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What Would You Do?


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For the past four days I have been taking Poppy for walks around our neighbourhood. Moreso for my benefit than hers! Lol!

Needless to say she has been loving it even if she isn't the biggest fan of the new walking harness I got her!

Anyway about 3 blocks down in a black and tan CKCS who barks and barks and barks! He/she is tied up in his yard but yesterday managed to get out (still tied up)!

It's bark isn't agressive (I don't think) more just an attention bark?

Would you alert the owners to it's ability to get out white still tied up?

Or do nothing? I feel bad for th poor thing! He seems like he just wants some friends! Lol!

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I would most certainly approach the owners, in a nice manner, and alert them to the fact that their cavalier is able to untie itself and gets out. I would appreciate it if someone approached me for the same reason even though I personally don't believe in keeping a dog tied up for any length of time.

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Maybe just drop a note in the letterbox. I'm gathering it is still on a long rope but can go outside the front of the property? What if a child was walking close to the dogs boundary and it jump too close and bit it? I would definitely let the owners know.

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Maybe just drop a note in the letterbox. I'm gathering it is still on a long rope but can go outside the front of the property? What if a child was walking close to the dogs boundary and it jump too close and bit it? I would definitely let the owners know.

It would be waaayy out of character for a Cavalier to bite. They love people, particularly children. I walk my Cavs past the local kindergarten and often it's when the morning kinder is over and Mums are picking up their kids. All the kids run over to my dogs, the Mums know their kids are not at risk of being bitten. All the little kids know my dogs names. The kindergarten is fenced in but the car park and surrounding lawn and plant area out front isn't.

Gotta say I think it's cruel to tie out a Cavalier. They're such gentle, sweet dogs. I'd be telling the owners their dog is getting loose. Cavaliers have zero road sense and the little dog will get hit by a car.

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I agree with what everyone's said; definitely let the owners know about the dog getting out because I'd really hate to see something happen to it (eg. hit by a car, stolen or run away). Maybe you could even offer to take it with you when you're out taking Poppy out because it really seems horrible to have any dog tied up in a yard.

I'd bet that it mostly wants company and to play with other dogs and I totally agree about the CKCS having wonderful temperaments; I don't think I've ever heard/seen an aggressive one either.

Good luck and let us all know how you get on! :)

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The owners definitely need to know, the poor dog won't be safe out on the road. It breaks my heart to think of any dog left tied up in a garden but knowing how much Cavaliers crave human attention and affection, I can only imagine how utterly miserable it must be if this is how it spends it's days. :)

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Maybe just drop a note in the letterbox. I'm gathering it is still on a long rope but can go outside the front of the property? What if a child was walking close to the dogs boundary and it jump too close and bit it? I would definitely let the owners know.

It would be waaayy out of character for a Cavalier to bite. They love people, particularly children. I walk my Cavs past the local kindergarten and often it's when the morning kinder is over and Mums are picking up their kids. All the kids run over to my dogs, the Mums know their kids are not at risk of being bitten. All the little kids know my dogs names. The kindergarten is fenced in but the car park and surrounding lawn and plant area out front isn't.

Gotta say I think it's cruel to tie out a Cavalier. They're such gentle, sweet dogs. I'd be telling the owners their dog is getting loose. Cavaliers have zero road sense and the little dog will get hit by a car.

True it would be out of character but we are talking about a dog left tied up for who knows how many hours on end. Who knows how stressed it would get? :laugh: Or if it is getting tormented while being tied up out the front of the house.

I think if a dog can get outside it's property, if it's tied up or not, the owners should definitely be told.

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Maybe just drop a note in the letterbox. I'm gathering it is still on a long rope but can go outside the front of the property? What if a child was walking close to the dogs boundary and it jump too close and bit it? I would definitely let the owners know.

It would be waaayy out of character for a Cavalier to bite. They love people, particularly children. I walk my Cavs past the local kindergarten and often it's when the morning kinder is over and Mums are picking up their kids. All the kids run over to my dogs, the Mums know their kids are not at risk of being bitten. All the little kids know my dogs names. The kindergarten is fenced in but the car park and surrounding lawn and plant area out front isn't.

Gotta say I think it's cruel to tie out a Cavalier. They're such gentle, sweet dogs. I'd be telling the owners their dog is getting loose. Cavaliers have zero road sense and the little dog will get hit by a car.

Totally OT, but CavnRott you dont happen to live in the western suburbs of melbourne do you? (Taylors Hill area?)

Not stalking you I promise! :laugh:

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Okay, will go knock on their door this afternoon.

I seriously considered it on Monday afternoon but I was sure no one was home.

If Poppy barked like that and I was home I would go out and see what on earth she was barking at!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had thoughts of pity for this poor doggy! I know that it's hard when your dog is an escape artist but I would never dream of tieing Poppy up! We have spent a lot of time and money patching up gaps under our fence and I will admit its taken a few months to make our yard 100% secure as everytime we thought we had found all the possible gaps Poppy would find a new one!

Oh and just to clarify...the dog didn't get lose. It got under the fence which still tied up so wouldn't of been able to bite anyone or run away and get hit by a car.

A part of me also thought about offering to walk it with Poppy but I don't know how I'd go walking two dogs at once. Guess there is one way to find out! Lol!

I secretly hope the people are nice and maybe Poppy and this dog can have a few play dates!

Does anyone leave their dog with another (not your own) for company during the day? Or is that a recipe for disaster?

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Totally OT, but CavnRott you dont happen to live in the western suburbs of melbourne do you? (Taylors Hill area?)

Not stalking you I promise! :rolleyes:

Nope, Snout Girl, I live in Mt Waverley.

Lordy! that's bad news. No one has been interested in stalking me for years :D

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Okay, will go knock on their door this afternoon.

I seriously considered it on Monday afternoon but I was sure no one was home.

If Poppy barked like that and I was home I would go out and see what on earth she was barking at!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had thoughts of pity for this poor doggy! I know that it's hard when your dog is an escape artist but I would never dream of tieing Poppy up! We have spent a lot of time and money patching up gaps under our fence and I will admit its taken a few months to make our yard 100% secure as everytime we thought we had found all the possible gaps Poppy would find a new one!

Oh and just to clarify...the dog didn't get lose. It got under the fence which still tied up so wouldn't of been able to bite anyone or run away and get hit by a car.

A part of me also thought about offering to walk it with Poppy but I don't know how I'd go walking two dogs at once. Guess there is one way to find out! Lol!

I secretly hope the people are nice and maybe Poppy and this dog can have a few play dates!

Does anyone leave their dog with another (not your own) for company during the day? Or is that a recipe for disaster?

Good luck talking to the owners PoppyDog, I hope they're nice people. :( Re: anyone leaving their dog with another for company, someone on the cav thread had a neighbours dog keep coming onto her property when it's owners were out so now it comes over to stay for the day sometimes and runs around with her dogs but I'd have to really know a dog before I felt comfortable with something like that.

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When we walked past this afternoon it barked and barked but I could see that they had moved the place they tied it to and patched up the place it got out. So maybe they know it is an excellent escape artist and maybe the are struggling with it like we did.

I didn't knock on the door... Am too shy! But maybe I will write a note explaining that I've noticed their doggy and offering to walk him/her when I walk Poppy and then go from there.

I agree with luvmycav that I would want to know the dog really well before leaving my dog with it. Especially if it is a digger! Would hate for Poppy and this dog yo get out of our yard!

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Totally OT, but CavnRott you dont happen to live in the western suburbs of melbourne do you? (Taylors Hill area?)

Not stalking you I promise! :laugh:

Nope, Snout Girl, I live in Mt Waverley.

Lordy! that's bad news. No one has been interested in stalking me for years ;)

Every day when I drive home from work I pass a couple walking the most adorable rottie and cavalier together.

so someone else loves your taste in dog breeds! :cry:

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