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How Waggy Is Your Dog ?

mrs tornsocks

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Big waggers here too and if you take note you will find they wag it in different ways for different reasons. Like the 'i didn't do it mum' wag where they keep the tail low and wag just the tip or the Im really really pleased to see you round in circles wag.

And yes Labs lead filled tails are deadly for coffee tables.

Yes ! We call it the tail of destruction and have lost quite a few coffee dregs to the cause.

I have never noticed the different reason wag, although we get propeller tail if it's extra fast.

I always love when he meets new dogs and crouches down and tail goes mad.

My dobe does a pretty good job of table clearing too. In fact, it's unfortunately gotten to the point where the first thing people do when we come over is yell, secure the table and grab the tail. My sister calls him the dog with a bit too much love, because the tail just destroys all in its path. He doesn't wag his tail all time, but when he sees friends (even if they've only been gone for 5 mins) he wags it with incredible enthusiasm and it's surprisingly powerful.

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Pepper's a furious wagger when we have visitors, or when she's proud of something she stole off the kitchen bench! But not as waggy as other dogs I've met.

My Dad is a little bit mean, and when Pepper's whacking the furniture with her tail he'll say things like "stop that Pepper, or you'll get a concussion", trying to indicate that she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. (He doesn't know her very well).

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Bundy wags his tail all the time.. he turns it into a full body wiggle a lot of the time. When he saw the vet a while back to have his stitches out, he was thumping his tail against the wall so hard and banging into things, that the vet was surprised he hadn't caused a tail injury yet :rolleyes: He constantly knocks things off the table too...

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hey i was just thinking the very same thing this arvo!

we have only two waggers here and really out of those two one is the tailwagging addict..the other is more appropriate

we have others who seldom wag

only on greeting ...at meal times and special occasions....( they decided which occasion is special lol )

aloof breeds ...independent dogs just dont give a damn... they figure theres no need to wag...we love them anyway!

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Rocky is a master tail wagger, clearing coffee tables is his speciality. When we first got him his tail bled from wagging so much and hitting walls and doors jambs.

He can't understand why when he approaches our guests that they turn their back on him ...the poor bugger doesn't realise that his tail wags so hard that it hurts

nor that he is so large (mastiff x )and that for our male visitors his tail is definately at the wrong height LOL. My brother thinks that his tail should be registerd as a

lethal weapon :laugh: He wags his tail even when lying on the lounge floor and you whisper his name.

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Guest Clover

Elvis is a non wagger most of the time, unless he see's some of his favourite people. Harri will wag at anything, at the cats, at the sound of his name, at the other dogs etc. Tinny shows her excitement by bouncing and woo woooing more than wagging her tail :laugh:. Clover is a bit in between, it takes a bit to get her going.

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Hi my name is Mason and I am a chronic tail wagger :rofl:

I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :rofl: but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :D I just love it!

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Dusty doesn't have a tail so she wiggles her bum instead. She can be sound asleep and my husband will whisper "She's mah girlfriend" and she wiggles in her sleep.

She wiggles as she runs too, if she's going towards someone she loves.

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Gilly is the big wagger in this house, but when Loulou was here, she out did everyone for wagginess.

Especially when either of them see or smell something, the tail is the first sign.

I was laying in bed the other day at my friends house, (dog sitting 9 dogs) all I could see of the dogs was tails. All of them were wagging in some way.

BC's seem to hold them up and wag with feathers.

I have to agree Labs are VERY waggy.

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Gilly is the big wagger in this house, but when Loulou was here, she out did everyone for wagginess.

Especially when either of them see or smell something, the tail is the first sign.

I was laying in bed the other day at my friends house, (dog sitting 9 dogs) all I could see of the dogs was tails. All of them were wagging in some way.

BC's seem to hold them up and wag with feathers.

I have to agree Labs are VERY waggy.

oh what a cute image !

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Elbie is a huge tail wagger and also bum wiggler. Sometimes I worry he's going to hurt himself he wiggles so violently.

His tail sometimes reminds me of a piano metronome, though. When we have a toy or a ball and we are about to throw it, he gets into the Kelpie Crouch, gives us Kelpie Eye and his tail's going *wag* *wag* *wag* *wag*

Then it kind of slows down. *wag left* ... *wag right* ... *wag left* ... sloooooowing down ... Then when he's really focussed the tail will become frozen in the middle and he'll remain in that frozen stance until we throw the ball. Then he defrosts and the tail becomes waggy again.

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I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :o but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :laugh: I just love it!

Monster does that! He gets called Mr Wiggles!

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Fox is very waggy, his tail only seems to stop when he's sleeping, eating or focusing on a ball. He visits a nursing home a couple of times a week and from the moment we enter till when we leave an hour later, his tail doesn't stop.

Hope only wags her tail when she's saying hello or getting physical attention, then it stops.

And Link's tail must not be connected to the wagging muscles, because I'm lucky to catch a glimpse of a slight sway. I actually thought his tail might be broken when I first brought him home, but now I think he's just not a wagger.

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Yep Lilly the greyhound is a constant wagger - as soon as you talk to her her tail goes - lying down, walking, sleeping - doesn't matter :laugh:

Oscar is a wriggler (or wriggle bum as I call him). He doesn't wag all the time, but when he does, his whole butt joins in :o

I love wrigglers :( The Pei pups I've looked after were all wriggle bums.

Spot is also a wriggler and Peggie has a helicopter tail when she is really excited.

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