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Friends Doggies Peeing On Kiddies Toys


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A friend of a friend has had a baby and their 5 year old boy doggie is now weeing on the babies toys and sometimes around the house. It only started when the baby came home...

Suggestions or advice on what they can do?

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A friend of a friend has had a baby and their 5 year old boy doggie is now weeing on the babies toys and sometimes around the house. It only started when the baby came home...

Suggestions or advice on what they can do?

Pick up the toys.

Go back to toilet training 101. It might be marking behaviour but I'd be restricting the dog's unsupervised access to the house.

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A friend of a friend has had a baby and their 5 year old boy doggie is now weeing on the babies toys and sometimes around the house. It only started when the baby came home...

Suggestions or advice on what they can do?

Pick up the toys.

Go back to toilet training 101. It might be marking behaviour but I'd be restricting the dog's unsupervised access to the house.

Yeah I have said that :laugh: I've emailed her with the above.. Hope she listens as so far the suggestions on her fb page are kick the dog outside and leave it there and take it to the pound!

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Agree with PF toilet training , and also increase the amount of ordinary obedience and N I LI F training ...dog may need reminding that the house etc is NOT his personal property.

the suggestions on her fb page are kick the dog outside and leave it there and take it to the pound!

:laugh: with her friends' knowledgable advice .. I don't see the dog getting much done to help it .

Edited by persephone
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Do not use bleach to clean up - cos it smells like dog pee that must be re-marked.

Use bicarb soda and vinegar solution eg Shannon Lush recipe - into 1 litre spray bottle, put 1 cup white vinegar (cheap is good), 1tsp lavendar oil, fill bottle with water, wipe up initial mess, sprinkle area with bicarb and then spray with vinegar solution and clean up. Do not use on marble surfaces and test inconspicuous bit of carpet first - though with small kids - the carpet is going to hell anyway.

Get the dog loads more exericse, and give it some dedicated play sessions each day (as required for each child too). This whole thing might be attention seeking - so it's important not to reward the dog by yelling at it or rubbing its nose in it. I see lots of mums out with prams and dogs, seems like a good way to create a bond.

Don't let this story become your friend's dog's story

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