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There Is A Frenchie On Armageddon!


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I agree!

There was a German Shepherd in the film on Channel 9 ...I turned it on just as the dog was being strangled :laugh: ..so I quickly turned off. The star is Will Smith in some futuristic film and he was killing his own dog (I think)

That was I Am Legend, where the world had been infected by a rabies-like virus. Will Smith and his dog (named Sam short for Samantha) had been attacked be zombies and although Will was immune to the disease Sam was not, despite giving her a vaccine, so as she became rabid he had no choice but to suffocate her. :laugh:

Brilliant movie actually, one of my faves, a remake of 'The Last Man on Earth' which was a movie based on the novel 'I Am Legend: The Last Man on Earth.' :laugh:

Sorry, thread hijack over. :whip:

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