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Not sure if there will be anyone here at this hour but here goes...

I just took Poppy out to toilet. She rarely needs a late night outside time but will wake me if she does.

I opened the back door and she trotted out just like we have always done.

She went onto the grass then onto the stones which seem to be one of her favourites pooing places! Lol!

I'm still standing at the door and can't see her now.

Next minute she flies back inside crying and whimpering! I check her over, pat her, reassure her and she stops.

I'm wondering if it was just her poo that got a bit stuck and she freaked out or if it was something worse!

She's back on our bed now, all curled up snoozing and I'm awake worrying about what hurt her! :rofl:


Edited by PoppyDog
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Hi Poppy Dog

If she is sleeping now it probably not to much wrong maybe it hurt when she "went" or she stood on a sharp stone that didn't cut her. Just watch her today. Is she a wuss dog.

Not much help but I am awake.

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Thanks Graysmum!

I'm up and getting ready for work now and she seems fine.

I guess she can be a bit of a wuss! Lol! She came right back to me and put her head in my lap wanting cuddles.

She's never done that before though so it did give me a scare!

Might get the OH to go see if there is anything around on the stones that might of caused her to act the way she did!

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Best to have an outside light if possible. Horrid experience years ago with this.

Let my 5 poodles out at 1am as they were whinging to go piddle. Complete paved yard no garden beds.

One didn't come in when called a minute later. Went out & picked her up & she was limping. Nothing to hurt herself on out there. Then she had a small fit & started frothing at the mouth.

Rushed to emergency vet. Treated for suspected spider bite.

Next morning I had a look around & on the back porch there was a small pipe that came out of the ground & through the brick wall for water or gas. Behind it was a big red back spider. The culprit I guess.

Glad she is ok but sometimes the unexpected can just happen.

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Best to have an outside light if possible. Horrid experience years ago with this.

Let my 5 poodles out at 1am as they were whinging to go piddle. Complete paved yard no garden beds.

One didn't come in when called a minute later. Went out & picked her up & she was limping. Nothing to hurt herself on out there. Then she had a small fit & started frothing at the mouth.

Rushed to emergency vet. Treated for suspected spider bite.

Next morning I had a look around & on the back porch there was a small pipe that came out of the ground & through the brick wall for water or gas. Behind it was a big red back spider. The culprit I guess.

Glad she is ok but sometimes the unexpected can just happen.

Eeep! I hope it wasn't a bite! :rainbowbridge:

We live in a new estate and so tend to have more than our fair share of spiders. Put they are mostly daddy long legs ones which are harmless.

When she was a puppy she was bitten by a green ant and reacted the same way she did last night only worse! Lol! Maybe she is a bit of a drama queen.

Thinking back to last night she definately wanted that reassurance from me. As soon as I was patting her and talking to her she calmed down.

I might try and discourage her from going around the corner onto the stones.

If Tamar has a bit of trouble doing a poop or some gets stuck, she carries on as though she's sat in an ant's nest. Hope Poppy continues to be okay.

I'm hoping it was just this.

She seemed fine this morning. I left her sleeping on the bed with OH and told him to keep an eye on her! Lol!

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