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Yay, I Finally Got My New Camera!


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What a cutie!!

Congrats on the new toys :)

FWIW I find photobucket to be far easier for posting to forums from - you don't have to muck with extra clicks and stuff, there's just one code to copy and paste. AND if you upload a series (eg file name dog001, dog002, dog 003 etc) you can simply paste the one code and manually change the 001 to 002 to 003 etc - so much faster than the individual image codes at flickr.

You will want to learn to resize images for sharing on the web as if you try to send out of camera files to friends via email etc they're going to be just massive. And even just uploading to flickr or photobucket will be slower and may use your monthly allowance from your provider.

Canon supplies DPP in the box and it's a good piece of editing software. There should be a simple Save As or Export function that will allow you to quickly save a small copy of your image that is ready for the web. I use Lightroom so can't really give you step by step for DPP, but I'm sure someone can if you can't figure it out yourself.

Here are the web sharing file parameters I set:

- longest edge resize to 700-900 pixels (depends on my intention, just pick one and stick with it - both work fine. Anything larger means that most ppl will need to scroll to see the whole image)

- set my ppi (pixels per inch) to 72 (this pretty much just helps reduce the file size as dpi doesn't impact the viewing)

- choose colour space sRGB

- save as jpg or jpeg

- I also usually rename my files instead of using the camera defaults, but that's a personal pref and doesn't really matter in the scheme of things

Have fun!!

Edited by kja
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