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Welcoming A Third Puppy


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Hi all ,

as some of you know my dog was possibly stolen just over 2 months ago there has being so sign or sighting of her , here could be a number of things that could of happened to her no matter what i will always be prepared just incase she comes home.

anyways im looking at getting a third dog again and have choosen the same bred a belgian and want another male my two amles are good with ethier sex so thats a bonus . the pup wont be here until next year jan 2012 and thats if the bitch has a male , we have sercued the yard so that the yard is split in two and have cameras up and dead locks on gates . my dogs that i have now are 3 and half years old and 10 years old , my 3 and half year old is well behaved n lead isnt a barker great inside , sits drops stays but at food time is very proctective he doesnt attack other dogs but pins them down esp when food is out would it be best to seperate the new puppy from him at feed time i also have a massive dog run on top of this he only does it to younger pups / dogs never does this to our older dog even though he is top dog if that makes sense .

he is also the same with his toys as he is with his food any ideas would be great as i want to be ready for the puppy and my 3 and half year old when the pup comes i have 3 and half months roughly could be longer depending on the litter

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I think you could head off a lot of potential issues if you chose a bitch this time.

I would be separating the pup from the other dogs at All times at least initially unless you could supervise. Sounds to me like your younger dog is a resource guarder.

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ive had a bitch before and really dont want another .

we have had older males in the yard and he plays with them and is fine when traets are handed out . but pups he is nasty too . buthe only does it when im inside . coolies i will certainly put the pup out the frount around dinner time and toys ,

im always home . eccept for when i have to do shopping of bits and peices , but just didnt want to get the puppy and chuck in the yard and have this mean dog at it lol

how does everyone feed there dogs

this new boy will stay entire , as i will be show him and do dog sports as well .

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