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Importing In Whelp...

dog geek

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Could I possibly access DOLers' collective experiences and thoughts on importing a toy breed bitch in whelp...

She had a litter mid-year, and free-whelped and looked after the babies very well. She is due in heat again mid-November, and if all goes to plan is due to fly into Eastern Creek Quarantine the week before Christmas.

What are peoples' opinions on her possibly whelping while in quarantine? I would prefer to maximise my access to the breeder's bloodlines by bringing her in already mated, but unless she cycles late, and is mated late November or early December, she would most likely fall due to whelp before her quarantine finishes.

Should I go with risking a whelping in quarantine? Or should I not risk it?

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Several things to consider and a big one for me would be what sort of climate is she coming from because she's going to be walking into an inferno here at that time of year...I'd avoid importing any dog at that time of year unless there was no other option let alone a bitch in whelp.

On a personal level I'd never bring in a bitch knowing she'd be whelping in quarantine...

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Several things to consider and a big one for me would be what sort of climate is she coming from because she's going to be walking into an inferno here at that time of year...I'd avoid importing any dog at that time of year unless there was no other option let alone a bitch in whelp.

On a personal level I'd never bring in a bitch knowing she'd be whelping in quarantine...

I am not sure but I think I read that the bitch should not whelp while in quarrantine, that you have to time it out so they whelp after they get out (30) days.

This means you have to send them prior to being able to do an ultrasound, so you are not sure they are preg.

I agree about the heat.

Edited by shortstep
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Its a lot more mucking around, but could you import your girl (whenever you decide is best) and then at a later date import frozen semen and do an AI? I know it will take longer, but you avoid the chance of stress and pregancy causing problems while in quarentine - (not sure about early whelping but timing is everything!). It will also give her some time to adjust to her new environment etc before the stress of pregnancy and puppies.

(edited for clarification!) :laugh:

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Should you risk it. The risk is to the dog.

Long journey, heat, strange & not very comfortable environment I imagine, unknown people, lots of other dogs around, stress, may give birth completely alone in the night etc.

Wouldn't put a dog through it.

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Well, I am concerned that even if she is not mated until later in November, she may whelp early... I realise now that the quarantine regs say she must not whelp at the station (sheesh, my brain's info retrieval is dreadful, I knew that was the case!) and she will be clipped off just before she leaves - at least, I was planning to ask the breeder to do that.

Not having thought of the heat/season of year thing before this was all set up, she is committed to coming out at this time because she has had all her needles etc... and because there are a fair few dogs with IID after their names I had assumed coming out in whelp was not a problem - other than making sure her due date was not while she was in quarantine.

Guess we'll be hoping she comes in really late, then.

Thankyou for the feedback - and for reminding me of the RULES about importing a pregnant bitch.

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I think you meant a BITCH ;) can't be more than 3 weeks pregnant. I'd like to see a male get pregnant. :heart::laugh::)


A dog can't be any more than 3 weeks pregnant on arrival into Australia. So sounds like your timing would be pushing it at very best.

See I'm just used to emailing non-dog breeders and exhibitors all the time :eek: . I, of course, meant "dog" in the colloquial term, not to signify gender :eek:

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Dog Geek,

we imported our GSD in whelp and had no problems, but it might be vastly different for a small breed.

We mated our girl and she was on the plane 11 days later, we had no idea if she was in whelp or not, luckily she was and we could tell by her 4th week that she was, so her Quarantine carer then treated her like she was pregnant. We had her xrayed the day that she was released from prison and she had her pups right on schedule at home.

I would do exactly the same thing again.

Bear in mind that our girl left Germany at the end of April, so the difference in temperature when she got here was not extreme, but the humidity here knocked her for 6 for a long time.

Also, with GSD's from Germany, frozen semen is not allowed, so we had one shot to get her pregnant to a German dog, we are not in a position to take semen from a German dog and have it sent here, the SV wont allow it. Your situation might be completely different.

Good luck with your importing!

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I don't see any good reason not to apart from the time of the year. There are risks with every whelping. You need to weight it all up, good and bad. Alot of good dogs are IID.

Arguably one of the best whippets this country has seen was IID.

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