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Crystal Ate "rum 'n Raisin" Chocolate!


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Okay, maybe not a fair title but I am fuming ATM. Just got back from the vets so all is okay but here's why I went.......

Came in from feeding the horses this morning and on walking into my bedroom followed a trail of al-foil and then cardboard, Old Gold Rum 'n Raisin chocolate! :confused: OH stashes chocolate in his wardrobe and/or bottom draw and both were open! So which Cav ate the Chocolate...off to the Vets with both. I suspected Crystal as she is an inquisative naughty monkey but Bonnie has a voracious appetite ATM as she has four week old pups feeding and would probably drive Crystal away if she had something to eat???

So Lectric Soda Crystals down both their throats, why is there none in the house??? I used to have some for a foot soak ages ago but can't find any, must've used it up?

Down Bonnies throat easily but Crystal puts up the biggest struggle...naughty monkey is fighting like heap big ape now! Bonnie starts up chucking, and up chucking, and...you get the picture. All breakfast and no chocolate. Meanwhile nothing from Crystal, probably not enough Soda crystals down her tummy, nurse goes off to get something else to make her vomit, there are two more Crystals on the floor outside where we are waiting so I talk to Crystal calmly and she lets me put them down her throat...sucess...foamy vomit with chocolate chips. So she's the culprit, :laugh: poor Bonnie, yucky stuff for nothing, but no, not nothing as better to be safe. Back inside and Crystal heaves again...OMG :laugh: it's like someone has poured chocolate pudding on the floor!! How much was in that package, I had tried calling OH to find out but it wasn't important in this case as there was no telling which dog had ate it or if both had anyway. Still he could answer his bloody phone so I can :confused: nah..abuse him! It must have been most of the block.

I have asked and told him NOT TO HIDE CHOCOLATE WHERE THE DOGS CAN GET IT! And Dark Chocolate with RAISINS FFS :o A double wammy.

You know he's is a wonderful man and loves the animals here as much as I do, he took them on when he married me and my two older kids blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. but gees, sometimes he pushes it a bit. :confused:

Poor Crystal....I'm heaving a big sigh and am now going for a lie down.

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Okay, maybe not a fair title but I am fuming ATM. Just got back from the vets so all is okay but here's why I went.......

Came in from feeding the horses this morning and on walking into my bedroom followed a trail of al-foil and then cardboard, Old Gold Rum 'n Raisin chocolate! :laugh: OH stashes chocolate in his wardrobe and/or bottom draw and both were open! So which Cav ate the Chocolate...off to the Vets with both. I suspected Crystal as she is an inquisative naughty monkey but Bonnie has a voracious appetite ATM as she has four week old pups feeding and would probably drive Crystal away if she had something to eat???

So Lectric Soda Crystals down both their throats, why is there none in the house??? I used to have some for a foot soak ages ago but can't find any, must've used it up?

Down Bonnies throat easily but Crystal puts up the biggest struggle...naughty monkey is fighting like heap big ape now! Bonnie starts up chucking, and up chucking, and...you get the picture. All breakfast and no chocolate. Meanwhile nothing from Crystal, probably not enough Soda crystals down her tummy, nurse goes off to get something else to make her vomit, there are two more Crystals on the floor outside where we are waiting so I talk to Crystal calmly and she lets me put them down her throat...sucess...foamy vomit with chocolate chips. So she's the culprit, :o poor Bonnie, yucky stuff for nothing, but no, not nothing as better to be safe. Back inside and Crystal heaves again...OMG :laugh: it's like someone has poured chocolate pudding on the floor!! How much was in that package, I had tried calling OH to find out but it wasn't important in this case as there was no telling which dog had ate it or if both had anyway. Still he could answer his bloody phone so I can :confused: nah..abuse him! It must have been most of the block.

I have asked and told him NOT TO HIDE CHOCOLATE WHERE THE DOGS CAN GET IT! And Dark Chocolate with RAISINS FFS :o A double wammy.

You know he's is a wonderful man and loves the animals here as much as I do, he took them on when he married me and my two older kids blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. but gees, sometimes he pushes it a bit. :confused:

Poor Crystal....I'm heaving a big sigh and am now going for a lie down.

Stealing this from a thread the other day

Take a Bex and good lay down. :confused:

Alls well that ends well.

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Okay, maybe not a fair title but I am fuming ATM. Just got back from the vets so all is okay but here's why I went.......

Came in from feeding the horses this morning and on walking into my bedroom followed a trail of al-foil and then cardboard, Old Gold Rum 'n Raisin chocolate! :confused: OH stashes chocolate in his wardrobe and/or bottom draw and both were open! So which Cav ate the Chocolate...off to the Vets with both. I suspected Crystal as she is an inquisative naughty monkey but Bonnie has a voracious appetite ATM as she has four week old pups feeding and would probably drive Crystal away if she had something to eat???

So Lectric Soda Crystals down both their throats, why is there none in the house??? I used to have some for a foot soak ages ago but can't find any, must've used it up?

Down Bonnies throat easily but Crystal puts up the biggest struggle...naughty monkey is fighting like heap big ape now! Bonnie starts up chucking, and up chucking, and...you get the picture. All breakfast and no chocolate. Meanwhile nothing from Crystal, probably not enough Soda crystals down her tummy, nurse goes off to get something else to make her vomit, there are two more Crystals on the floor outside where we are waiting so I talk to Crystal calmly and she lets me put them down her throat...sucess...foamy vomit with chocolate chips. So she's the culprit, :laugh: poor Bonnie, yucky stuff for nothing, but no, not nothing as better to be safe. Back inside and Crystal heaves again...OMG :laugh: it's like someone has poured chocolate pudding on the floor!! How much was in that package, I had tried calling OH to find out but it wasn't important in this case as there was no telling which dog had ate it or if both had anyway. Still he could answer his bloody phone so I can :confused: nah..abuse him! It must have been most of the block.

I have asked and told him NOT TO HIDE CHOCOLATE WHERE THE DOGS CAN GET IT! And Dark Chocolate with RAISINS FFS :o A double wammy.

You know he's is a wonderful man and loves the animals here as much as I do, he took them on when he married me and my two older kids blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. but gees, sometimes he pushes it a bit. :confused:

Poor Crystal....I'm heaving a big sigh and am now going for a lie down.

I so had this, except with assorted chocolate treats from Japan. They were in the living room and the sliding door was left unlocked, but closed, but Anouk can open it, little horror. Funny thing was though that I could smell the chocolate on Anouk, while Ziggy got stuck with the strawberry stuff. Both dogs rushed to the vet and made to vomit and you should have seen how much Anouk had eaten. Totally get the whole chocolate pudding reference.

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I had my cheeky monkey dog sneak a whole packet of chocolate covered coffee beans and ate the lot. Lucky for me he up chucked all on his own ( must have been too much for his tummy lol) and vet was happy with that. I had mocha pudding that day :confused:

glad your pups are ok xx

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Go buy OH a metal cash box to keep his stash in - that should keep OH and dogs safe :laugh:

:cry: He :) has ;) one :rofl: in :) his :p wardrobe :banghead:

Although it's a larger keypad type one, maybe I will get him a small metal type, just big enough for say, two blocks of chocolate! Good Idea Poodlefan! :)

Edited by LizT
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It wasn't easy getting the charcoal tablets down her throat after we got home either!

Can't imagine what she's going to do next time a Judge tries to check her bite??!! "No sweetie I'm not going try pry your mouth open and shove disgusting tasting stuff down it, I only want to look at your teeth!" :cry:

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Go buy OH a metal cash box to keep his stash in - that should keep OH and dogs safe :laugh:

:cry: He :) has ;) one :rofl: in :) his :p wardrobe :banghead:

Although it's a larger keypad type one, maybe I will get him a small metal type, just big enough for say, two blocks of chocolate! Good Idea Poodlefan! :)

Make sure he keeps it padlocked though - those Cavvies are persistant critters. ;)

Dumb question of the day - any reason the chocolate has to be stashed??

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Go buy OH a metal cash box to keep his stash in - that should keep OH and dogs safe :laugh:

:cry: He :) has ;) one :rofl: in :) his :p wardrobe :banghead:

Although it's a larger keypad type one, maybe I will get him a small metal type, just big enough for say, two blocks of chocolate! Good Idea Poodlefan! ;)

Make sure he keeps it padlocked though - those Cavvies are persistant critters. ;)

Dumb question of the day - any reason the chocolate has to be stashed??

:) Ummm....could be something to do with me.....
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Alls well that ends well. I can understand your OH trying to keep the chocolate away from you as I have the same problem although I could give the rum & raisin a miss! lol

Is there any food that cavaliers don't like? they are such little vacuum cleaners.

Edited by Moselle
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I had my cheeky monkey dog sneak a whole packet of chocolate covered coffee beans and ate the lot. Lucky for me he up chucked all on his own ( must have been too much for his tummy lol) and vet was happy with that. I had mocha pudding that day :)

glad your pups are ok xx

Mmm mocha flavoured dog vomit.... :cry:

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Just so the OH remembers, buy him a nice block of chocolate, leave it somewhere he's sure to find it. Wait until he's enjoyed it. Then AFTER he's eaten it make HIM swallow the electric soda crystals. I'll bet he never leaves chocolate out for the dogs again!

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Just so the OH remembers, buy him a nice block of chocolate, leave it somewhere he's sure to find it. Wait until he's enjoyed it. Then AFTER he's eaten it make HIM swallow the electric soda crystals. I'll bet he never leaves chocolate out for the dogs again!

Love it!!!


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Just so the OH remembers, buy him a nice block of chocolate, leave it somewhere he's sure to find it. Wait until he's enjoyed it. Then AFTER he's eaten it make HIM swallow the electric soda crystals. I'll bet he never leaves chocolate out for the dogs again!

Love it!!!


OMG :eek: I just threatened him with exactly that just now!!!

You should have seen his face when I told him what happened.....he came in the front door and the girls greeted him as usual and he said, Hello Bonnie, Hello Crystal how are my little girls today?"

My reply, fine now...no thanks to you. His response..."Why?" I didn't do anything!

So I told him..started with "You know how I ask you not to put chocolate in your bottom draw.... ;) :( ;) :p :laugh::cheer: ;) :o ;) :cheer::)

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Alls well that ends well. I can understand your OH trying to keep the chocolate away from you as I have the same problem although I could give the rum & raisin a miss! lol

Is there any food that cavaliers don't like? they are such little vacuum cleaners.

Yep, they vacuum AND dust as they go around! :)

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