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What Would You Do? Job Overseas Vs Dogs


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I'm just really worried about how he'd go.

If your parents are used to caring for your dog and are responsible dog owners, then your dog will probably be just fine. One of my dogs is a complete velcro dog with my mum - has followed her around everywhere for the past 5 years, sleeps outside her door, etc. My mum is away at the moment and my dog is coping fine...she was a bit mopey for a couple of days and would look out the door, but she has moved on from that. If anything she behaves WAY better when my mum isn't around, so it has been nice to have her behaving more normally, instead of behaving like an obsessed velcro dog!

Tilly is a big part of my life, so personally I couldn't leave her to move overseas...she would have to come with me and it would have to obviously be somewhere suitable for her too.

NYC is a fantastic place though...what a tough decision! I say do some research into quarantine and consider taking your dog. I'm sure a 3kg Chihuahua could quite happily live in NYC!

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When my family moved from the UK the dog came with us.

I personally think that young people need to think more carefully about taking on the responsibility of a pet so they don't get into this sort of dilemma when a cool job came up.

I would not take a job overseas if it involved leaving my dogs.

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We were possibly going to face this situation earlier this year .... ( before the contract fell through )

We decided we would fly up and settle in first and our little girl would stay with my parents in the country until we found a pet friendly apartment etc etc and were sure we would be staying the full terms of the contract ( 3 years ).

We couldnt imagine our home without her - she is definitely part of the family.

It also depends what country you are looking at relocating to in terms of when you want to bring your dog back to Aus - living in some countries can make it very difficult ( ie mainland China )

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I brang my dogs INTO Australia and it wasn't hard at all. They just had a couple of blood tests. In saying that, I did only come from NZ where we don't have rabies or anything so that is probably why. I dont know if it's the same here but if you take a dog out of NZ, if you bring it back within 2 years it's even easier.

Depends where you're importing from, there are many countries from which you are simply not permitted to import a dog into NZ at all, & most other places you need to do quarantine. Between NZ and Aussie is pretty easy, though. :thumbsup:

I would not go to live overseas without taking my girl with me. But, I don't think it's wrong for you to go & leave your dog, if the dog will be well looked after (and it sounds like he will be). It's just not something I'd be interested doing.

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I personally couldnt and wouldnt.

I moved interstate and while away, adopted a baby ferret/kit. After about 5 years interstate, I longed to return to QLD to be with family and friends after being diagnosed with Luekaemia and a brain tumor.

As ferrets are not allowed in QLD, I couldnt move until he had lived his life and he lived to be 8 and a half years old (most ferrets are lucky to get to 7)

Well, I could move....but I choose not to as when I adopted him, I did so on the terms that I was giving him a forever home with me.

With that said though, im the sort of person that will put any of my pets before my own needs and desires.....even my goldfish! hehehe

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To put quarantine in perspective - it is really just a 4 week stay in a kennel (something many people do when they go on holidays). And you can visit them while they are there if you like.

If you do take them there will be requirements you will need to complete before the dog comes home to Australia. From the US these take about 6 months to do so you have to prepare early if you wish to come home and bring your dog with you.

there are LOTS of dogs in New York. It is a resonably dog friendly city depending on where you live.

The biggest consideration with taking your dog will be the expense. It will NOT be cheap!

Good luck and I agree, if this job is going to be a good move otherwise, I would take it. Even if you can't take the dog it will be with your parents. And you may be able to bring your dog over to you later too if you change your mind and decide you want him there.

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It's going to cost you less than $15K to get your dog over and back. Dogs cope fine with a month in quarantine. If you are not going to be earning at least that much extra over there, I would stay home with the dog. Plenty of good jobs here.

When you bought your dog you made a commitment, didn't you? Do you parents deserve a ten year responsibility being thrown at them at this time of their lives?

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I personally couldnt and wouldnt.

As ferrets are not allowed in QLD, I couldnt move until he had lived his life and he lived to be 8 and a half years old (most ferrets are lucky to get to 7)

Well, I could move....but I choose not to as when I adopted him, I did so on the terms that I was giving him a forever home with me.

With that said though, im the sort of person that will put any of my pets before my own needs and desires.....even my goldfish! hehehe

Me too Ishy, I could never leave my dogs...not even to go on a holiday..unless they can come too....but as most places these days don't accept dogs.......I haven't had a holiday for quite some years. :confused:

Edited by Tapferhund
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We rehomed our weim 2 years ago when we moved to the US. It was a very sudden move and an extremely difficult decision to make but I know we did the right thing. His new family sends us updates occasionally and I can tell that he is very happy with them. You aren't a bad owner for considering this, clearly you are planning well ahead of time and considering your options. I'm sure that no matter what decision you make your dog will be fine

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I didnt even think twice about it when i relocated to Australia 12 years ago.... i got a huge shipping container for my big stuff and i also brought my dogs over ( not in the shipping container though :cry: )


Yep we brang our doggies, although now that I blabbed on about that earlier, I should also say we did leave the cats behind which is actually better for them.

My ma is coming soon too (4 weeks) and they are bringing their dog too.

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As most people have said, it is the opportunity of a lifetime....too good to pass up really. If you feel that your parents are not going to put in as much effort as you have with his fear aggression I would be looking for a home in which I would be 100% certain that the new owners will ensure that he will be properly supervised. I couldnt live with the doubt....it is a hard decision though and I would be debating the issue a hundred times before finally making up my mind. Perhaps if you could find someone that is willing to foster him for the two years that you are going to be away and then hand him back ????

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I would do as others have suggested and go over first, get settled and then bring your dog over.

That's what I would do, my dogs come everywhere with me, I couldn't leave them behind. I guess I "tied" myself down fairly young (3 dogs and only 22 years old) but my life wouldn't be the same without them and I have never seen them as a hinderence. One day I would like to live overseas and always take into account my dogs when thinking of it.

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Thanks for the response everyone. The job prospect is in New York, which is definitely a very far cry from Melbourne suburbia. I'm not sure how my dog will fare in such a big city and as much as I want to take him with me, I don't really know if I'll be there one year, two years, three years... etc etc. I could possibly even come back to Australia after a few years there and as someone already mentioned, as I understand it, it's easy to take dogs out of Australia but very difficult to bring them back in. Going to the US, my dog won't have to be quarantined but coming back in he would have to stay locked up for a month or more and that's something that I really just can't do to him. I guess my future plans are so up in the air at the moment - if I were 100% certain that I would never return I would definitely take him with me, however at the moment I just don't know :laugh:

I currently already live with my parents so leaving him with them is completely fine. He won't really have to get used to a new environment aside from the fact that I will no longer be there. I'm just really worried about how he'd go. I feel like no one will ever look after him and love him the way I do, you know? I doubt my parents will remember to walk him everyday, give him bones, spend time with him as much I as do.

At the same time... I do think it's crazy to pass up something like this because it could benefit me a great deal in the future. I guess I could find another job in Australia, however, I've always wanted to go to NYC to work and in my industry, having experience there is a huge advantage when it comes to getting future jobs. I don't want to be harsh but I just think that the bottom line is, my dog will eventually pass on in the next 10 years or so. I will still have to continue making a life for myself. I don't want to live in regret about this but at the same time, I just feel so horrible - like I'm becoming one of those pet deserters that I can't stand.

EDIT* He is quite young, only just turned 3 a few months ago. He also has some behavioral "issues" regarding other dogs hence why the added anxiety I feel. It's nothing serious as he's only 3kgs, but he tends to show fear aggression at large dogs so I can't let him off lead ever. I manage it fine but I know that my parents will not put in as much effort and I do and I'm also worried about perhaps something terrible happening if I'm not there to supervise.

When i was 18 i travelled to L.A, since i was little i have always wanted to go.. im 28years old now and now i have settled and have a family of my own. i felt so lucky to get the chance to travel on my own overseas, it really gave me alot of independence..I am so happy i made that descion to go over(cause it would be so hard to take the whole family over)..

If i was you i would take the job in a heartbeat.. the other stuff will work itself out, I know its hard and proablly easier for me to say.. so im not trying to put myself in your shoes, cause i understand the tough decision you must make.. But dont feel selfish or guilty because you want to go, not many people get the chance to work overseas(its very hard to get work O/S overseas, especially work in the U.S)

In reguards with your dog, is it possible to fix the behavioural problems before you go?? Maybe someone could help with the anxiety and he could travel with you?? I know you dont think it possible but you never know its worth trying everything before you make a descion..

Goodluck, i hope you dont get to anxious about this .. it will work out whichever way you choose :laugh:

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