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Will Miss My Amme Dog


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RIP Amme 6/10/2010

I have laid you to rest by the big gumtree out the stables by orders of your 5 year old best friend and my daughter Chelsea. She will be home soon enough to complete your burial with your toys, treats & blankies. You were my best friend at times my only friend.

Im sorry I was not there but I tried my hardest to get home as soon as I could. Ive been told you picked a time when you knew I was away so I didnt have to witness. You were always a star to our family so Chelsea and family have picked out the Northern Star to call upon you when she needs to.

No more pain Amme dog you can keep those feral cats from our stables now.


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Thanks Im coping alot better than I expected I didnt even break down at the vets. I did lose it before the clinic had ot pull over at a servo and get my mother to come with me in the end.

I had a friend dig her hole the night before for me. I could fit my daughters little mini pony in it so we had a giggle and that has seem to help. There is a hole left for when my daughters home next weekend. No doubt I will lose it then as she will cry and I dont think I could be strong enough to not cry with her. Have toys and her pink blankie to go in Chelsea's hole for her. Have a nice cross / name plate thingy coming from perth to place above her grave. Will get some nice large smooth stones to place around it.

Thanks guys

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Thanks Im coping alot better than I expected I didnt even break down at the vets. I did lose it before the clinic had ot pull over at a servo and get my mother to come with me in the end.

I had a friend dig her hole the night before for me. I could fit my daughters little mini pony in it so we had a giggle and that has seem to help. There is a hole left for when my daughters home next weekend. No doubt I will lose it then as she will cry and I dont think I could be strong enough to not cry with her. Have toys and her pink blankie to go in Chelsea's hole for her. Have a nice cross / name plate thingy coming from perth to place above her grave. Will get some nice large smooth stones to place around it.

Thanks guys

just remember, you dont have to be strong, it is ok for you to break down and cry :rofl:

RIP Amme

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