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A Plea To My Fellow Exhibitors


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Well folks, spring is here and the flies are back.

This brings me to one of my pet hates at dog shows. Can we all please encourage folk to use bags to pick up and dispose of dog poo? It makes the bins a lot more pleasant to be around, reduces the risk of faeces or fly born disease transmission and has got to make it more pleasant for those who deal with the rubbish.

Frankly I've never understood why some exhibitors toilet their dogs without carrying bags with them. Looking around helplessly or walking hundreds of metres to pick up a ringside scoop seems a bit useless to me.

If its good enough for your average pet owner to bag and bin, I reckon showies should be able to handle it.

I know I'd sure appreciate it.

Oh, and dropping the bags next to the nearest gazebo to pick up 'later' isn't on either.

My preference would be for show organisers to get rid of the scoops and to provide rolls of poo bags for use. Makes for a faster clean up in the ring too.

Edited by poodlefan
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Good thinking, poodlefan! Those bins aren't pleasant to be around even in cooler weather. :rofl:

At the end of a three day weekend they are downright RIPE!! :laugh:

I'd not want a fly from one of those bins to make it onto the judges scones with jam and cream. :mad

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I do agree - but at least it's in the bin I suppose. I was flabbergasted seeing a familiar face at a show recently with a large breed toilet their dog in a high traffic area, then wander off - with me presuming they were going for a scoop so not saying anything. They just kept on going, leaving that HUGE pile of poo there where people walk all the time! :cry: Nasty. Not to mention BAD manners. :wave:

Maybe as well over multi day weekends the bins coul dbe smaller, and bags in the bins could be changed nightly... instead of letting it build up...

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I agree and, in fact, as I walk my dogs so often during the day I have poo bags stuffed in my bra :thumbsup: . That way I can NEVER forget!!! I do the same at shows.

:) That's called false advertising my dear !!!

I agree with the bag it request, nothing worse than being unfortunate enough to be set up close to a bin and holding your breath when someone opens it !


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