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Ever Snuck The Dog Into A Motel?


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I think maybe kids should be banned from motels as well then.. the mess they can make ina motel room is unbeleivable. My dogs that ive snuck into motel rooms have never slept on motel bedding they have had thier own bedding etc. The kelpie X slept in the bathroom on her bed. I dont think we caused anyone pain and suffering. Im assuming motels mop bathrooms floors between guests! IGs dont shed and once again slept on thier own bedding anyway. I always stay at places that allow dogs in cars so they know I have a dog with me.

I did sneak my kelpie x into the local hospital once though years ago. Stuck her in a bag and carried her in when I went to visit a friend. We werent caught either lol. Oh and ive taken an iggy to work with me when i worked at the hospital, one time. My dog Sultan had a seizure and I was due to start work so I told them im not leaving him, so Sully came with me and was crated under a desk.

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YOU people are the very reason that motels, van parks, cabins and every other form of accomodation have banned dogs over the years and now even refuse to accept those of us, who would never dream of breaking not only the establishment rules or any legislation...

If you want to travel with your pet, plan your trip, book places that accept pets or set you car/trailer up to accommodate... Stop screwing it up for the rest of us

I don't really understand this. The places were already not pet friendly - nothing changed, these people just snuck their dogs in because they couldn't have them legitimately. The only thing that might have changed is that if there were any perceivable signs left, the motel owners may have upped their checks and vigilance. Not sure how this would affect the places that do allow pets? I've read the post several times now and I still don't get it.

What is there not to understand :rolleyes:

Places that once allowed pets, say for example in the car only, caught guests with pets in their rooms = no pets welcome on premises full stop.

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I don't really understand this. The places were already not pet friendly - nothing changed, these people just snuck their dogs in because they couldn't have them legitimately. The only thing that might have changed is that if there were any perceivable signs left, the motel owners may have upped their checks and vigilance. Not sure how this would affect the places that do allow pets? I've read the post several times now and I still don't get it.

Did you read Ruralpugs post? "Pet friendly" places that have pet owners flout the rules become "no pets allowed". Every year this happens and those of us looking for accomodation on a regular basis notice it most.

Edited by poodlefan
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Like already mentioned those who sneak them in are totally selfish & the fact you make excuses & don't see it as an issue is disgraceful .

The rules set by the establishment whether we like it or not are there to be abide by & the fact so many people here feel it is there right to abuse the generosity of these establishments is down right embarrassing

We travel for shows & we now dob in anyone whether show people or not who sneak there dogs in & ruin it for ALL people whether travelers or show people.

The facilities where we have dobbed people in have been very appreciative & still take dogs BUT the list is getting smaller & smaller where they will even take dogs in the vehicle.

Infact many of the places we use now do early morning checks to see where the dogs are & i totally support it as i have nothing to hide as i abide by the rules set out by the business.

At a circuit we do last year 3 places no longer took dogs in vehicles due to dog owners of all area;s abusing the facilities policies .

:rolleyes: :D :)

Agree 100%

We've never had a problem finding decent accommodation that's pet friendly. A lot of B&B's are pet friendly too if more upmarket is something you're after.

I think anyone caught breaking the rules should be kicked out on their arse regardless of the hour.

I'm so lost. So the place did accept dogs but they hid their dogs anyway and you dobbed them in and then they decided not to allow dogs anymore? Why would you dob them in? Either they leave and the owners never know because no damage was done, or, the owners notice the damage and adjust their policies accordingly - I can't see how dobbing them in could possibly help in anyway. And no, I'm not someone who would condone this, but I also don't condone dobbing people in for the sake of it when it's unlikely to achieve anything for anyone.

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FF I cannot believe your attitude.

Good on you for planning to ruin it for everyone else. :rolleyes: :D :):rofl: :rofl: :) :p

I am only responsible for myself...sorry to break the news to you. Don't blame me for anything to do with dogs and motels... Hey, I haven't even stayed in one! The point for me I guess is that people on this forum hijack threads in a very unconscious way and end up judging others for things that are not even reality-based.

Look after yourself, look after your dogs and stop generalising. read my opening post and see what I was asking. If I get defensive and fight back then read some of the attacking, judgemental comments on here that have taken this thread in a stupid direction.

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YOU people are the very reason that motels, van parks, cabins and every other form of accomodation have banned dogs over the years and now even refuse to accept those of us, who would never dream of breaking not only the establishment rules or any legislation...

If you want to travel with your pet, plan your trip, book places that accept pets or set you car/trailer up to accommodate... Stop screwing it up for the rest of us

I don't really understand this. The places were already not pet friendly - nothing changed, these people just snuck their dogs in because they couldn't have them legitimately. The only thing that might have changed is that if there were any perceivable signs left, the motel owners may have upped their checks and vigilance. Not sure how this would affect the places that do allow pets? I've read the post several times now and I still don't get it.

Many places used to allow pets on the premises but not in rooms. After people snuck their dogs in, they now don't allow any pets - even sleeping in cars.

It also contributes to the very negative perception that a lot of people have about dogs and dog owners.

indigirl, I can only hope that when you snuck your dog in you didn't accidentally encounter anyone that had a comprimised immune system (eg undergoing chemo to treat cancer).

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I think maybe kids should be banned from motels as well then.. the mess they can make ina motel room is unbeleivable.

What a completely stupid comment :D Perhaps while they're at it maybe ban people who eat smelly food, hey :rolleyes:

It's their property and therefore they choose whether or not to allow pets. Children are little people not pet.

Edited by Silvawilow
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FF I cannot believe your attitude.

Good on you for planning to ruin it for everyone else. :rolleyes: :D :):rofl: :rofl: :) :p

I am only responsible for myself...sorry to break the news to you. Don't blame me for anything to do with dogs and motels... Hey, I haven't even stayed in one! The point for me I guess is that people on this forum hijack threads in a very unconscious way and end up judging others for things that are not even reality-based.

Look after yourself, look after your dogs and stop generalising. read my opening post and see what I was asking. If I get defensive and fight back then read some of the attacking, judgemental comments on here that have taken this thread in a stupid direction.

How has this thread been "hijacked". All posts are on topic - most happen to disagree with you.

Yes, dog friendly accommodation doesn't tend to be five star. Suck it up and do right by proprietors and other dog owners and take your dog where its allowed.

Those of us who use it are bloody grateful that anyone still allows pets inside. Vinyl floors rather than carpet, and a lesser standard of fitting are accepted as part of getting a place to stay. I'm never going to approve of any practice that has the potential to decrease the number of dog friendly places to stay. People flouting the rules is one such practice.

Yours unthinkingly,

The Twit.

Edited by poodlefan
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I'm so lost. So the place did accept dogs but they hid their dogs anyway and you dobbed them in and then they decided not to allow dogs anymore? Why would you dob them in? Either they leave and the owners never know because no damage was done, or, the owners notice the damage and adjust their policies accordingly - I can't see how dobbing them in could possibly help in anyway. And no, I'm not someone who would condone this, but I also don't condone dobbing people in for the sake of it when it's unlikely to achieve anything for anyone.

A lot of show people travel with dogs in custom designed dog trailers. The dogs often sleep in the trailers too.

If dogs are snuck into rooms against the rules, the motel owners start banning them all together.

So motels that people once used for show weekends, can no longer be used creating an accomodation hassle for many.

I assume that is why showdog dobs in people who break the rules re dogs in rooms - so that the people who just think of themsleves don't ruin it for the others who appreciate being able to stay there with the dogs sleeping in the trailer. The rule breakers get kicked out and banned, and the other show people get to rebook for next year.

not sure if that explanation helped, but I tried, LOL.

Edited by Diva
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Good lord! You are both jumping onto something that is NOT the cause of not being able to have multiple dogs at motels. I understand you may be very frustrated and this thread triggers it BUT we are often single dog owners on odd occasions (and hey, I haven't even done it yet, why am I so worried). You need to both take a deep breath... It is all too serious and frankly sneaking a little muttley into a motel overnight, once every two years is not a reason to go all crazy!

people like you are the exact reason dogs are banned from so many places.

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I think maybe kids should be banned from motels as well then.. the mess they can make ina motel room is unbeleivable.

What a completely stupid comment :D Perhaps while they're at it maybe ban people who eat smelly food, hey :rolleyes:

LOL i guess you havent heard of sarcasm before???

ETA But those of us who dont have kids sometimes wonder why the 2 legged little monsters are allowed and the 4 legged well behaved ones arent!!

Edited by indigirl
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I think maybe kids should be banned from motels as well then.. the mess they can make ina motel room is unbeleivable.

What a completely stupid comment :) Perhaps while they're at it maybe ban people who eat smelly food, hey :rolleyes:

kids do make big messes, especially when not toilet trained and left alone at night whining behind motel doors.... :D unlike my perfect small fluffy dog.

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LOL i guess you havent heard of sarcasm before???

ETA But those of us who dont have kids sometimes wonder why the 2 legged little monsters are allowed and the 4 legged well behaved ones arent!!

Your post screamed IGNORANCE nor sarcasm :rolleyes:

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I think maybe kids should be banned from motels as well then.. the mess they can make ina motel room is unbeleivable.

What a completely stupid comment :) Perhaps while they're at it maybe ban people who eat smelly food, hey :rolleyes:

LOL i guess you havent heard of sarcasm before???

ETA But those of us who dont have kids sometimes wonder why the 2 legged little monsters are allowed and the 4 legged well behaved ones arent!!

Because the law protects parents, not pet owners, from discrimination. :D

Edited by poodlefan
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YOU people are the very reason that motels, van parks, cabins and every other form of accomodation have banned dogs over the years and now even refuse to accept those of us, who would never dream of breaking not only the establishment rules or any legislation...

If you want to travel with your pet, plan your trip, book places that accept pets or set you car/trailer up to accommodate... Stop screwing it up for the rest of us

I don't really understand this. The places were already not pet friendly - nothing changed, these people just snuck their dogs in because they couldn't have them legitimately. The only thing that might have changed is that if there were any perceivable signs left, the motel owners may have upped their checks and vigilance. Not sure how this would affect the places that do allow pets? I've read the post several times now and I still don't get it.

It goes like this...

Many motels have never allowed pets in rooms, but they would let them stay in the car or in the dog trailers, providing they were quiet and the owners cleaned up after them and respected the other guests.

Dog owners think that the no pets in rooms rule doesn't apply to them. Management finds that dogs have been in rooms and promptly set about banning all pets from the premises and that includes cars and trailers, just to be sure it.

Or there are the establishments that did allow pets in rooms and then for whatever reason no longer permitt it. They continued to allow pets in cars/trailers, providing guests respected the rules and other guests. Some owners again thought the rules didn't apply to them, so now it's no pets at all, full stop.

Some were willing to accomodate and even bend over backwards to cater for pet owners but got screwed over time and again, so now it's really hard to find anywhere in some places that will accept dogs and it bloody sucks. The blame rests squarely with those who think rules don;t apply to them and their pet.

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LOL i guess you havent heard of sarcasm before???

ETA But those of us who dont have kids sometimes wonder why the 2 legged little monsters are allowed and the 4 legged well behaved ones arent!!

Your post screamed IGNORANCE nor sarcasm :rolleyes:

Uh huh.. and your response screamed STUPID :D

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it is against the law to discriminate against kids because they are human beings (...and I don't have kids). Let's not turn this thread into the kids vs no kids non-debate, eh?

Are you being serious now?? But it seems you know how easily one sentence can get turned into pages and pages of commentary.

Jeez, I hope none of you are my Secret Santa this year...I'll never get a pressy

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