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I Finally Found The Right Vet For Sash...


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Some may know the issues we've had with Sasha and vets. I've had problems finding the right one who will understand her fear issues and work with us. Most don't want a thing to do with her, too much effort. Some are just scared (even though she's never bitten anyone or anything and she's more afraid of them). She does get quite hysterical (it's the only word that I can think of that comes close).

So, her vaccs are due. I was recommended a new vet not too far from our house - so I gave him a go. And without a doubt, he is wonderful. Just perfect for Sasha. Just what I've been looking for, someone I feel comfortable with and can trust with my fur baby. For the first time ever, she had vaccinations without a big fuss, she had her TEMP TAKEN :laugh: and allowed him to gently feel her all over and listen to her heart. It was nothing short of a miracle. No vet has gotten close, or even bothered to try. We have had one give her an antibiotic shot, but he ran past, jabbed her and kept going. By the end of the consult, Sash was lying calmly on the floor - no signs of distress (although she was still on high alert), but she was feeling comfortable. I can't thank this new vet enough for taking the time, and seeing past Sasha's irrationality to see her potential, not just write her off automatically.

I couldn't believe it. With a little bit of time and knowledge, he had done what no vet or stranger could do.

My life has been made so less stressful to know I can now take her to a vet and she won't totally flip out.

I'm SO proud of my girl. She has come so far... we've been preparing her for months for this vet visit, so that she wasn't totally petrified. I like to think the strong bond I have established with her has paid off, along with all the other things we've worked on. She's still not perfect, but we made such massive progress today that i couldn't have asked for more - she's an inspirational dog. To have such fear (she was shaking so hard she could barely stand up when we got there), but to accept what I asked of her, was so fantastic.

Anyway, might not sound like much... but it's massive for us. We've had so many issues with vets I'd almost given up. Another of Sasha's issues we are conquering :laugh:

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That is fantastic!

Just curious - How was this vets approach different? ie what did he do to make her comfortable there?


I would also like to know whether he did anything special or the two of them just "clicked"

My boss is actually veyr calm and confident with animals, so most animals even the ones that are normally naughty or scared seem to respond to him very well.

I guess some people just have that

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That is fantastic!

Just curious - How was this vets approach different? ie what did he do to make her comfortable there?

Thanks everyone - it's such an awesome feeling that we are making progress in that area. It's something we haven't been able to do until now :laugh:

How was his approach different? Well, first of all he spoke to me about her issues first. I gave him the whole story. He didn't seem phased at all. He was not nervous, scared or hesitant with her at all. He was confident and comfortable himself - although he did all the right things to help soothe her (he was very gentle, he moved slowly and made noises so she knew where he was at all times, he never looked her in the eye, he found where her boundaries were and pushed them ever so gently). He tried to understand her, and actually took the time to try to work with her. The first vet I've been to that has actually wanted to help us to help her through the issues, rather than get it over with and push her out. He never asked us to put the muzzle on her (which I do anyway as it's best to be safe for everyone), where most vets demand it as soon as we walk through the door without even seeing her. Also, he did the needle first, almost as soon as we walked in before she got too worked up, and then spent the rest of the time working with her to earn some of her trust. He did things 'backwards' as he put it. It worked, because at the end she was quite comfortable in lying down in the room, watching what everyone was doing.

I've had vets who just don't want to even attempt to touch her or get near her (just give us antibiotics and say 'wait and see'), I've had vets tell me she should go on 'doggy antidepressants' to even out her temperament, I've had vets just want to cover it over with sedatives to get it over with. I've had a vet tell me that if she was to need medical attention, they would use those poles with the ropes on the end to handle her - and that they would have to call me in to give her needles or any care that she needs (basically they would just monitor). What they don't realise, is the Sasha they see is not the Sasha we know and love. She is the most placid, gentle, accepting and patient dog I've ever met... she just has a number of fear issues that we are working on constantly, and when they flare up she does act up and become slightly hysterical and throws herself around - but it's very rare these days, she has calmed down so much. Of course she is going to be petrified at the vet, so many dogs are. But she certainly doesn't need 'antidepressants' or even sedatives.... what she needed was someone who wouldn't automatically write her off because of her size and issues... who wouldn't just give up on her... who would give her a chance by helping her and allowing her to respond. And now we've found him. :thumbsup:

He was just a genuine and sincere and trusting man... I don't trust vets easily, I'm fairly critical... but I liked him immediately, and even more so when I saw him work with Sasha. Aussielover you're spot on, some people just have 'it'. I wouldn't say they clicked easily, but Sasha learnt to accept him... which, is a massive start we've never seen before. Something to work further on. :laugh:

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Congrats on finding the right vet.

It's funny how we always hear - if you're not happy with the vet (or doctor) you've got, try a different one, and yet after three or four the same, some of us give up.

My dog is almost the opposite - she seduces every vet and vet nurse she meets, just loves them to bits.

But at the AWL reunion last week - she decided the massage lady was very scary. Maybe there was too much direct eye contact - who knows but she wanted to hide under the table so the scary lady couldn't touch her. She didn't bark or growl though so she got a bit of a massage anyway. It was an eye opener for me.

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Are you going to share who it is?

Having the right vet is great - before we clicker trained nail cutting it was a painful task yet he let my vet do it without an issue, lets him draw blood and give injections without moving and gets excited a few minutes down the road when he realises where we are heading!

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Are you going to share who it is?

Having the right vet is great - before we clicker trained nail cutting it was a painful task yet he let my vet do it without an issue, lets him draw blood and give injections without moving and gets excited a few minutes down the road when he realises where we are heading!

Sure I will - it's Dr Warren from the Liverpool Veterinary Hospital... he's really nice, and was really helpful to me. It's not just us that think so either, so doggy people around our area has also recommended him.

Our other problem with Sasha is that she doesn't travel well in the car AT ALL (but is getting better) so we had to find someone close to home. Dr Warren and the LVH has ticked all the boxes :vomit:

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KL, that was a great post describing how the vet won Sasha over.

Makes a huge difference, even in regular circumstances, when dogs learn to trust a particular vet.

Even tho' I'm not in Sydney, I'm squirreling away Dr Warren's name. Never know when a friend or relative may need it.

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KL what a win for you both. My Zedley is a very patient, laid back fellow, but one of the vets in the local practice he totally dislikes. I believe this is because she can be checking him over but chatting to me. When she cut his nails (first and last time for her) she made two of them bleed and did not notice :D . There was blood all over the bench. Now he just as to see her and he tries to hide. I should have taken notice the first time he saw her - his idsposition immediately changed and I ignored it, bad mummy. Two other lady vets there he just cant please them enough and is all tail waggy to see them.

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Yes Loraine, it seems they do know... but with Sash it's a little more tricky... cause she's like that with most strangers. Wary, suspicious. I had a friend offer her a drink of water while we were out walking the other day (a friend she has only met twice), and she took a sniff at the water - then looked at him with disdain... like she thought he'd poisoned it or something LOL! I've made plenty of mistakes with Sash, not read the signs etc... but we learn along with them don't we? I can't believe she didn't notice his nails bleeding - I've done that once, and it was like I'd cut a vein or something!! Hard NOT to notice!!! :D BTW - did you read my post about Chloe - currently in a remission and looking hopeful :D

Mrs Rusty Bucket - you're right, I was almost at giving up point after trying a few different vets. And it stressed me out to no end... what if she got sick? What would we do then? So I kept on going, even though each experience was (I believe) setting her further back, I had to keep trying. Thankfully, I have lost a little bit of that stress now, like a weight has lifted off my shoulders. At least I know that he wouldn't just abandon her (even if she was difficult) if she needed medical help.

Thanks for the encouragement Mita... it's been a long haul with Sash... but I wouldn't have it any other way - she's such a delight, such a character and makes me laugh every single day, she's an awesome dog. She is so worth everything. I have never had such a bond with a dog - and it took alot of work, but it's paid off a thousand fold. I would certainly recommend Dr Warren to anyone. I still love the vets at the Animal Referral Hospital the most, however - I'd love it if I never had to go to see a vet specialist again :laugh:

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