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Can You Recommend A Camera?


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I have a friend suggesting they buy a camera for me for my b'day. I am a complete camera luddite, my baby digital must be the cheapest around.

If I don't say what I want they'll get carried away with their research and spend more on it than I am comfortable with. I think $600-700 would be plenty for a gift.

So for someone wanting to take shots of

-lure coursing dogs and dogs in the showring

-close ups of stationary dogs (with looong noses) indoors and out

-landscapes and

-social events, friends etc.

who wanted to spend that much, what idiot-proof camera would the DoL photographers recommend??


Edited by Diva
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For side on shots it would be fine, head on is harder. I had a 400d and I've got whippets. You might need a zoom lens though.

I've always liked this pic, I took it with the 400D and the crappiest zoom Canon make, the 75-300 non IS non USM


Edited by Kirislin
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The 450D is a great camera.

As you get into it, add a nice fast lens (probably a zoom) and that will help with fast doggies. This body is more than capable of getting action shots, so don't worry about that part. And as long as you're shooting during the day, the kit lens will do the job.

Understand that it DOES take practice and even when you're getting good, you'll toss out more than you keep :)

btw - super nice friend :(

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