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New Obedience & Tracking Rules


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Just a headsup about the new rules...


Obedience now has a Grand Champion title (5 UDX passes >185) and UDX is also eligible for O CH titles (2 passes <185)

There are also some changes (just from me quickly skimming)


RECALL - No return around dog - exercise is finished once dog presents in front. Recall is at least 12m (previously 10m)

STAYS - 10m away (instead of 6)


RECALL - 15m away (instead of 12m)

RETRIEVE ON FLAT - no longer return around dog. Exercise is finished after taking dumbell from dog.

I haven't looked at the higher levels yet...

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Thanks for posting that! I quite like the idea of being able to get your OC through either UD or UDX and the Grand Champ OC title sounds really awesome! I'm sure we'll see a few of those appear next year! :) I have to go off and read the rest of the changes now!

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This unofficial summary of the changes was posted to Ozobedience:


1) CCD will need a pass mark of 85 instead of 75. Presumably existing

(pre 2011) Quali-cards @ 70 will still count towards the title (though I

didn't find any such comment.)

2) Champion (OC) can now be obtained by the 2009 way (5 passes at 185+

in UD after the UD title); OR two additional passes at UDX/185+ AFTER

the UDX title.

3) Grand Obedience Champion (Gr.O.C) - 5 additional passes at 185+ in

UDX after the OC title. This means you need a minimum of 3@170 (UDX),

2@185 (OC), and then 5@185 (Gr.OC)


Fouling - penalty is now "5%" instead of "10 points" (due to the oddity

with CCD out of 100 points)


1) Change of pace (minor wording change, was speed)

2) Heeling (Failure to perform at least one sit, one down, and one stand

in the heeling exercise must incur a non-qualifying score.)


1) Examinations - different procedure with limitations on the Judge

2) Non-qualifying score - An NQ score is not grounds for removal in

itself, but the Judge is permitted to direct a competitor to leave the

ring if they are using it for training.

3) Retrieving - wholesale changes (simplification)


1) Nominated area (UDX) - the cones may remain in place throughout

judging, or be placed specifically for the exercise and then removed

2) Scent Discrimination (UD) - the mat may be removed before the Group


3) Minor changes to the "Collars and Leads" but still has an anomaly

regarding the Stays (where the lead is removed behind the stay position).

4) UDX cloths now specified to a maximum of 300mm square

Classes - Community Companion Dog

1) Qualifying score now 85

2) Stand for examination now 20 (was 10), handler at least 750mm in front

3) 1 min sit now 15 (was 20)

4) 2 min down now 15 (was 20)

5) Recall is now a call-to-front-and-sit, WITHOUT the "return to your dog"

7) Recall is now 12 metres (up from 10)

8) Heel on lead new deductions: Continual guidance with lead (over 50%);

for prolonged commands (Minor)

9) Stays now 10m away, instead of 6m

Classes - Novice

1) Stand Free for Examination

---- "or does not complete the Principle feature" text removed from

"Zero" (redundant)

---- "for failing an action in the lead up." removed from "Minor"

(somewhat redundant too)

2) Recall

---- Now 15 metres instead of 12 metres

---- Substantial now also given for failure to sit in front, to

finish,or anticipating the finish (were minors)

---- poor sits/finishes still get a Minor deduction (as opposed to a

FAILURE, which is now substantial)

3) Retrieve on the Flat (optional exercise)

--- Now "take up position" instead of "forward, halt."

--- removal of deductions for this component (were Minors)

--- redundantly (specifically?) states that the return-to-handler with

dumbbell must be brisk.

--- added: dog must not break the sit until "Exercise Finished."

-- "lesser points" has been clarified to "poor sits" and "failure to

sit in front" (Minor) [shouldn't this last one be a substantial?]

4) Change of Position (optional exercise)

--- add: Zero if the dog moves while the handler executes the return

Classes - Open

1) Stand Free for Examination

---- minor excisions from Zero/Substantial "does not complete Principle

feature" and "failing and action in the lead-up"

2) Drop on Recall

---- now 20 metres (up from 12)

---- "failing an action in the leadup" clarified to "failing to sit

automatically at halt"

3) Retrieve dumbbell on flat

--- scoring changes: add substantial for "slow response" and remove

"action in leadup" (redundant)

4) Distance Control (Optional)

---- Scoring changes: remove substantial for "inattention"

Classes - Utility

1) Seek back

---- added description "as soon as the dog has commenced the return, the

Judge must order the Handler to turn and face the dog. The handler must

turn in place."

---- "Neither the handler, the Judge or[sic] Steward will cross the

track, nor will the handler be halted less than 20 metres from the

articles[sic] - AHEM! What about the other dogs and other exercises?

---- available Orders clarified

---- remove "lack of interest" (substantial) deduction

2) Scent Discrimination

---- handler may not show the article to the dog (however, someone

forgot to add a DEDUCTION for this! Unless you count it as "a lesser

part of the exercise")

---- Still no clarification on whether the dog and handler can face the

decoy articles as they are being placed -- only that they must be facing

away when the actual exercise is underway ("Are you ready?" onwards,

since most people have already "taken up position" long before.)

3) Directed Retrieve (Optional exercise)

---- reworded description, clarified, but same intent. Also says the

gloves may not be placed until the completion of the previous exercise

(ie, Signals). This implies that a) they CAN be placed before the dog

and handler arrive at the starting position for the exercise; and b) the

dog can see them be placed (contrary to earlier interpretation).

[see Scent Discrim comments] since the exercise doesn't actually begin

until "Are you ready?" or "Take up position."

4) minor clarification/tweak on duration of Group Examination (now "no

more than 3 minutes") and removal of zero for "does not complete

principle feature"

Classes - Utility Dog Excellent

1) Temperament Test now renamed "Group Examination"

2) Seek back with Decoy

---- remove Substantial deduction for "lack of interest"

3) Positions in Motion

---- now prescribes the judge will ORDER the about-turn at approximately

5m after the position (previously implied the handler would measure it)

and the same for walking 3m behind and collecting the dog.

---- substantial deduction for "inattention" removed

4) Scent Discrimination - Judge's Scent

---- reworded placement (same intent) added "All cloths must be at least

one metre from the edge/side of the ring."

5) Directed sendaway and recall

--- 2009 rules mandated giving the dog direction to the Nominated Area.

2011 rules make it optional (which is good for me, because I only use a

verbal send in UD)

---- if the dog sits entirely outside the N.A. this would have been a

Substantial in 2009 if the dog had at least passed through the N.A.

From 2011 it is a zero.

6) Multiple Retrieve

--- Now only TWO (2) retrieves, not three (3).

--- Each is scored out of 15 points instead of 10

--- ALL dogs will be sent to the SAME two nominated articles (Not

like UD where it usually rotates)

---- TRANSFERRED: Zero for picking up the wrong article, EVEN IF PUT

DOWN again (was Substantial)

7) Group Examination

---- renamed from "Temperament Test" but otherwise unchanged apart from:

---- removed ZERO score for "does not complete principle feature."

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Just a headsup about the new rules...


RECALL - No return around dog - exercise is finished once dog presents in front. Recall is at least 12m (previously 10m)

STAYS - 10m away (instead of 6)

Thanks for posting this up.

I wonder what the thinking is here with increasing the distance considering that a lot of CCD dogs are not very stable in stays in the first place :rofl: .

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Yeah I reckon the stay thing is a bit weird. I can't say I've noticed people passing CCD heaps easily so not sure why they would make it harder??

Yeah I think my chances of passing CCD are getting slimmer and slimmer :rofl: although in all seriousness - I can see the benefit in that there are a few dogs I've seen pass that worked pretty appallingly and maybe part of the idea is that it will prepare people better for novice?? My dog can work at a novice standard so the changes shouldn't make a big difference for us.

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Yeah I reckon the stay thing is a bit weird. I can't say I've noticed people passing CCD heaps easily so not sure why they would make it harder??

Maybe so the ones who are woeful right across the entire round don't get a rude shock in Novice when they get their CCD title on three scores of 70? I've seen a lot of tight leads in CCD scraping through, there is a fair chance they won't cope with the lead removed. I agree that increasing the stays distance is a bit wrong, that is one class they should come closer or let them stay on lead for stays!

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Yeah I reckon the stay thing is a bit weird. I can't say I've noticed people passing CCD heaps easily so not sure why they would make it harder??

Yeah I think my chances of passing CCD are getting slimmer and slimmer :rofl: although in all seriousness - I can see the benefit in that there are a few dogs I've seen pass that worked pretty appallingly and maybe part of the idea is that it will prepare people better for novice?? My dog can work at a novice standard so the changes shouldn't make a big difference for us.

I was writing my post while you posted yours :rofl: Ditto to above.

And you and Daisy are more than capable of passing, and with a great score, you've just had some bad luck. Upping the score won't affect you guys when Daisy decides not to get up in her down stay or something small :D

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From an owner who is hoping to start competing in CCD next year, the new stay rule is scary, even tough we haven't had problems with stays to date :rofl: And for those of us with wrigglebums, I'm not sure I like the new scoring for SFE :rofl:

Does anyone know the reasoning for not having to return around the dog anymore? It's not a difficult thing to train so I wonder why it's been removed.

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Because its a bloody good idea to remove the return around behind :rofl: . Pretty pointless when all the other classes ask for a finish. I am glad they have taken both the lead up and the return around out of the novice retrieve I might yet consider doing one as I think it brings it a little more in line with the COP drop. Still more room for error but at least not quite so much.

As for the rest - the 20 for a SFE brings it into line with the higher classes which I think is a fair move and I don't actually think the increased distance is a bad thing. Think of the pressure that is placed on the dog having a line of handlers standing at 6m versus having them stand at 10m. Although it will mean that people will have to have trained extra time on a stay because it takes longer to walk back 10m then it does 6 so the stays will all end up being longer then they are currently - not entirely a bad thing if your intending on trialling in higher classes anyway.

Maybe the new rules might mean people put in a little more foundation work before trialling in CCD then some people appear to have put in.

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I agree about the confusion with ending the recall with return to dog or finish. Though I've heard some dogs anticipate the finish and don't do the sit in front. I know my dog has started sitting crooked in anticipation of something. Not sure what. If I don't reward the sit, she offers up a heel flip. Sigh.

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2) Heeling (Failure to perform at least one sit, one down, and one stand

in the heeling exercise must incur a non-qualifying score.)

YEOCH! Miss one position means that you fail??? Did I read that right? That's really tight!

Other than that and the increase in distance for the stays (although tbh I don't think it makes that much difference to the dogs!) I think the change of rules is pretty good.

I like the fact that you can now get OC from both classes, although would have been disappointed if you could only get it from UDX seeing as it's hard to interchange between the two classes and I LOVE UD :rofl:. I think for those with older dogs, being able to get your Gr OC or OC from UDX is a great idea :D.

My prayers weren't answered of aboloshing stays all together.... *sigh* Maybe next time :rofl:

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Nah same as it is now LP - if the dog misses all the drops in a heel pattern for example you can't qualify. Dog must complete one of each position as a minimum.

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I think it's great that they've made CCD a bit more challenging. It was too easy and as a result far too many dogs were hitting the rings not prepared enough for it. I think a higher pass mark brings it more inline with other classes and making the stand for exam worth a bit more is also good as it's not an easy exercise to train and 10 points was a bit skimpy!

I don't think making the stays 4 metres longer should have a huge impact, the dogs I've seen blow it tend to lie down, sit up or go play with their neighbour, that's going to happen regardless of the distance the handler is from the dog. I can only hope that these changes mean people will think a little more before entering CCD or maybe clubs will spend a little more time training and helping newbies before they hit the ring. I don't know what it's like in other states but the standard of work here in QLD in CCD is dismal.

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Maybe so the ones who are woeful right across the entire round don't get a rude shock in Novice when they get their CCD title on three scores of 70? I've seen a lot of tight leads in CCD scraping through, there is a fair chance they won't cope with the lead removed.

At least they are only scraping through - I watched a CCD ring recently where dogs on tight leads were scoring in the 90s. Many held their leads in their right hands and then braced the lead against their left hip area. Also watched an experienced trialler correct a dog harshly in the figure 8 behind the judge's back. :laugh: Same dog placed on a countback.

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They were having similar issues with our lowest obedience class here a few years back, people were winning out of it but then being totally unprepared for the standard of work in the higher classes. So they increased the score necessary to win out of the lowest class. You now need to win two trials with a score of at least 96% of the total points to win out of the lowest class, unlike the higher classes where you just need to win the class with at least 90% of the total points.

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Bugger, Scoota's request for a rule change to being allowed to stand in the box obviously didn't get through :laugh:

Scent discrimination in UDX is made a little harder with the stewards putting the wash cloths out by hand (not tongs) and then the dog having to find the judges scent.

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I like the changes to CCD - far too many dogs being trialed that just aren't ready. I have seen dogs trialed in CCD for years with maybe one pass just on the pass mark - obviously that dog is not ready. As for the stays - I was always taught to have my dog training at the level above what they are trialing - ie CCD Trialing = CD Training.

I actually put my current dog (CD) straight into CD as the CCD stays I had been a part of with his uncle and aunty near ruined them and had since witnessed were so bad that I was concerned that he would be ruined.

The recall in CD at 15 mts is much better - 12 is not long enough.

Love the idea of a O GR CH. Not that I will probably ever achieve that but still its a nice way to acknowledge a dogs ability. Need to get my dogs back into training :laugh:.

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