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Dog Wont Eat


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has she always been like it - even as a pup?

has she had her mouth/teeth checked by a vet?

What is she generally like temperament wise?

What exercise does she do each day?

What is she currently being fed,and what have you tried so far?


Id be looking at her mouth to see if there is anything going on there, and what is she being fed? a healthy dog wont starve themselves when food is on offer

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Her teeth are fine

She runs around a Half acre back yard

She came back from her owner over weight and has lost the weight in 2 weeks

I have tried chicken breast, mince, sardines, cans of fish for dogs. beef, lamb and turkey mince all with proplan biscuts

Her health is great she is a happy girl but she only has about a quarter of the bowl full and thats it.

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Quarter of a bowl of what?

How much food do you think she should be eating?

How often do you swop and change and give her choices?

What was her owner feeding her and what happens if you give her that?

Is she now a happier and healthier dog than she was when she arrived?

Are there other dogs in the house? - could she be feeling intimidated (dog doesn't have to be right there staring at her to make her leave her food)

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My female Whippet eats around a cup of food sometimes a cup and half if she has had a bigger than average day. She has daily walks, free running in 5 acres (and running with another Whippet) and training for obedience and agility every second day on average.

I am also interested in the answers to the above questions.

Some more info would make it a bit easier.

Edited by Rommi n Lewis
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I feel your pain. I have a fussy pup at the moment and yes she would rather starve herself then eat. She also only eats small portions, which would be fine if her weight was ok. First dog I've had that will walk away from her bowl when she has had enough. Reckon the others would just keep eating and eating!

The latest thing that got refused was Barf patties! Not sure I blame her on those as I wasn't keen on the smell.

She doesn't like kibble, veggies, offal, barf patties. She does like mince, chicken necks/wings/frames & lamb flaps.

ETA: she even said no to sardines on kibble!

Edited by JulesP
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