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Dog Walkers


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Just saw one at the park i was walking through that had at least 7 off leash dogs with her.

None of them appeared to be under control.

They were harassing other people and dogs, but because the walker had so many, while they were dealing with one situation, another would be happening behind her back.

a further group of dogs had run off into the bush (tick infested imo) which is meant to be a regeneration area.

To make things worse, the person had a coffee and was clearly texting away or surfing the net on her phone :(

i have to say that if those were my dogs i would not be happy with the service at all, i don't want my dog to go running wild in a dog park with a pack of out of control dogs and running into tick infested areas.

when a dog owner approached her and told her she had too many dogs, she just shrugged and glared at the poor lady.

Are there any rules and regulations for professional dog walkers?

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Im pretty sure the limit for number of dogs under one person's control is four.

It is councils - local legislation - that limits the number of dogs walked by one person.

I think it is 4 in most parts of the country.

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You wouldn't have been at Tania Park would you? I've seen dog walkers' vans pull up and open the door, and lots of unrestrained dogs pile out and run amok while the "professional" dog walkers try to get them to go anywhere but down the bloody cliffs... *sigh*


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No I don't think so tdierkx. There are no cliffs at the park i was at.

I will call the council and see what they have to say. I'm pretty sure it is a company, they also just open the back of the van, the dogs aren't even in separate crate or anything.

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I only just seen a sign in one of our local milk bars today offering a dog walking service, it is something that I would never ever consider.

4 is quite enough to keep an eye on, Mine don't go far at all off leash but I find myself constantly doing head checks, I don't know how anyone could safely look after any more than that off leash!

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I only just seen a sign in one of our local milk bars today offering a dog walking service, it is something that I would never ever consider.

They have their place, as long as they are responsible. I've used one when overseas, they only took my dogs out and on lead. The person house sitting the dogs wasn't much of a walker. The walker did a good job and the dogs loved her. But I've also heard horror stories. You need to do your research and be prepared to pay a reasonable amount for the service. One non-negoitable rule with mine was that they were never, ever to be let off lead.

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Im pretty sure the limit for number of dogs under one person's control is four.

It is councils - local legislation - that limits the number of dogs walked by one person.

I think it is 4 in most parts of the country.

Actually, it comes under the Companion Animals Act 1998 legislation.

Section 13.4 of the Companion Animals Act States (which applies regardless of if the dogs are on or off lead):

"A dog is not considered to be under the effective control of a person if the person has more than 4 dogs under his or her control."

Basically, if the person works for an employer and is walking/running more than four dogs, both the employer and employee are breaking the law.

Sorry, this is something I am a bit passionate about.

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Before the limit of 4 dogs came in, it seemed to be the thing that dog walkers did: pick up half dozen dogs or more, drive to the local park, open the door of the van and all the dogs would pile out. I've seen it more times than I could count. I used to think that the dogwalkers must have nerves of steel because I would be just about cr--ing myself worrying whether any of the dogs in my charge or other peoples' dogs would get hurt.

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