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The Evil Beagle!


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Wow thanks everyone for all your comments!! I am super proud of my little beag :hitself: x Like our trainer said to me the other day... any brag is a big brag with Daisy considering what we started with :(

Daisy got to have a special beagle treat for her birthday today;


She looks unimpressed because it's a not a Krispy Kreme (sorry Daisy, I didn't have much time today).

Some more pics :flame:


Hanging with Mish:


Toilet paper, oh nom!


Edited by huski
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Every time I see a beagle out and about I think of the evil beagle. :laugh::cry: ;) :)


She does not look impressed with that second rate donut though :rofl:

She's a donut snob, mumma could only get the Coles brand donuts, sorry puppy :rofl:

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:cry: Daisy :)

I love hearing how far you have come in 4 short years ;)

Proof that you should never ever give up :rofl: The bond you have with Daisy is amazing, and you have worked so hard to achieve what you have. You should both be proud of yourselves :rofl:

How cute was puppy Daisy :laugh:

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It is great to read your story cause it gives me hope with Buffy the Beagle....who I believe is challenging Daisy for the Evil Beagle title.

She started training really well but is now showing her stubborn side at 12 weeks of age.

I was almost in tears during her last 2 puppy school classes as she was also the naughtiest dog in the class (but started as one of the best).

Last night, she wasn't even interested in treats even after being fasted for training.

Not only was she naughty but then I couldnt train with her during those last two classes and couldnt even hear the trainer over her whining and barking etc.

Got a little frustrated last night too as the trainer was working with dogs that already were on the right track with loose lead walking yet I didnt even get to take a step with Buffy. I think he worked one on one with every dog except Buffy no doubt cause he didnt want Buffy to make him seem like a bad trainer lol.

She graduated last night though...I still dont know how! lol

Hope Daisy had a great birthday....somehow I get the feeling she would have been spoiled rotten!

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She does not look impressed with that second rate donut though :)

She's a donut snob, mumma could only get the Coles brand donuts, sorry puppy ;)

Well, when you not only refuse to buy the top-shelf donuts, but also make her wait for a photo before she can eat it, I'd say it's lucky you only got THAT look! :D What a sweetie!

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Thanks again everyone!! Daisy got very spoilt yesterday and weather permitted will be getting professional photos done on Sunday ;)

Happy Birthday Daisy, I gave your videos to someone who just adopted a beagle. Everyone keeps telling her he will be untrainable

LOL thanks Rach!! :love: :love: Get them to join DOL and I will set them straight :love:

It is great to read your story cause it gives me hope with Buffy the Beagle....who I believe is challenging Daisy for the Evil Beagle title.

She started training really well but is now showing her stubborn side at 12 weeks of age.

I was almost in tears during her last 2 puppy school classes as she was also the naughtiest dog in the class (but started as one of the best).

Last night, she wasn't even interested in treats even after being fasted for training.

Not only was she naughty but then I couldnt train with her during those last two classes and couldnt even hear the trainer over her whining and barking etc.

Got a little frustrated last night too as the trainer was working with dogs that already were on the right track with loose lead walking yet I didnt even get to take a step with Buffy. I think he worked one on one with every dog except Buffy no doubt cause he didnt want Buffy to make him seem like a bad trainer lol.

She graduated last night though...I still dont know how! lol

Hope Daisy had a great birthday....somehow I get the feeling she would have been spoiled rotten!

Ishy, she sounds a lot like Daisy as a baby puppy. They both come from Semeru lines, maybe that's where the evil beagle gene comes from :D :)

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She is well and truely smitten with her boy, he is 4 now and she adopted him monday. I know she will put in the hard yards to get him to a good point, he doesnt even know how to sit!! Shes had so many looks from people when she told them she got a beagle, but he will come good :thumbsup:

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