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Leaving My Baby For The First Time - Need Dog Walker


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Well I have just found out that this weekend my partner and I have to travel interstate. I wish I could take my dog and I will miss him terribly. He will be staying with my housemate, but I need someone to walk my dog on Saturday (housemate is willing to walk him around the block etc but my dog needs at least a good hour of exercise a day). I have only seen a couple of dog walkers that I thought were any good, and naturally they're full so I'm wondering if anyone here either knows a good one or who has experience with large dominant breeds of dog and wants the joy of walking mine (he's a male entire doberman). He is not DA or HA and will ignore little dogs even if they try and attack him (which in my area they often do...) He will try to jump up on people who try to pat him if they make silly noises but not children - he makes a distinction. He could be walked with other dogs, but since it's his first time, I would be willing to pay extra to have him walked alone. He walks well on a lead and has perfect recall with me, but I'm not sure how he will be with someone else, so I leave that to your discretion. I live in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney. ETA - he often goes to Centennial Park, and he is well-liked there and has lots of playmates so if there's someone else here who goes there with their dog that could work well too.



Edited by jacqui835
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Just a thought... he behaves around other dogs in a certain way with you, and in his routine.. but may behave very differently with a stranger on the other end of the leash ..and also because this is the first time he has been without you .

Edited by persephone
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Do you want him walked off the leash?

I am always reluctant to let dogs that i house sit off the leash till i have done some obedience and recall work with them at home, formed a bit of a bond with them and tested them on a long line, the first time.

I usually use my own dog as an extra saftey with them as well, she has good recall and they will follow her back to me usually. which is why i only babysit dog-friendly dogs.

Do any DOLers know him at all? Personally I think letting a dog you have just met off the leash is a BAD IDEA.

BTW he is very handsome!

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Do you want him walked off the leash?

I am always reluctant to let dogs that i house sit off the leash till i have done some obedience and recall work with them at home, formed a bit of a bond with them and tested them on a long line, the first time.

I usually use my own dog as an extra saftey with them as well, she has good recall and they will follow her back to me usually. which is why i only babysit dog-friendly dogs.

Do any DOLers know him at all? Personally I think letting a dog you have just met off the leash is a BAD IDEA.

BTW he is very handsome!

I don't mind if you want to keep him on the lead bc yeah I have no idea how he will respond with someone else. He just needs an hours worth of exercise. He will likely play very well with your girl if she's large too, just he has a tendency to ignore the small guys. No-one knows him here but you would be welcome to come meet him tonight with me there, in fact that's probably a good idea. You could bring your dog too.

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Hey Jacqui, I live at North Bondi, with car and go to CP a lot. I would do it but keep him on leash and do a bit of cross country if you want. PM me if still needing someone. I don't mind a dog that needs careful or particular handling at all (in fact if it is someone else's precious dog I would just be be very careful but still enjoy).

I would not bring my dog either, as my dog is a bit fear aggressive toward other dogs.

Edited by FlyingFurball
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Hey Jacqui, I live at North Bondi, with car and go to CP a lot. I would do it but keep him on leash and do a bit of cross country if you want. PM me if still needing someone. I don't mind a dog that needs careful or particular handling at all (in fact if it is someone else's precious dog I would just be be very careful but still enjoy).

I would not bring my dog either, as my dog is a bit fear aggressive toward other dogs.

Zoe has just met him and he seems to love her and her dog so that should work well, so long as she doesn't mind making the trek to come get him as unfortunately she does live a little further away. I wouldn't say he needs careful or particular handling so much, just more someone who can be the pack leader hehe. Thank you so much for the offer though :)

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