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Litters Due In December

Bilbo Baggins

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A Lozenage is a dot (or a shape of a heart in Bilbo Baggins case :eat: ) in the middle of the head. In my litter I have two pups with a lozenage but I am sure mine will disappear with age. :D

Got it right Risyntira but spelling :) ;) its lozenge.

Macerated foetus sterile necrosis and dissolution of the fetus. May be ejected in this form or go on to mummification.

I blame my spelling error on lack of sleep :D :rofl:

Oh sleep blessed sleep ..maybe tonight

Must admit our doggie mums have the patience of saints ..If I had all the squealing squirmy babies grizzling at me

i would be tempted to dig a hole in the front yard & drop them all in it ..hahahaha :rofl:

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Hi, my girl also whelped yesterday * 6 females weighing from 607 grams - 654 grams * and 3 boys 2 weighing 620 and 645 grams and 0ne little runt only weighing 268 grams but he has attitude and is feeding well so I will cross my fingers and hope he continues to thrive :laugh: .

I have never had a runt puppy before so he came as quite a surprise and I didn't think that he would survive the night.

Congratulations to every one else with new litters.

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Hi, my girl also whelped yesterday * 6 females weighing from 607 grams - 654 grams * and 3 boys 2 weighing 620 and 645 grams and 0ne little runt only weighing 268 grams but he has attitude and is feeding well so I will cross my fingers and hope he continues to thrive :laugh: .

I have never had a runt puppy before so he came as quite a surprise and I didn't think that he would survive the night.

Congratulations to every one else with new litters.


Congrats to everyone else on litters and safe arrivals.

We are on the countdown here now. Nikki is due 17th to the 20th and yesterday at the vet Suki weighed in at 41.7 kgs :laugh::laugh::laugh: not bad considering she was 28kg when mated and she has been off her food for the last week.

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Hi, my girl also whelped yesterday * 6 females weighing from 607 grams - 654 grams * and 3 boys 2 weighing 620 and 645 grams and 0ne little runt only weighing 268 grams but he has attitude and is feeding well so I will cross my fingers and hope he continues to thrive :laugh: .

I have never had a runt puppy before so he came as quite a surprise and I didn't think that he would survive the night.

Congratulations to every one else with new litters.

Congratulations on your wonderful litter of 10!!! :laugh: :laugh: fingers crossed for your little boy :laugh: those weights are fantastic, what breed do you have?

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Hi, my girl also whelped yesterday * 6 females weighing from 607 grams - 654 grams * and 3 boys 2 weighing 620 and 645 grams and 0ne little runt only weighing 268 grams but he has attitude and is feeding well so I will cross my fingers and hope he continues to thrive :laugh: .

I have never had a runt puppy before so he came as quite a surprise and I didn't think that he would survive the night.

Congratulations to every one else with new litters.


Congrats to everyone else on litters and safe arrivals.

We are on the countdown here now. Nikki is due 17th to the 20th and yesterday at the vet Suki weighed in at 41.7 kgs :laugh::laugh::cheer: not bad considering she was 28kg when mated and she has been off her food for the last week.

getting very close for you now Firestone :laugh: Hoping you have a trouble free whelping :laugh:

wow! thats a lot of puppy weight your Suki is carrying!! Good luck :) x

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She is a rather large girl for the breed but she had a real bother delivering some of them especially the first puppy, that was the 645 gram male after that I prayed that the rest would be smaller but unfortunately they were not a total puppy weight of 5.28 kilos + fluid. :laugh:

No wonder she has spent the last 2 weeks lazing around the house.

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:) Congratulations to the new arrivals :confused:

We have had a bit of a scare with Cynda and I hope someone has either heard of it or had dealings with it :confused:

Right, about 6pm, my daughter was in with Cynda while she was feeding her pups and then she started screaming. Cynda was going into like a sorta fit, but only with her head. Her head was bobbing up and down furiously and she had muscle stiffness in the neck and this all lasted 10 mins. Rung the vet (on call vet :eek: ,) said possible lack of calcium, so gave her a good dose of calcium. Did that and all was fine until next feeding. Meantime, I took 4 pups off her and gave them to Kimba to feed for a little (blees her she took them straight away). Then 2 hours later, another outburst again when she was feeding and lying down(was lying down before too). Rung my own vet and thank god she said to bring her up the surgery. Took blood to do a calcium check, but her levels were normal :thanks: Vet is now stumped aswell. Took more bloods and will get results back today or tomorrow. Got her home, then no more than half an hour later, she had another fit(calling it a fit as simular-also head bobbing), this time she wasn't feeding her pups. Now I have googled it, and found something simular which is called 'Idopathis Head Bobbing' which can be found in bulldogs, boxers, had a look at a video of a boxer doing it, and it is very simular. but Cynda seemed to be more tense in the neck and her head was bobbing a hell of alot faster.

Vet did suggest insectisides, but I dont use anything. Friend has suggested major pain as in pinched nerve or something, and another friend has said possible spider bite. She is fine this morning, although extremely stuffed. I had to hold her up to feed last night as she is was alright when she was sitting up.

If anyone has any ideas at all I would very much appreciate it tremendously :D

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Hi, I hope that Cynda is now fine but it must have scared the living S*#t out of you. My first thought was to get some calcium into her, my girl yesterday morning did some of the head nodding and wild eye look thing so right away I gave her 10mls of calcium and in a very short time was fine.

To me I would think pain some where, even abdominal :thumbsup:

Sorry no help, sure hope she has no more episodes.

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She has had another little 'episode', bit milder but still one all the same. After alot of rining around from numerous respected breeders, and also a very good chiro in Perth, we are actually thinking it may be something to do with the 'nerves' in her neck and spine. She might have some trapped nerves that are pinching and causing sever pein when she is feeding as it mainly only happens when puppies are suckling and the milk starts letting down. Have been helping her feed while she is sitting up which seems to be ok. A local chiro is coming around later so we will see....She is eating a little more which is good. :laugh:

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lady just been and she is actually a physiotherapist not a chiro. Cynda has some tension in the neck but just dont know whether this is causing these head tremors :laugh: Back to the drawing board I think and heaps more tests by the looks of things....... :)

Will still have the glucose level tested tomorrow and see what the outcome of that is.

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Congratulations to all those who have welcomed puppies into their homes this christmas - RIP to the little ones that did not make it - sorry to hear of your losses BB with the 2 puppies :) you are blessed with two very lovely remaining puppies - they look wonderful, love the markings and they look oh so healthy....

been without internet for a week so a slowly trying to catch up on everything.... best wishes to those who are still anxiously waiting their litters arrival XOXO!

My little Tipsy is being a wonderful first time Mum - she has been so fantastic - the two little ones are thriving so much - first one was born at only 71 grams and the 2nd about 90 grams but they are packing on the weight and by day 3 they were 105 grams and 125 grams - now just on a week they are FAT!!!!!


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