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Frodo's Trip To The Beach

Frodo's mum

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frenchies are very photogenic.....great for taking photo's from both ends :D

I do love that butt shot of him though

frenchie butt shots seem very popular on the frenchie thread :laugh:

poor little fell he totally disappeared in the hole...but being the trooper he is popped up and keep playing and wanted to go back out in the water ...just a shame I mucked the one up of him coming up out of the water....at the time was more concerned where my boy had gone :rofl:

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So cute! :thumbsup:

thank you

so cute, and another who loves the butt shot - is it wrong to love those little swirls on the butt - he is just so gorgeous, and what a brave guy to bounce up and want to keep going!!!!

thanks I thought it would have scared him but nope :laugh:

lol great pics, love the butt shot too :rofl: My Daisy did the disappearing into a hole on the beach once as well - I don't know who was more shocked, her or me :)

it's not nice when they just disappear is it :cheer:

He's too cute. Love the drowned rat one the most I think. lol

it's a shame the drowned rat photo didn't come out better but more concerned where he went


Lol super cute, Frodo is one of my fav doggies.

thank you..that's sooooo nice :cheer:

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