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Tell Me About Extenders Please


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I've got a 70-200 2.8 lens that I love, but I'd love more reach for photographing the doggies and possibly wild birds in the distance. What would I need to give me the equivalent of 300 or even 400mm lens and what would I loose in performance.

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There are two main ones: 1.4 and 2.0

I just picked up the 1.4 kenko and really like it.

Downside is that your 2.8 lens isn't a 2.8 anymore. You will need more light. Upside is that you get some more reach.

They can also play havoc with AF so you need to do some research to see which ones will play nicely with your particular lens(es).

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I've got a Canon 1.4x extender but rarely use it. It does slow down AF which is important for me if the subject is moving. I rarely use it to be honest as I've tried to use 'fieldcraft' I'd guess you'd call it? to get closer. (I bought a neoprane camo cover for the lens too as I found wildlife a bit suss on the funny white tube thing I have in my hands) and they don't mind the cover I have on it as it tends to look like a tree branch.

It's great for more reach but if the light isn't so good, it will hunt. I don't have your lens though, I have a 300mm f/4 L and found that the telecoverter hunts but if the subject isn't moving, it's fine.

eta: For wild birds, you will miss shots as it slows down AF, however you have a 7D so you might be right? I've taken all my in flight shots on a 30D so I ditched the teleconverter. With birds remember, the smaller the bird, the faster it will fly :laugh:

Edited by Ripley
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If this wind in Sydney stops, I might have to use my teleconverter tomorrow as I can't get close to what I'm going to photograph, I have to see if they want to come close as I'll be on a boat. Hoping I won't have to use it though, it also makes my lens heavy to hand hold. If I use it, I'll let you know how it goes, I'll be using it on a 50D, had the camera since August and haven't even used it yet!

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If this wind in Sydney stops, I might have to use my teleconverter tomorrow as I can't get close to what I'm going to photograph, I have to see if they want to come close as I'll be on a boat. Hoping I won't have to use it though, it also makes my lens heavy to hand hold. If I use it, I'll let you know how it goes, I'll be using it on a 50D, had the camera since August and haven't even used it yet!

:laugh: tsk tsk, very naughty Ripley. I hope it performs brilliantly for you.

Are you whale watching?

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If this wind in Sydney stops, I might have to use my teleconverter tomorrow as I can't get close to what I'm going to photograph, I have to see if they want to come close as I'll be on a boat. Hoping I won't have to use it though, it also makes my lens heavy to hand hold. If I use it, I'll let you know how it goes, I'll be using it on a 50D, had the camera since August and haven't even used it yet!

:offtopic: tsk tsk, very naughty Ripley. I hope it performs brilliantly for you.

Are you whale watching?

Yes. I was supposed to go last weekend but it was overcast and I want a blue sea, not a grey one like I had last time. This time the whales will be humpbacks and whatever else shows up. They are migrating back down the coast now. I don't want a heavy lens as it's hard enough to take pics from a rolling boat, but if they don't come close enough, I'll have to use the teleconverter. Haven't used the camera yet as I have too many photos to process, I don't need to take more - I'm so behind, months behind. Just no time and husband hates it when I sit on the computer if he's home (he's the one who bought me the 50D :vomit: ). Thanks for the well wishes, kirislin, I hope the whales are putting on a show and this wind dies down!

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