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Can Cavaliers Live Outside


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hey all

my cavalier x poodle lives inside, she is 16 weeks old, we have another dog who lives outside, mollie goes outside for a play in the morning and a play in the evening, but does not seem to want to come inside through the day,

my question is - can cavaliers live outside fulltime if they have the companionship of another dog, i have read and read heaps of info in regard to them living outside and it all says no they will get lonely, but none of it says anything about if they have another dog for companionship,

when she comes inside she just mopes at the back door,

does anyone have a cavalier that lives outside???

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Sounds to me like your pup is more bonded to the other dog than to you.

Why can't the other dog spend time inside?

On the small breeds outside issue - smaller dogs are more affected by heat and cold, longer coated dogs can get full of dirt and seeds. IF your dog has thrown to the CKCS side of the cross, her shorter nose will also make it more difficult for her to regulate her temperature in hot weather.

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hey all

my cavalier x poodle lives inside, she is 16 weeks old, we have another dog who lives outside, mollie goes outside for a play in the morning and a play in the evening, but does not seem to want to come inside through the day,

my question is - can cavaliers live outside fulltime if they have the companionship of another dog, i have read and read heaps of info in regard to them living outside and it all says no they will get lonely, but none of it says anything about if they have another dog for companionship,

when she comes inside she just mopes at the back door,

does anyone have a cavalier that lives outside???

It would seem to me that she has assigned a higher value to the other dog than to you (ie she would rather be out with the other dog than in with you).

Why is your other dog an outside only dog and this one not? I personally don't believe in different rules for different dogs in the same home.

If everyone (you, the pup and the older dog) is happy with her being outside then I don't see the problem? Being a crossbred dog we can't really know if she will have received typical cav or poodle traits, indeed she may have recieved some aspects of both.

Personally i prefer my dogs to see me as "number one fun thing to be with" but if you are happy to have her devote her attentions to the other dog, this arrangement seems fine.

If you would rather her focus on you, i recommend you spends lots more time playing with her and training her, also beginning this program: TOT

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Cavaliers are usually inside dogs cause that's where they want to be. They usually want to be with their person/family. If you are happy for her to be out and she doesn't fuss I can't see a problem. If I shut mine out they'd be at the backdoor carrying on :(

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Poodles & cavaliers are bred as companion dogs & should live inside IMO.

Not expert on cavaliers but poodles are people dogs & need to be around people.

Small dogs are not suited to living outside. Your dog wants to play with its doggy friend so why not have them both inside ?

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If your pup was born and raised in a puppy factory (which is highly likely given where you bought her) she may have had limited opportunities to socially bond with people in the critical early stages of her life. Her bond would have been with her littermates and looks like she's transferred that onto your other dog.

If you want her to bond with you, that won't happen if she spends all her time with the outside dog. I'd not have an issue with her being outside during the day but its now down to you to do the hard yards to work on developing a bond with this pup.

Take her to obedience training and spend one on one time with her playing games and walking.

I'm sure you didn't buy her to be an animated garden ornament.. you need to make up for a poor start in life with extra care and attention now.

If she is not sleeping in your room at night, I'd highly recommend she does so now - crated if necessary.

Edited by poodlefan
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i think she has bonded with us people folk as once she is inside she sleeps on our laps and on our beds, she has slept in my bedroom from the start, she follows me around the house all day, when i am cooking meals she sits at my feet, when i shower she used to come into the bathroom with me (now she goes out at that time of the morning), when i leave other memebers at home and i go down the street, apparently she sits at the front door and cries till i come back, when school went back on monday she sat on my daughters bed and sooked for most of the day, so i think there is a big bond there

she goes to obedience training and is doing well, listens and obeys,

she does not cry or scratch at the back door to go out and often you can open the back door for her and she does not go out prefering to lay on her couch,

but also does not want to come in once she is outside if she is playing with the other dog, once he is tired from playing with her and he goes to bed then she is at the back door crying and scratching to come in, whilst she has some one to play with she is perfeclty happy outside and wont come in BUT once she has no one to play with outside she wants to come in and gets up on her couch and lies on the arm of the couch looking out the window - it looks so sad, she will stay like this for about 1/2 hour to an hour, but no crying, scratching, barking to go out, just the sad woefull look, then she will come and sit on your lap and follow you everywhere

i just don't know if leaving her outside would be better for her in that she really enjoys playing with the other dog, but also loves being inside, does she just want to be inside cause that is what she is used to?????

i think she wants the best of both worlds, being inside where she can be cool/warm and snuggle and outside to play,

i let her out 7am-8am and 5pm-7.30pm she is full of beans and any more than this and the other dog gets cranky at her

this time is good for her as soon it will be getting to hot in the middle of the day for her to be out and also the snakes will start to come out soon

will letting her outside for the times listed above be enough for her???

the other dog is outside as he was bought aged about 6mth - shelter and vet could not be accurate about this age, we tried to have him as an inside dog but he hated it, would scratch at the doors to get out relentlessly, once he was outside he never tried to come in and is happy to be out doors, he has a kennel in a garden shed and is protected from the elements

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One suggestion... DOGGY DOOR :confused:

I was thinking just that too pers :confused:

can't have a doggy door as we have two cats that live indoors and never go outside, we live opposite railway lines and with the trains, feral cats, loose dogs in neighbourhood, snakes, ect the cats are safer inside

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Poodles & cavaliers are bred as companion dogs & should live inside IMO.

Not expert on cavaliers but poodles are people dogs & need to be around people.

Small dogs are not suited to living outside. Your dog wants to play with its doggy friend so why not have them both inside ?

Hands up to all dogs being inside :confused:

I have a doggy door best investment ever, then again she usually just wants to be where I am and I am ok with that :confused:

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Poodles & cavaliers are bred as companion dogs & should live inside IMO.

Not expert on cavaliers but poodles are people dogs & need to be around people.

Small dogs are not suited to living outside. Your dog wants to play with its doggy friend so why not have them both inside ?

Hands up to all dogs being inside :confused:

I have a doggy door best investment ever, then again she usually just wants to be where I am and I am ok with that :confused:

i am ok with her being inside, that is not the problem, she seems to want to be both inside and outside at the same time, our elder dog, as i said b4, when we got him we tried to keep him inside and he hated it, so now he is out side and is loving it, doggy door is not an option as we have cats

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Perhaps when doggy door is in operation cats can be in another room /area? Can you enclose them in their outdoor run while dogs are free ranging?

they way our house is set up this would not work, and don't have an outdoor run or $$$$$ to make one, an outdoor run is something we have thought about in the past but need lots of $$$$$$ to make it

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I don't actually see what the problem/question even is. The pup likes to go outside and play with another dog when there's no people around. The pup likes to be inside with people when the dog isn't around to play with. Sounds like normal dog behaviour to me!

To me you're not asking if the pup can live outside you're asking if it's OK for the pup to go outside????

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