiences the same thing. Other dogs seem to bang against fences, trying to get out when we pass by.

2. Does it matter where your dog walks in relation to you? I read somewhere (I don't remember the site at the moment) that the dog has to walk beside you or behind you. Because if they're walking ahead of you, they see themselves as the pack leader or something. I'm not too sure. I see lot of people walking with their dogs in front of them.

1. Yes, this is common and it can be quite frightening, especially if the fences do not look strong/high enough.

2. I do not believe this statement. The pack leader in a wild dog pack or wolf pack would not necessarily walk out in front anyway. The dog should know where he is supposed to walk though and not pull or lunge on the leash. This will ensure that the dog sees you as "pack leader" during the walk, where ever you decide to position him.

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My dogs walk whereever they want to - just as long as they don't pull on the leash. They can stop, sniff etc, just as long as they leash doesn't get pulled. I want walks to be enjoyable for them and me. For most dogs, they aren't going to turn into control freaks because you let them walk ahead of you :laugh:

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1. When my dog and I go for walks, other dogs behind fences go nuts barking at him. He doesn't seem to mind. I've always thought this was normal assuming that other dogs smell the scent of my dog who are intruding on their territory (the street). I just wanted to ask if everyone experiences the same thing. Other dogs seem to bang against fences, trying to get out when we pass by.

2. Does it matter where your dog walks in relation to you? I read somewhere (I don't remember the site at the moment) that the dog has to walk beside you or behind you. Because if they're walking ahead of you, they see themselves as the pack leader or something. I'm not too sure. I see lot of people walking with their dogs in front of them.

1. My dogs do not react to threats from others behind fence or loose, they are just trained to walk on.

2. My dogs walk on a free lead generally out in front, if the command is used they will heal, they know who the boss is!!

The only rule I have is that the dogs pee and poop when I give the command when on lead, this makes it easier at shows when you want them to empty before showing.

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I really hate the idea that a dog walking in front is a dominance thing. It's just what they do, because they can.

My adult dog walks in front of me and slightly to the right, so I am teaching new puppy to walk on my left. So far he is walking very nicely right next to me, because he knows I have treats, but I don't expect him to stay that close to me once he gets a bit older and there is stuff to sniff on the ground.

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Dogs go off at other dogs because the other dog is getting close to their territory. Some dogs don't care, many do.

My dogs walk out in front at the end of the lead but not pulling. I don't really care where they walk as long as they don't pull.

If we are doing obedience work then they are in heel position on my left. I personally don't think it is a good idea to walk a dog in heel position all the time on a walk. To me heel time is very focused and they are working and I expect all of their attention on me. When we are out walking they can look all around, sniff things and have a bit of a relax. There is no way I would expect them to maintain heeling position for the hour I walk.

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