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I took Ruby to vet last night.

At about 10.30am yesterday she suddenly appeared to be lame in one of her hind legs. I rested her for the rest of the day in her run. When I came in from milking she came out of her kennel with both legs tucked up under her and was very tense in the adomen so I rang the vet and took her in. The vet checked her all over and couldnt find anything. By this time Ruby was not as bad. The vet didnt think it was a snake bite, although Rubys eyes stayed dilated when a light was shined in them. I left there none the wiser. Ruby spent the night on my bed. This morning she is ok once she has moved around a bit (not a 100% though) but when she first gets up her back legs are tucked up under her and she sits down alot. She dosnt appear to be in any pain. I am thinking that maybe she has just pulled a muscle or something. Hoping its not a bone. Poos are normal. Really at a loss.

Any ideas anyone?

I am waiting for the vet to ring me.

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Poor Ruby!!! I hope shes feeling a bit better today!!

Doesnt sound like a snakebite - our ridgy had that experience the summer before last :D

Almost sounds like a really bad muscle strain that affected her abdomen as well!!

I hope the vet can shed some light!

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