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Dogs In Backs Of Utes


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I'll second that Dogmad!

WildatHeart: Not at the moment, though I can't say whether they are planning on introducing one. You just have to restrain the dog somehow for it's own safety and so it is not an 'unsecured load'. DPI do recommend a cage though... http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/4790_8373.htm

There were some (long overdue IMHO) legislative changes not too long ago preventing drivers from carrying animals on their lap inside a vehicle and on the tank of a motorcycle whilst riding. Perhaps more in the works?

Edited by Sydoo
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I cannot believe the number of people I see with SWF sitting in their lap while driving. The other one, is SWF sitting on the back shelf of a hatch back. Hit the brakes and SWF goes through the front window, maybe hitting the driver on the way through. Dogs sitting on the back shelf of cars are just as dangerous as umbrellas and other items sitting there unrestrained in an accident. If hit, they are launched at what ever speed the car is travelling.

As for dogs in utes: Aside from the danger of tethered dogs being tethered so they can still get to the side so they can potentially hang themselves, there is the danger especially in Summer of them burning their pads on the tray of the ute. You see some poor dogs in the middle of the day standing on bare steel of the tray in the middle of summer. You put your hand on it and it is burning hot!!

I had heard a rumour ages ago too, that there was a push I think by the RSPCA that even if you have a canopy, dogs need to be restrained within them similar as they have to be restrained within the car??

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Don't know but there should be, some of the tethers I've seen are as lethal as not being tethered. Can't believe people can be so cavalier with the safety of their animals.

There are some good ute tethers on the market, but it seems few will spend any $ on making sure their dog is safe. I have a ute but there is no way my dog will ever ride in the back. It's no place for a dog anyway.

And It's not just SWF's that go unrestrained in cars, lots of big dogs can be seen bouncing around in the back seats of cars as well.

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i was going to train my boy to be in the back of the ute, then he half jumped out one day, so he has been inside since, we now have a hatchback and he rides in the boot, lol, but i worry constantly that someone will run into us and squash him to death (i worry all the time about my baby) my next car will be a fwd something taller so he is safer in the boot, also with a bigger boot to possibly fit a crate for him so he isnt rolling around the back lol, one day

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The current Qld legislation says that the dog has to be tethered on the back of a ute - it can't be left to ride loose. That said, a lot of dogs end up being hung and dragged if they fall off the back - some people are petitioning to make changes to the current rules; whether it'll happen or not, I don't know.

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