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Melbourne And Doggy Lifestyle


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I am so excited....my mum and her husband are moving from NZ to Melbourne mid November. Oddly though, I was more pleased to hear that they ar etaking their dog with them than the news that they are actually moving LOL

Anyway, they got a house today (first one applied for and online too - jammy as) and are getting really stoked about the big move and I just wanted to find out about dog lifestyle in Melbourne.

I am not sure what specifically I am wanting to know but maybe stuff that they will need to know council, pest, park wise?

FYI, Keb (the dog) is a Huntaway/Beagle mix that they adopted from the SPCA after their dog Remus somehow managed to escape their yard and was decapitated by a train (ranger suspects he was tied to the line by someone or thrown in front of oncoming train but that is a diff story). He has had a bit of a rough start in life.

His mother was well known to council with the owners not desexing and allowing her to produce litter after litter after litter (not a BYB as such but an ignorant twat who really couldnt care about the welfare of the bitch or pups). He was then given to family who were completely ignorant of dog needs and kept Keb (not his name back then) in a yard all day without shelter and very little food. after 6 months with the family he was uplifted from the property and taken to the SPCA where, I believe, he spent the next 6-8 months of his life with nobody wanting to adopt him and them not wanting to euthanaise. Then along comes my mum and her husband (who were "never getting any more pets" because they had lost one dog and two cats - one of old age and the other of a car - within just a few months) and when they saw him, he was laying in a horse trough full of water with just his head poking out. Love at first sight I believe it was. he is a lovely dog, a bit boisterous but lovely nature anyway so I am stoked he has clearly found his definite forever home and that they ar ebrining him over.

Back on topic, any info would be greatly received.

Edited by lanabanana
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What area of Melbourne? Some councils are very laid back and dog friendly, others not so. But there are plenty of places you can take your dog, both onlead and offlead.

The house they have is in Seaford - I have no idea what that burb is like.

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