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Biss- Should You Enter Property Classes?

Irish Lassy

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Seeming its "specialty" season i thought i might ask you guys a question where im not sure where i stand with this one...


You win BISS- Do you?

a) Go in all property classes- best head,best coat,best hindquarters,brace,sires and dams progency etc.. When you hav already won BIS? Obviously you may assume the judge would think you already posses these qualities?-take the cake and eat it too


b) You take don't enter the property classes as you have already won BIS and feel it may be ethical to let other competitors go in these classes.? Take the cake..but not the icing

I was just wondering what you guys may think on this subject- ?? Its a bit controversial but i thought i would throw it out there to see what response people have on this?

I know of some competitors after winning BIS do not go in property classes.

Have you been in this sitaution before?What would you do?

I think i am a B) person but am really inteested to see what you guys think?


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Many clubs will refund the BIS and RUBIS winners any entry fees in property classes.

That's what our club used to do.

But now we have an aspiring judge do our property classes prior to the regular championship show classes so we have the 2 different judges making the decisions :coffee:

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If you have won BIS/RUBIS I dont see why you would want to compete for the other awards. BIS and BISS are the trump cards and the others are interesting and fun but no big deal to me. I also think out of courtesy to the judge and other exhibitors that exhibit should not compete in further competition under the same judge except for things such as brace or parent and progeny. But if it isn't stipulated then it is up to the handlers ethics and we all know that people often do things that others don't think are PC or polite for the sake of a ribbon and bragging rights.

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It many clubs it is an "unspoken" rule that BIS and RUBIS winners don't compete in property classes with the exception of Sire and Dam's progeny.

It's certainly courtesy anyway IMO.

Totally agree.

Sire & Dam's progeny is a group thing, so quality has to be right through the progeny.

I know the BISS winner for our show Saturday only competed in the sire's progeny.

(and I was happy as the BISS winner is my boy's half brother and my Gillie won best headed dog and best coated :laugh: )


edited cause I mixed up the days !!!

Edited by fifi
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Many clubs will refund the BIS and RUBIS winners any entry fees in property classes.

That's what our club used to do.

But now we have an aspiring judge do our property classes prior to the regular championship show classes so we have the 2 different judges making the decisions :laugh:

The Min Pin Club of Victoria also refund if Best in Show and Runner Up in Show winner are entered in Property Class, I have seen it on the schedule previously :rofl:

Edited by Tambaqui
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Guest CaptainCourageous

You can go in whatever you're eligible for, but cleverness suggests you shouldn't risk embarrasing the judge or the dog.

If it's a different judge (who hasn't watched BISS awarded), go for it.

If it's the same judge, scratch and hence donate the entry fee to the club except if:

- OB&H when you've used a different handler in the breed classes

- multi-dog classes

Don't let an expectation of winning BISS prevent you entering the property classes.


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Many property classes at specialties are not judged by the same person who has just done or is about to do the classes. I see no reason why your shouldn;t compete, it's part of the competition.

The BIS and RUBIS may be the overall dog or bitch that wins on the day, but there will almost certainly be something there that shines in terms of head, coat, etc,

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Property classes at the NSW BCC shows are done prior to breed judging by a different judge. No one has won BIS at this stage.

However at some of our semi specialties property is done by the same judge AFTER BIS has been judges. In this case I have never entered my dog when I've been lucky enough to win BIS. Let someone else win a fringie :)

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