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FFS Moselle, if you arent interested in Ferreting why are you in this thread!?

Its like going into the pregnancy thread and spouting about how much you hate babies... its just stupid. You say you arent trolling, then why are you here? This was in an invite from Nekhbet to accompany her Ferreting if you were interested, which you clearly arent. It wasnt a thread inviting comments or opinions of Women who hunt.

Yes you have a point Ruffles but (and not passing the buck either) other posters have brought the topic of hunting into the equation and posed questions towards me....what was I to do? simply ignore everyone.... :laugh:

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Yep pretty much, only men should be responsible for putting down animals.....as for hunting in itself? well, I am not very fond of 'HUNTERS'. The only time a woman should be allowed to put down an animal is if she doing it via anaesthetic.....and in that case she would need to be a qualified veterinarian. :laugh:

Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job.

Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients.

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Yep pretty much, only men should be responsible for putting down animals.....as for hunting in itself? well, I am not very fond of 'HUNTERS'. The only time a woman should be allowed to put down an animal is if she doing it via anaesthetic.....and in that case she would need to be a qualified veterinarian. :laugh:

Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job.

Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients.

You are kidding, right?

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Yep pretty much, only men should be responsible for putting down animals.....as for hunting in itself? well, I am not very fond of 'HUNTERS'. The only time a woman should be allowed to put down an animal is if she doing it via anaesthetic.....and in that case she would need to be a qualified veterinarian. :laugh:

Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job.

Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients.

You are kidding, right?

About what? Heard of vet nurses?

Edited by Sir WJ
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Yep pretty much, only men should be responsible for putting down animals.....as for hunting in itself? well, I am not very fond of 'HUNTERS'. The only time a woman should be allowed to put down an animal is if she doing it via anaesthetic.....and in that case she would need to be a qualified veterinarian. :laugh:

Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job.

Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients.

You are kidding, right?

Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here.

I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery.

Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male :laugh: ) vets out there!

Edited by stormie
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Yep pretty much, only men should be responsible for putting down animals.....as for hunting in itself? well, I am not very fond of 'HUNTERS'. The only time a woman should be allowed to put down an animal is if she doing it via anaesthetic.....and in that case she would need to be a qualified veterinarian. ;)

Putting down animals? Sheesh. I do a few every day at work. Looks like I'll need to find myself another job.

Vets (most often) are not the ones administering anaesthetics to patients.

You are kidding, right?

Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here.

I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery.

Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male ;) ) vets out there!


I'm glad i'm not the only one who had found Moselles posts offensive :( . I'm a vet nurse who works in a large emergency hospital (you should really go and see how they run, I think it would be an eye opener), and also studying vet science, and look out, i'm a female :eek: , but gosh, lets hope I never get called out to a property to cull an animal that is in pain, or when I own my own property (I will get there one day :rofl: ), feed my family - I find it offensive that you think only males should cull animals :confused::confused:

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A few more questions - do you have to dig the dead bunnies out or can you teach a ferret to bring them out of the burrow for you?


Are males or females better at this or does gender not really play a part?

On the odd occasion that a ferret kills a rabbit they do need to be dug out. That's when the electronic tracking system comes in very handy! Not many ferrets will drag a dead rabbit out, and most will move on and keep hunting.

I prefer the females as they can slip past nets without messing them up and don't catch as many rabbits underground as the big powerful males. That being said I have had some really good males that were worth their weight in gold.:confused:

Moselle- yes, sometimes they will manage to nab a slow rabbit, or one that doesn't want to bolt. My big fellow will dispatch one in 30 seconds if he makes a catch, so still less time spent suffering than your supermarket meat. I'm still not sure why dispatching animals is a man's job [and truely, I am curious. Is it because you think they can do a better job, or that the animal would prefer to be killed by a man?] or why catching/killing your own makes you selfish?

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Moselle this isn't the first time your posts have been offensive to members here.

I put animals to sleep as well as administering drugs and anaesthetic to our patients and I am not a qualified veterinarian. What part of being a woman means that I am unable to calculate a dose rate and insert a needle into a vein and push. It's my job to know about all that so that our vet can concentrate on the surgery.

Perhaps you should go spend a day in one of the big referral hospitals too. Their anaesthetic nurses are incredible and probably know more about anaesthesia than many (male ) vets out there!

:confused: !!

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::confused:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:clap: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

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Thanks again, Polecatty.

I'd love a ferret but while I have terriers, I dont think it's such a great idea.

I'd love a ferret as well, but they're illegal in QLD :confused::confused: - I will make it my goal to at least SEE a ferret one day!!!

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::clap:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:rofl: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

Oh god, you monster!


A shame about the duck, but the most humane thing you could have done in the circumstances. :eek:

More curious questions for Moselle- what about Transpeople? Would it be more acceptable for a MtF or a FtM to kill an animal? What about Gender-neutral people?

Raz- Most welcome. :( I used to have an old terrier who was very good with the ferrets, but then she also used to suffer my pet rats. :clap: It would depend on their prey drive, haha.

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Raz- Most welcome. :confused: I used to have an old terrier who was very good with the ferrets, but then she also used to suffer my pet rats. :confused: It would depend on their prey drive, haha.

Not even a teddy bear survives more than 3 seconds here, Polecatty, and the poor teddies dont even run away to give chase. It's a death zone, I tell ya

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::clap:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:rofl: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

Oh that's sad. I'm such a suck when it comes to putting things to sleep. I must admit to sneaking some injured wildlife onto the gas so I can give them the needle whilst they're asleep. My boss just laughs at me :confused:

I remember when I was little, finding a Cicada that emerged from its shell deformed. I knew it wouldn't survive so put it under the leg of a chair and squashed it - all the while bawling my eyes out.

We're so evil :clap:

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::clap:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:rofl: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

Oh that's sad. I'm such a suck when it comes to putting things to sleep. I must admit to sneaking some injured wildlife onto the gas so I can give them the needle whilst they're asleep. My boss just laughs at me :confused:

I remember when I was little, finding a Cicada that emerged from its shell deformed. I knew it wouldn't survive so put it under the leg of a chair and squashed it - all the while bawling my eyes out.

We're so evil :clap:

Cicada euthanasia is a man's job, Stormie!

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :clap::clap:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:eek: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

Oh that's sad. I'm such a suck when it comes to putting things to sleep. I must admit to sneaking some injured wildlife onto the gas so I can give them the needle whilst they're asleep. My boss just laughs at me :confused:

I remember when I was little, finding a Cicada that emerged from its shell deformed. I knew it wouldn't survive so put it under the leg of a chair and squashed it - all the while bawling my eyes out.

We're so evil :rofl:

Cicada euthanasia is a man's job, Stormie!


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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::confused:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:clap: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

No, putting a duck out of its misery does not make you bad. You did the right thing.....just one question, did you end up making peking duck?....no, maybe orange duck? or did the dogs end up feasting?

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The other day I killed a duck with my bare hands. Does that make me bad? :confused::confused:

We have ducks here at my place (wild ones) and a few days ago I noticed one flopping around out in the paddock. Looked like it had taken a severe knock to the head or something?

I brought it inside and popped it in a cage for a few hours with some water to see if it improved. Unfortunately for the duck, it didn't. It deteriorated.

So rather than wait till it died, or until I went to work the next day so a male vet could roll his eyes (wondering why I didn't kill it myself) at me, I wrung it's neck.

:clap: Not a nice story, but better than prolonging the pain.

No, putting a duck out of its misery does not make you bad. You did the right thing.....just one question, did you end up making peking duck?....no, maybe orange duck? or did the dogs end up feasting?

No I didn't eat the duck. I'm a vegetarian. :clap:

Not knowing what was wrong with the duck (diesease ?) I wouldn't let the dogs eat the meat either.

We buried him/her out near the dam where all the other ducks hang out.

At the moment we have two lots of ducklings (two different families) so our two cats are kept inside until they're all grown up.

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