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This Sounds Like Dogvic Are Doing Something I Think Benifts Members


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Not a breeder, so no expert on the intricate details of requirement specifics.

But isn't there an official 'list' of what you need to satisfy the law and Dogs Victoria requirements?

Is it at all helpful to have someone to come out to say "yes, that satisfies requirements"?

Will the sanctioning of this Dogs Victoria appointed person serve to provide Dogs Vic Members with any additional security than one might have if they weren't endorsed by this person? IOW, if you get a tick of approval from this person but then get picked on for something by some BAW Officer, will the Dogs Victoria Field Officer's "tick of approval" provide you with any recognised defence?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what will the expense of this person actually gain you that you would not be able to easily gain through simply reading the list of requirement criteria?

What will the appointed field officer's experience/credentials be?

Edited by Erny
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Not a breeder, so no expert on the intricate details of requirement specifics.

But isn't there an official 'list' of what you need to satisfy the law and Dogs Victoria requirements?

Is it at all helpful to have someone to come out to say "yes, that satisfies requirements"?

Will the sanctioning of this Dogs Victoria appointed person serve to provide Dogs Vic Members with any additional security than one might have if they weren't endorsed by this person? IOW, if you get a tick of approval from this person but then get picked on for something by some BAW Officer, will the Dogs Victoria Field Officer's "tick of approval" provide you with any recognised defence?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, what will the expense of this person actually gain you that you would not be able to easily gain through simply reading the list of requirement criteria?

What will the appointed field officer's experience/credentials be?

For me it good news and the charge would be fine as long as i had a 3rd party [like the feild officer]checking my kennels/dogs/conditions .

As the shire im in come in pairs[officers] and arent very dog freindly/savvy either.

They have also entered my property without concent.

l think if this comes into effect i would get my kennels looked at 2 times a year summer and winter, as the weather also alters the conditon of yards.

ln summer my dogs get shell pools and beach umbrellas also 1/2 the day run covered.

Winter the pools are put away umberlleas removed .so the appearance is somewhat different.

lm all for it .

And the way the dog laws are changeing i think us VCA members need abit more lean, as were getting pushed into the puppyfarmer basket way to easy these days

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MP, I interpreted that to mean that the volunteer field officer would come ( if you asked) and help you to understand the requirements, especially if you were updating your kennels, and tell you whether or not you were meeting those requirements before the inspection happened.

Are you interpreting it that the powers that be would accept the VFO's assurance on compliance instead of sending out their own inspectors? I can't quite see where it says that.

I wonder if the VFO will only be looking at welfare requirements or will he/she also have a handle on all the planning requirements of each local government?

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