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Eric The Wonder Dog -


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Eric .. my beloved greyhound, best buddy and all time favorite guy ... very sadly left me at 8:15pm on Monday evening


Why??? Why did you have to go?

Eric was one of my rescues from HP in Sydney - he had been on death row but luckily we were able to save him

He arrived a very timid, scared boy but still with the sweetest and gentle temprement a dog could have - it took me all of about 30 seconds to fall for the boy ;) It also took quite a few weeks to get his confidence back. Within about 6 weeks he was the king of the castle - and everyone who met him fell for the beautiful boy he was

Yes.. Eric did have some VERY annoying habits - like having to "kill" his chicken frame everynight - the ritual was a couple of minutes of pouncing on it, then doing his wheelie wheels and then finally picking it up by the very tip of his teeth and chomping it. Heaven forbid if any part of the ritual was disturbed !!

He loved rubbish bins too - his favorite pass time was to empty out the kitchen bin if I happened to forget to shove it up on the bench :rofl:

But I loved him to bits - he was Eric

Monday I got home from work to be greeted by the dogs and Eric was his usual happy lovely self. I gave him his tea and then went outside to tend to the horses. Came back inside about 20 minutes later and Eric was stumbling around in the bathroom. He then collapsed. We picked him up and put him on the couch and I sat holding my boy in my arms. He very quitely slipped away within about 20 minutes.

When Eric first arrived the vet diagnosed a brain tumor which he thought was due to some head trauma. Eric was only a young dog but he aged very quickly and his sight had deteriorated.

The vet gave him about 6 months .. and that was 4 years ago

We are devastated and miss him so much. The house is so empty without him.

I am just so grateful at having had Eric in my life - but wish it could have been for a lot longer.... 4 years was just not enough :)

As they say - only the good die young and Eric was one of the best

Goodbye now my special boy - rest easy

love you with all my heart and miss you so much

kick some butt over on the otherside babe .. I know Digby and Maggie Moo will be glad to see you.

until we are all together again .... :cry: xxxxxxx - love all of you Eric, Digs and Moo

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Dear CnB,

No words can offer you comfort, I know this only too well. Having those taken so fast and without warning is cruel and leaves us with too many unanswered questions. My thoughts are with you at this most difficult of times and like me I hope you can look back at those special times that you shared with him and realise just how blessed we are to have been able to share a part of our lives with these incredible animals

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So sorry to hear Hannah - :cheer:

I love your tribute, especially the way you described him killing his dinner. He sure sounded like a character.

Remember all the good times - I am sure he had a great 4 years with you and would of crossed the bridge a much happier dog as opposed to being pts at the pound. Good on you for opening your heart and home and showing him love until the very end.

R.I.P. boy :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear Hannah, I have only just seen this. ;) I am so sorry for your tragic loss.

Eric was a very special boy and you gave him a wonderful life.

I am so thankful that you were there when he died. He slipped away in the arms of his special person, knowing that he was loved and adored.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to come to terms with your loss. :D

RIP beautiful boy Eric, wait for your mummy at the bridge. :hug:

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