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Cone Head Dog

Dame Aussie

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So Mosley hurt his foot last Sunday, we went to the vet and got some pain relief, cream and vetwrap and have been cleaning it and applying cream a few times a day.

I'm worried though, what at first looked like a cut now looks like a big chunk has come off one of his pads.

He is a bucket head at the moment and a very unhappy one at that!

I'm just worrying as it isn't healing very fast, I'm going to take him back to the vet tomorrow but was just wondering I'd anyone else has had a similar issue?

The poor boy, it looks so painful.

Last night he was rubbing it on the carpet which made me think it might be itchy and therefore healing, I dont know though!

Any experiences and advice is appreciated, thanks guys

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my dog cut his pad, right through the tough skin and into the soft flesh undernearth. i didnt see any improvement for at least a week.

just keep cleaning it, my vet suggested with salty water, and restrict his movement. any suddend or intense straining on that foot could open up the wound again.... had that happen too :laugh:

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I've found that putting the cream on for the first couple of days, then switching to an antibacterial powder will help heal the wound faster - had a few dogs cut their feet in a similar fashion, and this has worked the best to get them up and about quickly.


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