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Tea Tree Oil

Vader's mum

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I wanted to clean up kenobi's wee spots on the carpet I have always used tea tree oil for things like thins but on reading posts here I'm confused is or is it not toxic? I also wanted to put some on the bottom draw as he is chewing the handle.

or do you have an alternative? I prefer natural over chemical :(

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It is toxic large enough quantities but a sniff should deter him.

For wee spots- vinegar is another alternative.

Other people have rubbed chillies on stuff to stop chewing, personally i think that would be worse for them and give them an upset tummy and possibly diarrhoea. Also some dogs like the taste

Could you just block access to the draw for the moment until you get his chewing under control?

I have to say I was lucky and my pup did not ever attempt to chew furniture, she wasn't really much of a chewer.

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When I say chew its not bad more of a nibble but if I let it go I think it could become a problem. He's great they things he chews on the most is his toys followed by the hag on his bed and then the cats beds oh and my anckles!

Not a fan of chilli for him that just seems a little mean???? I cant block of access it's too difficult so this seemed like the next best thing. I just want to nip it in the bud before it develops into something bigger.

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