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Peke Having Surgery Next Monday


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My 4 year old Peke is having surgery on his saliva gland apparantly it has ruptured and is filling with syliva. Has anyone elses baby had this kind of surgery. Starting to get worried as he has never had surgery before.

Edited by albanyfdc
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Yes, it is quite dangerous surgery as there are major arteries in the area.

My old boy had both sides done many years ago. He had a tennis ball sized lump under his neck on a 5kg dog. One side was successful. A few years later the other side needed doing but was done by a different vet. Fast forward to last year and about 5 yrs after the second surgery and all has gone bad. For the past 18months he has had both sides swell repeatedly despite supposedly having all salivary glands removed. He is almost constantly on antibiotics and has twice had to have drains put back in his neck after they absessed and ruptured. Not good when he is now pushing 15 yrs.

I have another dog (his daughter) whose neck swells on and off. I have opted not to have surgery on her unless absolutely essential. For me this is whne it is affecting either breathing or eating otherwise I just leave it alone.

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I had a Min Pin with this a few years ago. It was only on one side and didn't worry him at all. It would go up and down, somedays hardly noticible, another day, 'specially if a tasty roast was cooking, it would be quite large.

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Thanks guys

He is having it done as it is affecting his swallowing and is not draining itself. The vet drained it 10 days ago and it is now back up to what it was before he drained it. It is only one side of his neck so hopefully the other wont rupture as well I don't think I could handle another operation for him.

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Well he is home all safe. Vet stated he had never seen such a big lump on such a small dog it was what a large breed dog would have got. Yet he drained it 3 weeks ago. Back on Friday for his drain to be removed and in 2 weeks for the stitches. He looks like a turkey with a big fold of skin under his jaw. Going to take a while for that to disappear. Thanks to all those who wished him luck and gave advice.

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Well today I started with his tablets he has never had tablets before as I use a worming liquid with him. So I put his tablets in to some meat and watch like a hawk he walks around the corner spits the meat out and eats the tablet. He then looks at me as if to say I'm not stupid or a baby I can have tablets that aren't wrapped in food. My baby is a big boy :(

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