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Cats Coming Into Yard


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One of our neighbours is letting their cat come into our yard.

The problem is that the cat is aggressive and I'm worried it will hurt my puppy.

She is good with cats and doesn't try to chase them, but she is not exactly scared of them either and has only been introduced to friendly ones.

I can't leave her outside unsupervised in case the cat comes into the yard, it is quite territiorial and even had a go at me when i tried to shoo it away.

A cat also comes in and out of our house in summer and puts its hair all over our furniture which would be ok, if my sister wasn't allergic to cats.

I love cats and I even foster kittens (but they stay in my room) but it is very annoying that this person just lets their cat do whatever.

Is there a law or something that says that people should keep their cats contained?

I have mentioned that the cat was coming into my yard and harrasing me and my puppy but the owner just said they'll sort it out. Well I'm sure they would, but I think puppy would definitely come off second best :laugh:

I'm am worried it will scratch her eye or make her scared of cats, neither of which would be good.

If my dog got into their yard and attacked the cat, i would be in a lot of trouble, so i don't see why the same doesn't apply to the cat owner :confused:

what can i do?

Edited by aussielover
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You could hire a trap from the council and keep having it impounded- the owners will have to pay a lot of fees and might actually think about their actions.

OR keep a big bucket of water or a supersoaker in the yrd and whenever it comes in nail it. It will soon decide your yard isn't worthwhile!

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check your council website for animal control regulations.

use a supersoaker.. wet it good!

A cat also comes in and out of our house in summer and puts its hair all over our furniture

I don't understand how this can happen? :laugh: Not nice.

It comes in through open windows, even if they are only slightly open- you know what cats are like, they can squeeze through the tiniest space :confused:.

Then it just sits on our stuff while we are out.

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You can report it as a nuisance cat to your local rangers and see if they'll loan you a trap (saves you getting into any potential trouble for trapping it), or complain again to your neighbours - this time tell them your dog may grow to dislike the cat and you'd be worried it'll hurt their cat in the future.

You can cat-proof your fences - a prohibitive expense if you don't have cats yourself, but useful if you have a cat or are interested in getting a cat in the future. There are fencing systems you can buy, or you can rig up a netting system that leans into your yard using pipes and plumbing fixtures if you're remotely handy. If you google cat-proof fencing, or go to www.oscillot.com.au (fabulous system, pricey for a large yard, very discrete), you'll get some ideas.

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No advice here but ugh how annoying :confused: Cats don't come anywhere near our yard anymore as our dogs hate them. I think Satch has given a few the fright of their lives when we first got him and they used to walk along the fence - he lets out a woof then bangs on the fence with his paws, they certainly keep their distance these days! :laugh:

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i trap them and if the cat has no collar on i am within my legal rights to take it to the pound

if the cat has a collar on i take it to where it lives (still in the trap) and tell the owners that i am trapping feral cats that are coming into my property and their cat got caught so they need to keep it inside.

this has always worked for me.

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Why would it be awkward? I would think it would make it easier as they'd be more understanding since they know you.

We have a nuisance cat. Every night without fail, between the hours of 7-10pm, "Strange Cat" as we have dubbed it, comes and sits in our driveway or around the side of our house and yowls and yowls and yowls. We've never been able to wet it with the hose or get close to catching it as it bolts as soon as it hears/sees somebody. Neighbours thought it was our old boy and didn't believe us when we said it wasn't him but now that he's no longer alive they have accepted that it's not him and they too are pissed off because it's bloody annoying.

Strange Cat has also come into our house and sprays all over the place.

ETA we have no idea where it lives and the council says they don't have cat traps so can't lend us one. We have no idea how we are going to stop the cat.

Edited by Mim
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The NSW cat laws are a bit pathetic. You definitely want to check with your local council if they have something more definite.

Nusciance cat has to be actually damaging something - if it is coming in your yard you can claim it is peeing and crapping there - damaging your garden. But it's a pity that the law doesn't apply to preventing damage to your puppy (or pet finches).

In our state - we can take cat to pound, or I know some vets that will put to sleep any cat you catch on your property. Ie they're not allowed to trespass onto other people's property. But that doesn't seem to be the law in NSW. Might be an idea to write your State Rep and ask for that to be fixed up.

If you're going to hose it - ideally you catch it first, and then hose the crap out of it while it's in the trap. But this didn't stop certain cats coming into our yard. They just were more careful about doing it only when we weren't around. You can get a motion sensor sprinker though - which might help.

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In our state - we can take cat to pound, or I know some vets that will put to sleep any cat you catch on your property. Ie they're not allowed to trespass onto other people's property. But that doesn't seem to be the law in NSW. Might be an idea to write your State Rep and ask for that to be fixed up.

Really? Eek! I'd hate someone to PTS my dog if she just happened to escape the yard one day & get caught on someone's property - or is the law only for cats for some reason?

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I could get a cat trap, but the only prob is that i sort of work at the pound (vet doubles as local pound), so might be a bit awkward.

Will try the supersoaker. I can always use it to play with Mindy anyway.

Why awkward? You haven't done anything wrong?

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I would talk to the neighbour first and let them know how you feel. Trapping thei cat may cause bad neighbourly relations, particularly if they didnt know it was something that annoying you.

Personally I wouldnt be too concerned about the cat hurtign the pup, but thats just me.

I'd use the super soaker too but you probably wont need to worry for long, pups grow fast and I have always found once they get to a certain size the neighbours cats dont come in anyway regardless of how freidnly the dog looks LOL

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