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Bute And Dogs


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Ok so this morning my grandmother went to give an elderly horse some bute that was on bread with molasses and her cattle came up behind her and took it out of her hands. I got it off the dog and she then said that my dog, (a 30kg GSD) did that to her five months ago and age the lot.

I'm spewing. She never even thought to ring and tell me. Now really concerned about what damage it may have done. It was 1g when if it was to be given to a dog, on guessing the dosage rate would be around 66mg! I know it can cause kidney damage in horses if incorrectly dosed and that it's a small margin too.

Is there some point of contact like poisons line that would know?

Edited by WildatHeart
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Are you talking about bute? Phenylbutazone has a range of potential side effects. Google it for yourself.

As to the impact on your dog - I'd be talking to my vet although if it happened 5 months ago, I'd not be panicking.

Edited by poodlefan
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I had a friend who's GSD also ate bute and she ended up at the vet with him. Think he seized or passed out. If your dog didn't have any immediate effects, it can't have been that high a dose. It is now 5 months later! I'd call my vet but not be overly concerned, the dog is still alive after all...

Edited by Rottigirl
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I hate the stuff, it has it's place for horses with injuries but I have too many horsey friends who just use it because their horse is lame with an abcess or something! I get so mad when I see it overused. I have one friend who leased a horse that was on a daily dose for arthritis, surely there are better ways.

As to your Grandmother, my daughter has a friend whose Grandmother does things with her dogs and never thinks to tell her, doubly annoying.

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Ok so this morning my grandmother went to give an elderly horse some bute that was on bread with molasses and her cattle came up behind her and took it out of her hands. I got it off the dog and she then said that my dog, (a 30kg GSD) did that to her five months ago and age the lot.

I'm spewing. She never even thought to ring and tell me. Now really concerned about what damage it may have done. It was 1g when if it was to be given to a dog, on guessing the dosage rate would be around 66mg! I know it can cause kidney damage in horses if incorrectly dosed and that it's a small margin too.

Is there some point of contact like poisons line that would know?

I would take the dog to the vet and ask for a protein/creatinine test to ensure that the kidneys are functioning properly. It would be good to know if any damage has taken place after this incident. Dogs don't show any sign of kidney damage until 90% of kidney function is affected so even though your dog may not yet show any signs of kidney problems does not necessarily indicate that he has escaped the damage. Good luck, hope that all is okay.

Edited by Moselle
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