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QUOTE (Moselle @ 8th Oct 2010 - 04:49 PM) there is no killing involved in purchasing ready steak in comparison to going hunting!


I'd much rather shoot a rabbit for dinner (and yes, I have), than get meat from a poor, sad, stressed animal who ends up whacked into a nice, neat plastic package for the supermarket.

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I'd much rather shoot a rabbit for dinner (and yes, I have), than get meat from a poor, sad, stressed animal who ends up whacked into a nice, neat plastic package for the supermarket.

I think that breeds more respect for animals too, as long as it is not approached calllously, rather than thinking meat comes out of packages you actually understand that something died for you to eat.

Edited by Diva
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I'd much rather people understand where their meat is coming from than think that it comes shrink wrapped from the supermarket.

Nekhbet - get back in the kitchen and bake some scones...

Megan....guess what? people don't need to be directly involved in the slaughtering of animals to realise that the meat they purchase from the supermarket was, once upon a time, walking and breathing.

well, frankly, they should.

Perhaps they would then reconsider the amount and frequency of meat they ate.

Are rabbits a natural prey item for the ferrets?

I imagine they would be capable of killing a rabbit?

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Want to come to WA??? We have plague proportion rabbits at our place atm :thumbsup: Big fat ones too ;) Am about to move horses to a new paddock but will have to spend a couple of hours walking it find and fill in bunny holes first!

Mirawee- where abouts are you, may be able to help with the rabbits if you like depending on where you are. Ferreting most days just not in that area

We are in Gidgegannup :cheer: We definitely don't put baits down and I am fairly sure the neighbours don't either (I would check first). I wouldn't want a bunny to die from poisoning plus there is the risk the dogs would get it and we are too big a softies to do it ourselves (plus wouldn't be confident doing it quickly enough for a humane death) We also have plague proportion kangaroos for the same reason but at least they don't dig holes that can potentially break my horses' legs when they are playing in the paddock :(

It isn't a good season for feed for my ponies but the rabbits and kangaroos certainly appreciate the pasture we put in this year :thumbsup:

Would love to come see how it is all done

Not sure how I would go, being a bit squeamish but have found this whole thread interesting, had never heard of "going ferreting" before

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Haha this is funny. Moselle, I also think of myself as an animal lover - which is why I became a vegetarian. If you are so concerned about how animals being hunted might be treated, how about you spend half an hour on the animal liberation website? Perhaps that might open your eyes. I chose to give up meat because I believe that meat animals (in general) are treated very cruelly. I have seen on numerous occasions cattle trucks with cows that have fallen down and are being crushed, chicken trucks with blood dripping down the back of the cages, sheep being transported on 40 degree days, packed like sardines with no shelter. Sorry, but how is that LESS cruel than a swift kill in a paddock?

And with regards to people 'not needing to witness killing to have meat', well just who should be killing them then? Should we send all the nutters off to work in a secret meat works so that the 'normal' people don't have to witness it? People SHOULD know where they meat comes from. If everyone took an interest, perhaps they would realise how cruel the industry is and work to change it. But no, much like puppy farms, the end result is a neat little package so who cares where it came from?

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rabbits are the ferrets natural prey. Thats why they are a lean body shape, to fit down holes after rabbits, rats, mice etc. Also why their eyesight is so bad, they dont need it really in the dark.

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So how would you go about actually getting a tour through an Abbatoir? I'm actually quite interested. I used to live in a town where we would get pig trucks and sheep trucks barrelling past the house. Hearing those pigs scream was awful. But I still shamelessly love my bacon, when the mood hits.

Back to Ferretting....

How do you not lose the ferrets? How do you know you have got all the entrances and exits to the burrows covered?

And I just think you are all brave for handling ferrets in such a high drive situation. I really like ferrets, but those teeth and their tendency to 'taste' things freak me out.

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So how would you go about actually getting a tour through an Abbatoir? I'm actually quite interested. I used to live in a town where we would get pig trucks and sheep trucks barrelling past the house. Hearing those pigs scream was awful. But I still shamelessly love my bacon, when the mood hits.

No idea - ring and ask, I guess? Not sure if they'd let you? Apparently I have to spend a week in an abattoir as part of my vet course later this year (learning how to inspect meat to ensure it's fit for human consumption - ew), so if they don't swear me to secrecy, I can report back if you like.

Though from what I've seen of the pig industry, I'd be more concerned about how the piggies are treated during life - free range bacon is so much fairer to the sows than cage pork! :(

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So how would you go about actually getting a tour through an Abbatoir? I'm actually quite interested. I used to live in a town where we would get pig trucks and sheep trucks barrelling past the house. Hearing those pigs scream was awful. But I still shamelessly love my bacon, when the mood hits.

No idea - ring and ask, I guess? Not sure if they'd let you? Apparently I have to spend a week in an abattoir as part of my vet course later this year (learning how to inspect meat to ensure it's fit for human consumption - ew), so if they don't swear me to secrecy, I can report back if you like.

Though from what I've seen of the pig industry, I'd be more concerned about how the piggies are treated during life - free range bacon is so much fairer to the sows than cage pork! :thumbsup:

I've already had to do that and it is not good :(

I got a sheep one though which was bad enough, but apparently the cattle and pig ones are way worse.

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This is one for the list next time I am in Vic!

So they are still used as effective little rabbiters! I honestly have not given this a thought in years. Now that the bunnies are back in numbers and laughing at the scientists again, I suppose the ferrets are actually performing a very useful role again?

One old bloke used to release the ferret from an old wheat bag, straight into a rabbit hole and the game was on! I will bet they have much more sophisticated gear these days, or is still the old wheat bag? Any photos? (they are probably somewhere in the thread already but lazy Souff hasnt looked!)


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So how would you go about actually getting a tour through an Abbatoir? I'm actually quite interested. I used to live in a town where we would get pig trucks and sheep trucks barrelling past the house. Hearing those pigs scream was awful. But I still shamelessly love my bacon, when the mood hits.

No idea - ring and ask, I guess? Not sure if they'd let you? Apparently I have to spend a week in an abattoir as part of my vet course later this year (learning how to inspect meat to ensure it's fit for human consumption - ew), so if they don't swear me to secrecy, I can report back if you like.

Though from what I've seen of the pig industry, I'd be more concerned about how the piggies are treated during life - free range bacon is so much fairer to the sows than cage pork! :thumbsup:

I've already had to do that and it is not good :(

I got a sheep one though which was bad enough, but apparently the cattle and pig ones are way worse.

Ugh, what have I got to look forward to?

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So how would you go about actually getting a tour through an Abbatoir? I'm actually quite interested. I used to live in a town where we would get pig trucks and sheep trucks barrelling past the house. Hearing those pigs scream was awful. But I still shamelessly love my bacon, when the mood hits.

No idea - ring and ask, I guess? Not sure if they'd let you? Apparently I have to spend a week in an abattoir as part of my vet course later this year (learning how to inspect meat to ensure it's fit for human consumption - ew), so if they don't swear me to secrecy, I can report back if you like.

Though from what I've seen of the pig industry, I'd be more concerned about how the piggies are treated during life - free range bacon is so much fairer to the sows than cage pork! :(

I feel for you. A vet I worked with a few years ago turned Vego after her abattoir visit, she was so upset by it. My current boss won't even talk about it because he finds it too upsetting and that was 20 years ago.

I would LOVE to be able to only purchase 'home killed' meat, but I just have no idea where to source it. I guess I should apply for Farmer Wants a Wife

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I feel for you. A vet I worked with a few years ago turned Vego after her abattoir visit, she was so upset by it. My current boss won't even talk about it because he finds it too upsetting and that was 20 years ago.

I would LOVE to be able to only purchase 'home killed' meat, but I just have no idea where to source it. I guess I should apply for Farmer Wants a Wife

so would I but it's illegal. The only people who can eat the home killed meat are the ones who had it home killed. Maybe if you had a friend they could supply you on the quiet but you cannot legally buy it. You can however get ethically farmed meat, but sadly still those animals must be killed at an abbattoir, so their final journey is still not good.

I wish my fences were better and I had the stomach for it and I would get a steer and or a couple of sheep on my land to be killed each year. I think I'd get too attatched to them though. I did eat a rooster of mine once. He tasted good but I kept thinking about who he was when I was eating him.

Edited by Kirislin
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Ummm...Why ban Greyhound Racing?

Some of the industry practises suck, for sure. And it needs a good clean up, but does that mean ban it?

Really sick of this "ban everything because we don't like one or two elements" attitude.

And I'm still trying to fathom someone who eats meat but is opposed to the killing of it. :(

Aside from that, I'm enjoying the discussion. :thumbsup:

Why ban greyhound racing? because it's a never ending quest to breed litter upon litter in search of that mighty champion; the dogs, in the meantime, are kept caged for their short life, needled with drugs that are undetectable within 24 hours of racing and has hideous side-effects, the dogs are either starved or overfed if they are not within a one kg range of their last weigh in and then they are put down if they are not fast enough for the race track. IF a litter of greyhound pups have not been named yet but have been trialled and are not fast enough they are put down callously as their owners don't have to explain to GRV the disappearance of dogs that are not known to exist! Oh, and the greyhound themselves are trained on live lure where small animals are thrown into an enclosure amongst greyhounds and literally torn to shreds! Yes greyhound racing should be banned but people being as money hungry as they are.....this disgusting practice will never stop!

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I understand the disgusting aspects of Greyhound racing, not ALL people who participate in the sport are quite so callous. Heck, I lived over the road from a racing greyhound kennel, I saw the conditions they lived in. I saw how they were 'trained'.

The best way to clean it up, would be to take the money out of it. And we all know that ain't going to happen in the short term.

I still don't feel as a sport it should be banned.

If you banned Greyhound racing, would that mean Lure Coursing would come under fire?

You have to be careful when you start throwing the "Ban it, Ban it, Ban it" mantra around. Wholesale banning is kind of stupid, there is a lots of shades of grey. And if the whole thing can be cleaned up why shouldn't it be allowed to continue?

I have known many people that have taken over 'dud' racers and particpated with them purely for the fun and enjoyment. And have done quite well from it. The whole thing was a family affair and each race was a chance for the family to do something together. At the end of the night the dog went back to being the family pet.

I know you will feel just as strongly about the whole thing. My issues is with the whole "BAN IT" reaction to ANYTHING that has a cruddy element to it. Usually an element that can be cleaned up, but it is just easier to cry..."Ban It". Destroys the pleasure that reasonable and caring people derive from it. if we banned everything that anyone ever decried ban it...what are we left with? What CAN I be left to do with my dog. What avenue is left to channel a natural drive it was bred with?

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Oh I love this thread LOL

Me too. Good for those moments when you're just bored.

I'd still like to see an abbatoir first hand.

I've done the grow and kill your own. Cept I'm a wuss and got someone who knows what they are doing to do it quick. Took me awhile to overcome the fact that I was eating an animal I had cared for...and named.

I'm fascinated with the whole ferreting thing.

And not unaware that when someone posted about letting their dog kill a rat, that I recomended not to. But that was less about that actual killing bit, and more to do with my worry about whether or not the dog was gonna be quick enough and not end up injured itself.

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Why ban greyhound racing? because it's a never ending quest to breed litter upon litter in search of that mighty champion; the dogs, in the meantime, are kept caged for their short life, needled with drugs that are undetectable within 24 hours of racing and has hideous side-effects, the dogs are either starved or overfed if they are not within a one kg range of their last weigh in and then they are put down if they are not fast enough for the race track. IF a litter of greyhound pups have not been named yet but have been trialled and are not fast enough they are put down callously as their owners don't have to explain to GRV the disappearance of dogs that are not known to exist! Oh, and the greyhound themselves are trained on live lure where small animals are thrown into an enclosure amongst greyhounds and literally torn to shreds! Yes greyhound racing should be banned but people being as money hungry as they are.....this disgusting practice will never stop!

That is a GROSS generalisation. How many greyhound breeders/trainers do you know?

Edited by Earthdog
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We went on an abattoir tour in junior school, then again in high school. Certainly wasn't the most fun I've ever had on an excursion but at least we had a crystal clear understanding of where meat comes from.

I couldn't personally judge the more humane of private hunting or commercial slaughter without seeing both first hand. There will always be variations - some abattoirs are better than others and no doubt some hunting methods/hunters are better than others - but I wouldn't assume commercial slaughter is consistent just because it is somewhat regulated. Vets/doctors/hospitals/schools are also regulated - do you really think they all deliver the best standard of care and expertise to every patient/student?

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