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How Waggy Is Your Dog ?

mrs tornsocks

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I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :o but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :laugh: I just love it!

Monster does that! He gets called Mr Wiggles!

I think its a ridgy thing because I have never seen any other breed do it, the butt its literally next to their faces, labs can wag and their butts do swing round but I think ridgy's must be double jointed!!

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Bundy wags his tail all the time.. he turns it into a full body wiggle a lot of the time. When he saw the vet a while back to have his stitches out, he was thumping his tail against the wall so hard and banging into things, that the vet was surprised he hadn't caused a tail injury yet :laugh: He constantly knocks things off the table too...

:o Iz a Viz!!!

Yes, the tail injury problem is a worry :(

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My gosh my girl (tailed aussie shepherd) can wag.

She wags if you accidentally make eye contact with her. She wags if our other dog accidentally makes eye contact with her. She wags if you say her name. She wags if you say the other dog's name. She wags if she sees a bird. She wags if she sees a toy. She wags in her sleep. She wags if you walk past her. Sometimes she wags for no reason at all.

:) that is byron :o

his is in varying degrees tho dependent upon the level of his distraction --- when he's fully engaged, his backwards tail wags like crazy but it slows down with each ensuing effort i make to keep it wagging and so he gets distracted but he will still manage a weak wag even when he has no invested interest; he just likes to wag ;)

A few times Ava has wagged so hard she's fallen over :)

this made me laugh so hard and given that it's lunchtime, i actually spat food!

My current Dobe is the first i've owned with a tail and it is always going. It's so long and thick and is also very good at knocking things off tables. It's too big to wag really fast but can deliver a hard whack when it's really moving. It took a while to get used to seeing it but I must admit it is a very expressive part of his body.

And this is what I love so much. That a funny long hairy thing can hold so much expression !! Humans should have them and then we could pick the happy people before we even meet them.

just no sniffing of each other *pinches nose*

if i had a tail, i'd be wagging it right now :( top thread!

Hi my name is Mason and I am a chronic tail wagger :eat:

I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :D but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :laugh: I just love it!

bella is like that when we come home from work! she's sooooo happy and even tho she's only got like 3" legs, she lowers herself even closer to the floor with her cute lil fuzzy butt and backwards tail fully invested from the waist down :)

Riddick wags his tail so hard he hits himself in the face with it

:( glad i'd finished eating my lunch :eek:

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My beautiful Aussie 'Bobbie' would wag his entire body when he wagged. It would start from the tip of his nose and continue in a "wave" action right through his body down to his bum....so we gave him the nickname "Wobbily Bobbily" :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: I lost my darling Bob three days ago ...aged 13 1/2 :thumbsup:

Edited by Tapferhund
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