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Showing A Dog On The Right Hand Side?

Crazy Daisy

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Hi everyone,

I had surgery on my unlar nerve on my left arm last Friday. I have been doing really well and it is healing nicely but it is still very weak. I have two shows this weekend and as the hospital postponed my surgery I had already entered and am still wondering if I should go?

I have a four month old Golden retriever who is going through that excitable and unpredictable puppy stage. You know perfect when we are training at home and crazy excited when we get to the ring :)

My question is can you show a dog on the right hand side? I know I will be in between the judge and the dog. Is it going to confuse the puppy if it's only for one weekend? I train on both sides at home to get him use to heeling on both sides so he is not too fased if I change it up.

I am not too concerned that I will lose as it is more of a social outing for myself (and a day out without the two legged children :cheer:) . I just want to know if it's a rule that they have to be on the left?


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I'm not sure that it a "rule" as such, but I do think that it will confuse puppy.

Also why would you want to put yourself between the dog and the judge? Then the judge cant see the dog.

Is there anyone that can show puppy this weekend? you still get your outing, less chance of you getting hurt but judge also gets to actually see puppy.

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Why not just run around the ring anti clockwise instead? That way the dog is on the right hand side and you are not between the dog and judge :)

This would be ok for the dog's individual examination, but it wouldn't work taking the class around.

I'd see if you can arrange another handler.

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Thanks guys. I didn't think it was a rule as such. I think I might see if someone else can help me out with him this weekend as I will probably be nervous of hurting myself and Archer might feel that down the lead which is the last thing I want to do to him.

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Your options are:

1. Get another handler

2. Don't go to the show

3. Hold the lead with the right hand but show the dog on the left

While you may be able to do up and backs offside, you won't be able to go around the ring like that. Depending on how you show the dog, you maybe able to hold the lead in your right hand but still show the dog on the left side.

My suggestion is that although you love to show, it's not worth risking your health and healing times. Get someone to show for you this weekend or if you can't, then stay home.

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might be hard in for the group but if you are on your own i see no problem running anti clockwise or for the out and back (i have been told to do this as my dog behaves better on theout and back oin the right side)

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reverse handle... but when it come to group line up run-off you'll need to handle across from your right, very confusing for some people... Someone to handle for you?

Just let the judge and steward know...

all my dogs are trained to go either side

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