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She Is Pretty


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Going to have the same trouble with his daughter :) She will be "desexed" too I think, though had someone tell me I should breed the two together.....even when I told them they were father/daughter!

:eek: Well, some people have no brains!

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When Knuckles was 6months OH had her with him at the local pet supply shop and some guy tried to convince OH to let him bred her to make pigging dogs :rofl:

Luckily, she had been desexed _that week_ so OH was able to say a firm no thanks and show him the stitches (just in case he wasn't convinced).

- Astred

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What about,

When random guy sees Rover at the dog park. "Oh what a great looking Labrador, he would be perfect to breed with my girl!" *points to his horribly fat narrow faced Lab x girl "How much you looking for?"

me, "Sorry mate he's desexed"

The guy, "So what? That doesn't matter"


He stormed off looking angry

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Out on a walk last week, minding my own business, I got approached by two men who were determined to use Cody, as he was "perfect" for their female shepherd who was in season. They even insisted on showing me a photo of their 'pretty' girl.

Who goes trolling through a park looking for a stud dog? I wonder how often these kind of approaches get a 'Yes' response. Make me shudder to think about it.

My polite No's were not doing the trick, so I told them Cody usually gets $10,000 per breeding. Fortunately, they lost interest when the money came up. Can't believe I said it with a straight face.

Cody is desexed, by the way.

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What about,

When random guy sees Rover at the dog park. "Oh what a great looking Labrador, he would be perfect to breed with my girl!" *points to his horribly fat narrow faced Lab x girl "How much you looking for?"

me, "Sorry mate he's desexed"

The guy, "So what? That doesn't matter"


He stormed off looking angry


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What about,

When random guy sees Rover at the dog park. "Oh what a great looking Labrador, he would be perfect to breed with my girl!" *points to his horribly fat narrow faced Lab x girl "How much you looking for?"

me, "Sorry mate he's desexed"

The guy, "So what? That doesn't matter"


He stormed off looking angry

That reminds me of a conversation I had with one of my parents friends who had said I should breed my Lab x cause the pups would be so wonderful due to my dog having "such a pretty face and nice temperament".

Friend of parents: "You should breed her I would love a dog like her and I know many people would."

Me: "She came from the RSPCA, so she is desexed and even if she wasn't desexed I wouldn't breed from her anyway"

Friend of parents: "Why? she has such a pretty face and lovely temperament"

Me: "She has hip dysplasia, and she is frightened of thunderstorms".

Friend of parents: "All dogs are frightened of Thunderstorms so that's no issue and if you Crossed her with another breed the pups won't get Hip problems".

Me: " I am so glad she is desexed.."

After that I stalked back to my room.


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Wow, that's just nuts HP!! Do people really think that dogs are that disposable that you would just go "Yea sure guys, here you go" and give away a family member on the spot?!

I'm actually surprised at how much they were willing to pay for her though. (Of course she's worth a million bucks, but I would have thought that people with such dodgy intentions would just grab whatever they could get, for as cheap as they could get)

I've heard a million times what a great body she has. All the bogans are willing to tell me "Aww mate dat's an awesum dawg, she's got a huge head and it'd bite ya in two!"

She's very stocky, very strong looking, plus being very tall for a bitch, and well muscled from daily runs, she looks like "one of those dogs". Plus people tell me she's the biggest staffy they've ever seen because she's 'blue'. Uhh nope..merle

God only knows what they were going to put over her to get "big" puppies. My poor baby was traumatised! The burger went uneaten! :laugh:

Also, lappiemum, what's Deliverence?

:D google it. I'll give you a hint - it was a movie, with some rather memorable music... :rofl:

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She's very stocky, very strong looking, plus being very tall for a bitch, and well muscled from daily runs, she looks like "one of those dogs". Plus people tell me she's the biggest staffy they've ever seen because she's 'blue'. Uhh nope..merle


me, "Sorry mate he's desexed"

The guy, "So what? That doesn't matter"


My polite No's were not doing the trick, so I told them Cody usually gets $10,000 per breeding. Fortunately, they lost interest when the money came up. Can't believe I said it with a straight face.

Cody is desexed, by the way.


Man people are dumb!

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all I can say is try owning an entire male DDB ... it never ceases to amaze me how much money I've been offered on the spot. I should have trained him to run home like those gypsy dogs do, I would be a millionaire by now :laugh:

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As soon as I had Lewis home I got an email asking if they could using him over their unrego'd slightly nutty bitch.

I said no he is not available at public stud.

Around 5 months later I got another email saying

I know you said we couldn't use Lewis, but due to the fact our other WHippet has been diagnosed with cancer I was hoping you might change your mind as we really want another Whippet and we think Lewis is wonderful.

My reply, I think Lewis is wonderful as well, but no, you cannot use him at stud.

I also told them that it was against my canine membership to mate him to unrego'd bitches and I was not willing to potentially get my membership taken off me. That seemed to have more effect than just no.

There are other Whippets in town that are BYB and the people don't care who uses them. So I am not sure why she was fixated on Lewis??? Anyway she has just had twins and suddenly the whole idea is a little less appealing.

Another time I got asked I told them his stud fee was $2000(plucked a figure out of the air). They thought that was a little steep and that they were looking to pay up to a couple of hundred!

Oh well keeps us amused I guess.

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I had a registered breeder enquire about putting my GSD over one of her bitches to improve pigment in her lines. She was actually asking all the right questions but, having only seen her from a distance, had not realised she was a she :laugh:

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all I can say is try owning an entire male DDB ... it never ceases to amaze me how much money I've been offered on the spot. I should have trained him to run home like those gypsy dogs do, I would be a millionaire by now :cry:

Oh no, this happens often? :D

We've only had our 14 weeks old DDB for about 5 weeks and have already had one offer. I thought it was a rare one-off thing, but from the looks of this thread it's not. A man approached me while waiting with Tonka for my OH who's in a shop and said he's got a rottweiler and they'll be a perfect match. I told him that Tonka's had a vasectomy but he was still keen, insisting that they can be reversed and was getting quite pushy. By this stage I was getting quite annoyed as the guy won't leave, he went on to pat Tonka and I told him not to 'coz he will get bitten ... by me!

Tonka gets oogled a lot when we take him out (since he's just so gorgeous!!!) but I didn't think anyone would ever ask to "breed" with him. Lucky my OH wasn't there, that could've been very interesting.

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