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De-sexing Or A Litter


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Hi all,

I have recently brought my first puppy, she is a tall pomeranian.

She is only 5months of age at the moment, but i am thinking further down the track in regards to a litter or desexing.

She did come with papers, but if i was too breed it would only be for family dogs not show dogs.

I would just like to hear some pro and cons to a litter or desexing!

Thankyou :rofl:


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Hi all,

I have recently brought my first puppy, she is a tall pomeranian.

She is only 5months of age at the moment, but i am thinking further down the track in regards to a litter or desexing.

She did come with papers, but if i was too breed it would only be for family dogs not show dogs.

I would just like to hear some pro and cons to a litter or desexing!

Thankyou :rofl:


If she has a great temperament and passes all the health tests then why not have a litter? If the breeder approves the mating and will offer you full support and you register the pups, it will be a great experience for you.

Edited by Chewbacca
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Having a litter is a big decision.

I agree with Chewbacca, however must also add that you apply for a breeder's prefix through your state's canine council, which can include an exam.

Put your bitch through any health tests required.

Only put your girl to another main registered Pomeranian who complements your girl. You may need assistance from your girl's breeder for this.

Read up online about what can happen during a birth and the weeks that follow. Some of the stories will break your heart.

You need to feel able to cope with a midnight c-section and hand raising pups if Mum can't feed.

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Thankyou for the replys so far, its all helping with my future decison.

My mother is a breeder of Border Collies so i have been brought up in the show ring and with a few litters of puppies :rainbowbridge:

But there is nothing like your own dog and experiancing it for your self!

I have had one person contact me with her male pom and interested in breeding, although i let her no i only want family dogs.

I would only give her one litter if i decided to go through with it, and i alread have 3 family friends intrested in a puppy! So i no they will go to wonderful familys!

Thankyou for all your help so far, im taking it all on board!


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Hi all,

I have recently brought my first puppy, she is a tall pomeranian.

She is only 5months of age at the moment, but i am thinking further down the track in regards to a litter or desexing.

She did come with papers, but if i was too breed it would only be for family dogs not show dogs.

I would just like to hear some pro and cons to a litter or desexing!

Thankyou :rainbowbridge:


I have concerns.

You have described her as "a tall pomeranian". I assume that the person who sold you the puppy gave you this description.

I have just re-read the Breed Standard for Pomeranians and nowhere in it does it say that the dogs are tall.

Please read the breed standard: http://www.ankc.org.au/Breed_Details.aspx?bid=40

It describes what the dogs and bitches should look like, and it is important that they do have these features if you are thinking of breeding.

An adult female Pomeranian should weigh no more than 2.5 kilograms. A dog of that weight is UNLIKELY to ever be a tall dog.

Please wait until your puppy is an adult before making any decisions about breeding.

If she is more than 2.5 kgs in weight at the age of 12 months I do not believe you should be breeding from her.

She will make a beautiful de-sexed pet who is just a little bit taller than some of the other Poms, and I am guessing that the breeder told you that she would be tall.

Best wishes,


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Thankyou for the replys so far, its all helping with my future decison.

My mother is a breeder of Border Collies so i have been brought up in the show ring and with a few litters of puppies :rainbowbridge:

But there is nothing like your own dog and experiancing it for your self!

I have had one person contact me with her male pom and interested in breeding, although i let her no i only want family dogs.

I would only give her one litter if i decided to go through with it, and i alread have 3 family friends intrested in a puppy! So i no they will go to wonderful familys!

Thankyou for all your help so far, im taking it all on board!


Are you in contact with the breeder at all?

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Personally I would desex.

If you don't, every litter and season she has leaves her potentially more prone to pyometra and mammary cancer.

There is absolutely NO need to breed everything that has a uterus.

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One thing to think about, a good ethical registered breeder should be breeding only to improve the breed, to keep lines going and to keep something from the litter for the future.

If you are only breeding to supply pet quality dogs from a pet quality bitch, you are pretty much going to fall into the category of back yard breeder, and do nothing for your breed at all.

It's a big risk to take just to make poor quality puppies.

I'd be letting her mature a little, making sure no dogs get to her when her season arrives and get her desexed.


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My mother is a breeder of Border Collies so i have been brought up in the show ring and with a few litters of puppies

What does your mother think of the idea? If she's like most registered breeders I know, my guess is she'd be horrified.

Ask yourself if the world needs Pomeranians that don't fit the breed standard. No reason why a family dog can't be as beautiful as a show dog - most show dogs I know are family dogs during the week anyway.

My guess is your girl will be in season before Christmas. Personally I'd allow her that one season IF you can safely manage a bitch in season then desex her.

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I agree with Fifi - there is no medical benefit from letting your girl have a litter, and I am sure you are aware from your experiences with your mum, that breeding can be as rewarding as it is heartbreaking.

If you only intend to keep your girl as a pet and her breeder did not indicate to you that she thought she would make a contribution to bettering or maintaining the breed, then just go on ahead and enjoy your girl for the lovely pet that Im sure you have.

As for your friends looking for pet - why dont you refer them to the breed that you purchased your girl from, you were obviously very happy with your pup?

EDIT - its really nice to see an informed discussion without attacking the OP or forcing beliefs on someone. A nice thread to read guys! :rainbowbridge:

Edited by gone troppo
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Have a think about desexing her, and if you are still passionate about the breed, learn as much as you can from a good breeder, then start with the best quality you can if you want to breed.


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Thank you for your replies, as i said this is something i would consider in the future most likely in her second season.

Its nice for me to think that i have already had a breeder contact me in hopes of breeding with her!

I am aware that de sexing can stop a lot of problems, and the last thing we need in this world is more puppies going into shelters or anything else.

But as i said if i was to give her one litter i already have had people interested in future puppies.

So i no that they would be going to future homes!

And after the one litter she would be getting de sexed.

Once again thank you for your replies!


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Something else to consider is that being a toy breed, she may not have many puppies and may also require surgical intervention to deliver them. Naturally, there are risks involved with this as well and you may lose the bitch AND puppies.

I believe your intentions are good, but honestly, is she REALLY of good enough quality to breed from her?

And yes...what has HER breeder said?

And editing to add: Even getting her desexed after ONE litter will not prevent her from mammary cancer if she is predisposed to getting it. It will actually make her MORE prone if she has a single litter.

Edited by ellz
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I only believe in breeding to better the breed and provide something reliable that people want to buy for. If you want a nice family pet and nothing else you should be abel to find one in show or working lines. No one needs to be breeding just for pet quality dogs.

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Thank you for your replies, as i said this is something i would consider in the future most likely in her second season.

Its nice for me to think that i have already had a breeder contact me in hopes of breeding with her!

I am aware that de sexing can stop a lot of problems, and the last thing we need in this world is more puppies going into shelters or anything else.

But as i said if i was to give her one litter i already have had people interested in future puppies.

So i no that they would be going to future homes!

And after the one litter she would be getting de sexed.

Once again thank you for your replies!


Samantha, I am not hearing that you want to breed good quality puppies.

I am hearing that you would breed because you have people who are interested in future puppies. An ethical breeder does not breed pups for that reason.

From your description, I believe you have a pet quality puppy and unless your pet quality puppy grows up to match the breed standard, then no, I am sorry I do not think you should be breeding to supply your friends with puppies that will also probably not match the breed standard.

Please think about the ethics that a good breeder should be using.


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Personally I would never take on breeding a toy breed "just for" any reason. Toy breeds are hard to breed. They can have problems that are a great danger to the bitch. I bred my small Lhasa Apso (3kgs) and it ended in disaster, loosing the puppy, but I was lucky not to loose the mother too. So now, although I love and adore the breed, I am leaving the breeding to others. Any of the toy breeds would pose similar problems, and its all too risky for your beloved family pet, IMO.

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You should only breed excellent dogs that have been proven in the show ring OR as working dogs.

If you are an ethical breeder, you will perform the relevant health tests for your breed. These can often be expensive.

You will show successfully and title your dog (hopefully) to prove your dog is worthy of being bred from (as i'm not sure poms actually have a working purpose lol).

The reason most ethical breeders have a litter is in the hope of producing an exceptional pup for themselves to show or title, or work.

Having pups for the sake of it just because you can is not very good imo and you will be risking your beloved pet's health for no reason.

Please think carfeully about this. If you do decide to do the right thing and show your dog and do all the necessary health tests, then I wish you the best of luck. Breeding can be very rewarding but can also be heartbreaking.

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Only joining 3 days ago and this being my first post, i cant belive how quick the reply rate is :rainbowbridge:

Thanks to everyone who have posted there thoughts on the topic, i have read them all!!

Being Friday i hope you all have a great weekend.

I am going away this weekend and will be unable to post again.

Enjoy the weekend.


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