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I'd try to stay positive on the good things about pure bred dogs and their people but don't say anything he thinks criticises his choice. He's already very defensive so it wouldn't be heard, just reacted against.

So if he thinks pure bred dog people are snobs or feel threatened just say something like you've found the pure breed enthusiasts you have dealt with helpful and friendly and very interestedd in the health and temperament of their breeds, and that you hope he gets as much pleasure from his dogs as you do from yours. If you think you can say that truthfully.

And then just leave it be. If she is a friend you don't need an argument with her OH.

Thanks for those ideas, yes don't want to be getting in a tiff over it but I was just taken by surprise as I didnt mean any of it in the way he took it and then he actually goes and starts bagging out others as he assumed ide been doing over his cross, even though he admitted that it was without realising it was.

So why not just reply with that :thumbsup:

If you really want to suppy them with breed information why not just google "Bandog" and send them the links :dancingelephant:

I did that in my first comment for her (googled bandog and added the links to my comment) and in mentioning them he said thanks for going to all the trouble with finding the links but i do not need them i know what i am doing.... im assuming he was being sarcastic with the thanks.

Anyway I replied to his comment with alot of my own facts about ETHICAL breeders and what they do with their breeding stock and the fact that they breed to better the breed and that it is brb and puppy farms etc that ruin breeds and a few other things, But she deleted the photo and then added it again so that the comments werent there so I dont know if he even read it, and it was quite a great post, wish i copied and saved it actually incase Im in a similar situation again.....

EDITED to try to be clearer lol

Edited by ash&elar
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having a pregnant bitch about to drop is more the concern I would think at the moment! I hope they have experience whelping and raising puppies, and on pre and post natal care of the bitch. I hope they understand their legal obligations in terms of care and welfare, and will vet check, vaccinate and microchip the puppies. I also hope they have a healthy credit card (or two!) in case things go wrong (and that they will infact act if needed).

And I hope they have loving, caring and knowledgeable homes lined up for each and every one of those puppies, with owners who will desex their pups at the appropriate age so as to ensure they don't end up being shifted from one home to another just before they are about to whelp, like their mother was.

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I dont see what you are trying to achieve. The dog is a cross, ready to pop. Not the time to be berating them methinks

bandogs are considered a type to some, more then a breed, like the APBT. Either way these pups may turn out to have great temperaments or make great pigging dogs. If not, vet trip. What more can you do? I dont see why you're so up in arms about it.

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I dont see what you are trying to achieve. The dog is a cross, ready to pop. Not the time to be berating them methinks

bandogs are considered a type to some, more then a breed, like the APBT. Either way these pups may turn out to have great temperaments or make great pigging dogs. If not, vet trip. What more can you do? I dont see why you're so up in arms about it.

It wasn't about the breed, I said I didnt mean to offend with what I said about the breed I was just saying to her that I googled the breed yrs ago after I heard the name and found that most do not consider it a breed but passed on links so she could make her own mind up, she is a FB friend I have been talking to her for 4yrs we met through a pregnancy site and have been friends since like I said she lives on the other side of vic I dont have the ability to go round and check and help an doffer advise, and as my comments have already obviously offended I dont think any advice I give will be taken in anyway. I was more interested in giving him some actually facts about the purebred breeders and the dogs he knocked which is what I did.

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having a pregnant bitch about to drop is more the concern I would think at the moment! I hope they have experience whelping and raising puppies, and on pre and post natal care of the bitch. I hope they understand their legal obligations in terms of care and welfare, and will vet check, vaccinate and microchip the puppies. I also hope they have a healthy credit card (or two!) in case things go wrong (and that they will infact act if needed).

And I hope they have loving, caring and knowledgeable homes lined up for each and every one of those puppies, with owners who will desex their pups at the appropriate age so as to ensure they don't end up being shifted from one home to another just before they are about to whelp, like their mother was.

From what I know her dog that her mum got her when she lived at home had pups and they were cute, She isnt a big animal person but I dont know about him never had anything to do with him, I think the best that will happen is the pups will have their first vacc's and wormed b4 going to anyone who wants them, someone asked what she will be asking for them as " " needs another hunter. she said dont know yet guess it depends on how they turn out......

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There are probably copyright rules that are meant to prevent cross posting from other websites to here and vice versa.

It might be ok if you got his permission to use his words to open a discussion on the subject here. But like the others said, is he really interested?

Purebred vs Crossbred is well covered in the RSPCA knowledge base.


RSPCA don't object to cross breeds as such but there are a lot of myths about inheriting the best characteristics vs the worst. The movie "Twins" is an extreme expression of the possibilities of genetic mixing of the parents.

Dogs from backyard breeders seem to be over-represented in the pounds where many of them end up PTS. That would be my main objection.

The main worry with this particular dog is not its ancestry - but the fact that it is pregnant and it has a closed minded philistine (the OH) in charge of it and its puppies' welfare. EEK.

The dogs might turn out great - but they need to be raised in a friendly environment and get plenty of positive socialisation with other dogs, people and children. I don't think the "OH" is likely to provide this based on what you've said so far.

In the mean time - if your friend decides she doesn't want any more puppies, this website would be worth investigating.


Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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Thanks for those ideas, yes don't want to be getting in a tiff over it but I was just taken by surprise as I didnt mean any of it in the way he took it and then he actually goes and starts bagging out others as he assumed ide been doing over his cross, even though he admitted that it was without realising it was.

Criticising a persons dog is like criticising a person's children - just don't go there. If the dogs are well cared for and the pups will be responsibly rehomed, that's the best you can hope for.

If not, save your breath - doesn't sound like they are receptive to your concerns.

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Thanks for those ideas, yes don't want to be getting in a tiff over it but I was just taken by surprise as I didnt mean any of it in the way he took it and then he actually goes and starts bagging out others as he assumed ide been doing over his cross, even though he admitted that it was without realising it was.

Criticising a persons dog is like criticising a person's children - just don't go there. If the dogs are well cared for and the pups will be responsibly rehomed, that's the best you can hope for.

If not, save your breath - doesn't sound like they are receptive to your concerns.

Yeah I am I said what I had to as in regards to purebred dogs being "inbred" and how they are unhealthy, but don't think there was much point. Im hoping that they will do the right thing with the puppies.I know she will have them vet checked and vacc'd but I doubt they will be desexed or the homes screened. And I think from what he said he will be planning on using the bitch as a brood dog to get the "perfect blend" as he put it... seings how they have a entire male great dane which is actually 3/4 great dane 1/4 bull arab I guess he will be siring these litters.....Just the feeling I get from what he said.

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